Part of ground closed on Thursday

Captain, I am a 53 year old diehard who has followed Celtic all my life , been through the good times and the bad, years of dodgy decisions and downright cheating , to years of unbridaled happiness and satisfaction knowing that we are indeed the champions, it’s been brilliant and brutal at the same time but I would not have missed it for the world, but we live in different times now and we now have the GB , a band of supporters whose heart is in the right place , but there heads are often not, listen , I believe they raise more money for good causes than any supporter group in Scotland , but they often let themselves and all the good work they do down, by pyros, banners etc, which cost the club money but also reputation, and gives the SMSM and the orcs something to beat us with, it has came to a head again today, and I for 1 cannot blame the club, for there actions.
Some will say they bring colour and noise , And they do , but at a price, is it worth paying ??
A great post TT
Trophies are great, Michael. Trophies also cover a multitude of other sins.

The most frustrating part is, is that there isn't anything the board are being asked to do, that they couldn't achieve if they had the will to do so.

Resi12, solid investment in talent, closer links to the ordinary supporter, sensible pricing policies, making those guilty of cheating accountable........

Nothing there that is unreasonable, or beyond the wit of man.

I doubt very much that I share the same political ideals as many of our current board. I doubt we would shop in the same supermarkets or tailors. I'd like to think though, that we share common values as far as the club goes. Perhaps they can prove that this week.

I won't be holding my breath.........

I think your last sentence is pertinent.....I’m not holding my breath either my friend
They have been asked numerous times to stop bringing controversy and fines. They need to take responsibility for their actions.If they are closed out they need to look at thed the reason why. A quarter of a million in fines. Giving ammunition to the sevco press. They are like spoiled weans who won't take a telling. And a final thing. It's not the GB that makes euro nights great. It's the whole stadium. Many a fantastic night before they turned up. The last game against Lazio they sang mostly Provo songs. If you don't
believe me, watch the game again. Once again we are in the news because they
don't give a fuck. No one is bigger than the club. They need to grow fucking up and stop acting like spoiled brats.
The fines situation is all over the hun media today. They try to beat us up with the shite they write on a daily basis without them having stuff like this handed to them on a plate by folk who are meant to love the club. Maybe they should start putting the welfare of the club first.
I am a rebel but I cannot expect everyone who follows Celtic to share my views - I am anti capitalist and have no power to change the views of the majority shareholders of the club I love - so when the club represented by said shareholders punishes the rebels for what they believe is the best interests of the club I face the dilemma of supporting the rebels or the club. Maybe the question is whose club is it? Ach it could be worse - if I didni have brain cells I may have been deciding how much of my income to spend on deludamol.
I am a rebel but I cannot expect everyone who follows Celtic to share my views - I am anti capitalist and have no power to change the views of the majority shareholders of the club I love - so when the club represented by said shareholders punishes the rebels for what they believe is the best interests of the club I face the dilemma of supporting the rebels or the club. Maybe the question is whose club is it? Ach it could be worse - if I didni have brain cells I may have been deciding how much of my income to spend on deludamol.

I understand what you are saying mate.....But, it wont be long before UEFA start throwing teams oot the competitions to 'make an example'.....
I understand what you are saying mate.....But, it wont be long before UEFA start throwing teams oot the competitions to 'make an example'.....

Here's an example of what could easily happen.....Both Celtic and them are in the last wouldn't be the last 8 cause they wont be there, they prob wont be in the last 16 either....but to get back to the point......We get kicked oot because of pyros and 'certain' type of banners....They don't and laff at us...… Widny be guid….
I see the anti IRA brigade are out in force again. No complaints when the fuckin poppy was in full flow. From what I can see this is nothin to do with what was sung during the lazio game, but pyrotechnics. But never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Kick the green brigade out and we'll have a morgue on our hands!
GB will get no ticket's for the Final either. There's been a bit of a falling out. Aw naw, how will anybody remember a Celtic song? I mind all the finals I have been at before most of them were born and we used to just stand and look at our shoes. Seems they don't want to give up the Pyros. Maybe they could let them off at all the Republican marches they attend......oh wait, they don't go en masse to them. Not easy singing about filling holsters and actually facing down loyalists, throw in thinking up political slogans and all the needlework and you can see how difficult life can become.

They need to see themselves as Celtic fans and not political re education officers out of a fucking Solzhenitsyn novel.
GB will get no ticket's for the Final either. There's been a bit of a falling out. Aw naw, how will anybody remember a Celtic song? I mind all the finals I have been at before most of them were born and we used to just stand and look at our shoes. Seems they don't want to give up the Pyros. Maybe they could let them off at all the Republican marches they attend......oh wait, they don't go en masse to them. Not easy singing about filling holsters and actually facing down loyalists, throw in thinking up political slogans and all the needlework and you can see how difficult life can become.

They need to see themselves as Celtic fans and not political re education officers out of a fucking Solzhenitsyn novel.
And you are like a fuckin broken record. Regurgitating the same fuckin shite over and over again. Here's your chance to step up to the plate to sing all your non IRA/rebel/Irish songs(whatever you like to call them). You also seem to forget they make up just about every other chant at every match. But here's your chance now bigman, you've been cryin about this since this site started. You've finally got your wish. Celtic park will now turn into a boredome!
Again the board take stance against GB not surprised as board full of Tories and money men who travel the world for free attending games involving celtic whilst support and GB pay to have this privilege also tomorrow at AGM will dodge issue of RES12 again I'm 70 have followed celtic for 65 yrs and have still to c a celtic board who put supporters first and foremost after team 100%behind GB
Am sitting on the fence here...I like what the GB do, and it does create a great atmosphere....This can surely still be done withoot pyro or certain banners. But we shoodny be fallin oot on here aboot it. 'They want us to faw oot'
No one falling out here bigman. Just pointing shit out. I like the pyro, but if it causes too much bother then don't do it. But we as a support are all very quick to point out so call squirrels coming from the Huns and yet we can't see the obvious deflection tactics from Tory wanker lawell. Even Dave King would be proud of such a stunt. This is fuck all to do with pyro or anything else. And the green brigade have been made scapegoats.
I can’t stand the board have always said they don’t give a hoot about the fans all the fans sang fuck Lazio was proud that they did as a club we should always tackle facism my self think the pyros have to go but the banners are mostly accurate views of the support they stay As for all these fans slating the gb terrible they do plenty of good also I myself am a republican and proud of it but would rather they sung celtic songs on European nights the standing section makes it too easy for club to pick on certain areas and I think it also stops rest of stadium doing there part singing most games it’s like a morgue most games and I go home and away for all them condemning the gb if you sang fuck Lazio then the board don’t want you either
This is fuck all to do with pyro or anything else. And the green brigade have been made scapegoats.

^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^^^

There has to be some appeal mechanism to UEFA for any kind of sanctions. Why isn't the club pursuing it on behalf of the Green Brigade?

Given the choice between standing the board and standing with the Green Brigade, I stand with the Green Brigade. Every time.
^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^^^

There has to be some appeal mechanism to UEFA for any kind of sanctions. Why isn't the club pursuing it on behalf of the Green Brigade?

Given the choice between standing the board and standing with the Green Brigade, I stand with the Green Brigade. Every time.
There is no appeal it's Uefas way or no way , they have rules and regulations that are so far away from the concept of sport it's staggering since the introduction of uefa fines they have a habit of making an absolute fortune ,not even the mob could have dreamed up these rackets