Postecoglou... Yes or No? A Poll.

For or Against this guy?

  • For

    Votes: 36 52.2%
  • Against.

    Votes: 33 47.8%

  • Total voters


naw because i feel this is a last cheap lawwell option that reeks of going cheap showing no ambition and putting the chance of losing millions of pounds in european money not so much this season but next season when the league winners go straight into the groups

We need a european coach no harm to the guy a bet folk think he's great down under but this is an entirely different senario and we don't have time to bed in an experiment to ''see how it goes''

we've already thrown away a title and sat on our hands doing fk all

were being shafted ,like that same feeling you had when jock brown swapped Dicanio for Reggie Blinker and claimed we got the best deal ,,,,really

were being sold a magic beans moonbeam

which is really just polished turds

all the stories of him going to the world cup and doing well in japan aye so did jimmy calderwood and Roxburgh and brown both took us to world cups ,,,,and i wouldn't pick any for a pub tea
I’ve voted naw because we need a total rebuild and for that I think we need some bugger that knows the European market and someone who has the coaching qualifications might help because playing FIFA on the PS doesn’t count apparently
That’s why we’re going to appoint a DoF ,to make signings etc. That could be Maloney. Don’t think he’s any good either? At least in Australia and Japan they have have more than 2 teams competing for the league championship. They also have a salary cap system which means you can’t just buy success. You have to coach and train what you have to be better.
I've read that and it's the first time in a long time that I've read James Forrests blog. All it's done is remind me why I quit reading his shite in the first place. He's a fucking moanie hooer if ever I heard one. The only blog that I know that after readin it, it would have ye goin out to the shed hokin for a rope and a rafter.
I'm no cheerleader for this lad, but we have 2 weeks to pre season and no sign of any alternatives. That's the boards fault, not his. When the rat joined us, what was his track record? I think and I may well be wrong, he had gained promotion to the premier league with Swansea and fuck all else. You could say he nearly won the league with Liverpool, but as the oul saying goes "nearly never bucked the goat".
They're not exactly queuing up. It's a case of suck it and see.
He presents “facts “ but he either bends the truth behind them to support his agenda ,or, he’s totally uninformed about the context of his “facts”. You can pick holes in his arguments after reading only 2 or 3 sentences.
Having seen how his previous club Brisbaine, and the Australian teams played with attacking flair and total shite defence looks like we're in for another more of the same same? If we do hire him I sure as fuck hope he's learned how to get his teams to defend better than previously. If he has well you never know at least he normally leaves a player on the post at corners.
Know times have changed but one of big Jock’s early interviews as I remember was if the opposition score 3 we score 4he says simple as that was from as we all know the best manager our club ever ,so if you don’t believe that tough shit anyone got other solutions come on let’s us know you please
So many sheep in here i thought i was on an Aberdeen blog.
If we all thought the same way bigman, it would be a very boring world.
I could be called a lot of things, but certainly not someone who follows the herd.
I've made it clear, I wanted Ralf rangnick as manager. That now is obviously not goin to happen. Celtic seem to have their mind made up with this lad, so there's no point in me annoying myself. Am I happy with that? No. Can I change it? No. So that's why I said to give the lad a chance. He could be shite or he could turn out good. None of us know for sure.
One thing is for sure, I still have a family to feed so there's no point in unnecessary annoyance.
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What’s annoying me is, not so much the person, but the time that the board have took to bring anyone in.
If Skippy does sign, he’s got to self isolate for 10 days. I just don’t get the way that the club has declined this past 12 months. Shameful.
Plus it looks like it will be Kennedy and Strachan as his assistants. So I’m voting against him coming. Through no fault of his.
totally unknown to me but then again so was Ronnie Delia and he won two league titles in the two seasons he was with us so lets give him a chance, if he repeats Delia's feat I'll be happy
The thing is mate Ronnie was up against a hun team that were garbage ,comedy gold watching them yet they still beat us in a SC semi.If you attended games at the time you would have noticed a big drop in attendance due to the bang average fitbaw we played at the time.

Thought with the state we re in at the moment and losing the league by 25 points we would have went for a big name ,someone to excite the fans and maybe attract a decent calibre of player ...anyhow if its big Ange we ll all need to suck it up and hope hes Pep Guardiola in disguise 🤣
The thing is mate Ronnie was up against a hun team that were garbage ,comedy gold watching them yet they still beat us in a SC semi.If you attended games at the time you would have noticed a big drop in attendance due to the bang average fitbaw we played at the time.

Thought with the state we re in at the moment and losing the league by 25 points we would have went for a big name ,someone to excite the fans and maybe attract a decent calibre of player ...anyhow if its big Ange we ll all need to suck it up and hope hes Pep Guardiola in disguise 🤣
No worries Tony.... the huns are still rubbish. Mark my words we will win the league next year.
Been interesting to watch the gap close from a solid no to a mibbes aye mibbes naw over the time. Hopefully we'll be singing the boy's name in the new season 🤞
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