
Oh yeah? We see through you agent of the Roman, masonic, Itallian branch of the Orange Order. Your lot killed JFK, did 911 and most heinously of all changed Marathon to Snickers right under our fuckin noses. I stand with Tulsi Trump in the Kari Lake!
Tae fuck wi bloody Marathon and snickers what about Opal Fruits fecking Starburst and fairy cakes becoming fucking cup cakes and spangles disappearing gone the way of Black Jacks and black and white balls and as for Kari Lake WTF happened tae Ricky Lake
Actually, it is.

So, Steviebhoy, you want to be the Chief Constable of the Tone Police here? I see.

I disagree that the forum is filled with negativity. Most of the time it's pretty insightful and humorous. When you focus on the negative because you have an agenda, then I could see where it might seem that way.

You can't separate football from politics. You can't separate football from life. To this forum's credit -- which is the best of those focusing on Celtic -- it has two categories: General Chat and Celtic Chat. In the thousands of threads that exist in this forum, only a few have been akin to exchanging gunfire, and rightfully so.

That's one way of putting it. Not how I would, but you do you MickyMcMick, and point well made. We're here to talk football and whatever else comes up, not to be some sort of group therapy session. Folks are going to disagree. Deal with it.
Deal with what? Tone police? Like everyone here we have opinions. Yes, I can look at things without predjuces.
There are two options. Celtic or general. I've been on here long enough to acknowledge that. I'm a grown up. You miss my point. Threads outwith Celtic threads have taken over why we joined this forum. My opinion and I'm entitled to that.
Tae fuck wi bloody Marathon and snickers what about Opal Fruits fecking Starburst and fairy cakes becoming fucking cup cakes and spangles disappearing gone the way of Black Jacks and black and white balls and as for Kari Lake WTF happened tae Ricky Lake
Pronouncing the word “Buoy” as “boo-ee“ does my nut in.
Is the soap called Lifeboo-e? If something is capable of floating it’s “buoyant” not “boo-eeant”. If something is floating it’s because it has “buoyancy” not “boo-eeancy”…..she’s a shite singer fae Texas. I even heard a commentator say the coach had to get his team boo-eed up for the game.
Buoy is not pronounced as boo-ee. Had a good laugh with my in laws aboot this.
Pronouncing the word “Buoy” as “boo-ee“ does my nut in.
Is the soap called Lifeboo-e? If something is capable of floating it’s “buoyant” not “boo-eeant”. If something is floating it’s because it has “buoyancy” not “boo-eeancy”…..she’s a shite singer fae Texas. I even heard a commentator say the coach had to get his team boo-eed up for the game.
Buoy is not pronounced as boo-ee. Had a good laugh with my in laws aboot this.
Shite americanising the English language fecken arsehole Americans didnae even huv the intelligence to invent their aine language so they just change the pronunciation of words, aluminium, tomato bhoy etc🤷‍♂️
Threads outwith Celtic threads have taken over why we joined this forum. My opinion and I'm entitled to that.
What are you saying here Stevie?
There's more content in the general than the Celtic forum?
If that's the case then I'd argue there's a lot more going on in the world and affecting peoples' lives and state of mind than just Celtic. This thread is in itself an example of that.
On a good week we get 2 games but right now we only get middle of the night friendlies and there are weeks we get nothing. Unlike other clubs Celtic do their business in a professional manner and not through the pages of the tabloids so there's not a lot to talk about beyond the product on the field.
Matchday on here is great with a match thread and Sandman's review. The corrupt officials usually provide material for other threads too. But there's only so much milage to be gained from the material on hand.
So people start threads about other things which amuse, concern, entertain, infuriate, inspire or sustain them. We have one of the most eclectic mixtures of topics in the general section of any discussion forum that has managed not to descend into anarchy. That in itself says a lot about the people on here.
Some people have left and that's their choice. I almost made the same decision a couple of times but due to my own behaviour not the behaviour of others. Some will choose to walk away and others will look at themselves and how they choose to respond what makes them feel uncomfortable. That's life in general and life is what this forum represents. The lives of Celtic supporters.
It's a Celtic supporters forum, but it's not restricted to only talking about Celtic FC, which is a good thing
We've made friendships on here, got to know each other a bit, and as in life, not everyone on here will agree, on absolutely everything
I've heard people 'bleating' about some other threads, that have nothing to do with Celtic FC, so what ?
If it doesn't interest you, move along, and take your knitting with you
You sign up, you interact, and you don't get ahead of yourself, by whining about 'non Celtic content'
So, to those who don't appreciate the rest of us having the decency to interact, and share our lives, with total strangers, I say, maybe this site isn't for you
Put on your big Bhoy/Ghirl pants, and either get involved in a positive way, or say Adios Amigos, but FFS, enough of the moaning
For me personally, and I cannot emphasize this enough, I don't care whether anyone stays, or goes, it's really no sweat off my balls (now, there's a visual for you)
Have a great week everybody

I don’t mind all the off Celtic threads, but the recent post of a snuff video was a line crossed for me, by putting a “don’t watch this video if offended” warning, then saying you shouldn’t have watched it then when I complained was well out of order, these videos have no place on what says it’s a family friendly forum
Hiding behind “freedom of speech” arguments doesn’t wash with me, people don’t post pornographic videos, but think it’s ok to post a video of a man being murdered 🤷‍♂️
Just seen this...

My tuppence worth...Forums can be brutal at times by also enlightening and first Celtic forum was the UFB one back in the early days of message boards. If that board was around today, the cells would be full of the maddest cunts ever..Also used 'The Celtic End" forum which was full of top folk (like here) and then posted a bit on The Green Brigade forum when it first started..

What I would say about this one is that despite being a Hun, it took a while to convert some folk but it's been worth it..lots of decent (if faceless) folk on here who I feel I've known for years...there are trolls of course but that's the internet for you! Everywhere has them.

So for me, great folk, varying opinions but on the whole, respect and decency from 99% of the folk who use it.....My only gripe...Not enough Hun obsession 🙈😂
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Just seen this...

My tuppence worth...Forums can be brutal at times by also enlightening and first Celtic forum was the UFB one back in the early days of message boards. If that board was around today, the cells would be full of the maddest cunts ever..Also used 'The Celtic End" forum which was full of top folk (like here) and then posted a bit on The Green Brigade forum when it first started..

What I would say about this one is that despite being a Hun, it took a while to convert some folk but it's been worth it..lots of decent (if faceless) folk on here who I feel I've known for years...there are trolls of course but that's the internet for you! Everywhere has them.

So for me, great folk, varying opinions but on the whole, respect and decency from 99% of the folk who use it.....My only gripe...Not enough Hun obsession 🙈😂
Never liked yi ya fen Ian Hun yi
Disnae look rite that
But spot oan

HH 👏😂
Guys I'm outa here. I'll go out all guns blazin.
I've said before that if I can, I WILL help people if I can in need. You all that's who I am. Call me sensitive. Yes I know there are .any other issues that affect us. One being the heartfelt sympathy and communication from some regulars. I lost my wife You guys helped me. Heartfelt thanks.
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