Revealed – Celtic’s detailed explanation for Green Brigade Ban

I don’t know much about civil engineering but I’ll bet going through instead of round Gazza would save tens if not hundreds of millions the fuckers on all sides don’t give a toss about people they’re just obstacles to profit and completely expendable
Have a look at the propossed route which skirts round Gazza, any saving in terms of the enire build would be at best minimal.

Also if there's one nation that holds sacred the lives of ALL of it's people, then it's Israel.

I cannot believe that Israel knew the barbaric assault was coming, and allowed it to happen, just to save a few bob on a canal project.
The reason I gave that reply is because I'm working and hadnt time to wrrit anything else and i thought it summed up your reply.
This wasn't an intelligence failure and if you believe it was then you're even more daft than I thought.
Israel removed all security from the area to allow hamas in and out. How is that an intelligence failure? It is an intelligence strategy. This is used by all these cunts of war mongering bastards of countries the world over.
America done it with 9/11.
England done it on numerous occasions in the six counties and if you want the facts on this I can give them to you.
So anyone with half a brain knows what these cunts done and why they done it. So either you are taking the piss here or your just blind or stupid or both.
And as for you ak47 analogy, read it again as you're contradicting yourself.
Is that a long enough reply for ye?
So Israel removed all security to let Hamas in and out?

So tell me if Israel had kept all security measures in place, would they have been effective against a paraglider attack on a concert?

I don't believe that America allowed 911 to happen, I think that just as wirh the barbaric attack on the concert they were not expecting such an attack.

I have no doubt that the "British" colluded with Unionist in attcks against Nationalists/ Republicans, but that's a different story.

I'm not sure why you think I contradicted myself in my quote, perhaps you could elaborate
So Israel removed all security to let Hamas in and out?

So tell me if Israel had kept all security measures in place, would they have been effective against a paraglider attack on a concert?

I don't believe that America allowed 911 to happen, I think that just as wirh the barbaric attack on the concert they were not expecting such an attack.

I have no doubt that the "British" colluded with Unionist in attcks against Nationalists/ Republicans, but that's a different story.

I'm not sure why you think I contradicted myself in my quote, perhaps you could elaborate
So did they land the paraglider and lift hostages?
9/11 was 100% an inside job for numerous reasons.
What the brits done in the six counties was way more than collusion. They secured targets and kept an eye on them, sometimes for weeks in advance harassing local people only to disappear two hours before an attack on the same people. Does that ring any bells? This method has been tried and tested.
And if you need me to point out your contradiction then it's worse than I thought.
Oh yeah and tighten to knot on the back of your head, your mask is slipping!
So did they land the paraglider and lift hostages?
9/11 was 100% an inside job for numerous reasons.
What the brits done in the six counties was way more than collusion. They secured targets and kept an eye on them, sometimes for weeks in advance harassing local people only to disappear two hours before an attack on the same people. Does that ring any bells? This method has been tried and tested.
And if you need me to point out your contradiction then it's worse than I thought.
Oh yeah and tighten to knot on the back of your head, your mask is slipping!
Please tell me what mask is slipping, and please help me to understand my contadiction.
Mainz terminated El Ghazi's contract for pro Palestinian social media posts. I suspect, the consequences of this action, is going to cause division in more clubs' support, than ours.
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Have a look at the propossed route which skirts round Gazza, any saving in terms of the enire build would be at best minimal.

Also if there's one nation that holds sacred the lives of ALL of it's people, then it's Israel.

I cannot believe that Israel knew the barbaric assault was coming, and allowed it to happen, just to save a few bob on a canal project.
Minimal I don’t know AJ minimal would still be millions and millions I honestly don’t believe there’s a government on the planet that isn’t bought or gives a toss about its population aye they say they do but they don’t IMHO mibbes I’m just a cynical old cunt but in any situation I’ve ever seen follow the money and it leads to the truth,fuck me they took the spare wheel out of new cars and replaced them with a wheelbarrow wheel and called it a space saver then put the fucker in the wheel well where the real spare should go and they’d take a baked bean out the nursing home dinner if it saved a penny there’s no such thing thing as a few bob tae the rich and powerful to you and me it’s only a quid but tae them it’s a fucking quid .ps excuse the typos a bottle of red has been done 😜🍷
Minimal I don’t know AJ minimal would still be millions and millions I honestly don’t believe there’s a government on the planet that isn’t bought or gives a toss about its population aye they say they do but they don’t IMHO mibbes I’m just a cynical old cunt but in any situation I’ve ever seen follow the money and it leads to the truth,fuck me they took the spare wheel out of new cars and replaced them with a wheelbarrow wheel and called it a space saver then put the fucker in the wheel well where the real spare should go and they’d take a baked bean out the nursing home dinner if it saved a penny there’s no such thing thing as a few bob tae the rich and powerful to you and me it’s only a quid but tae them it’s a fucking quid .ps excuse the typos a bottle of red has been done 😜🍷
If you're a billionaire, your hands are dirty, to make that amount of money no way has every penny been earned morally, can anyone say that more than a couple of billionaires have given back to the population of the planet greed is the root of many a corrupt politician, the problem with politics is that many people enter it with the intention of helping society but unfortunately politicians are human and as such have human weaknesses. So to go back to the beginning, the Ben Gurion canal could be beneficial to all the peoples of Israel, but the money men aren't planning this for all the peoples of Israel just a very small %. People are just a problem to deal with as cheaply as possible. This point of view maybe cynical but those at the top want to stay there. HH have a good weekend and COYBIG
Don't know much about this, but it doesn't seem ligit to me.
If Israel were planning to build a canal it seems to me the cost of diverting it around Gazza would be minimal.

Israel are bombing Gazza because Hamas killed hundreds of Israeli civilians.

Intellegence failures happen all the time and have done for centuries. Intellegence doesn't come as ONE clear piece of information. There are always different interpretaions and different opinions as to how to act.

If you look at the size and cost of the canal, do you really think Israel would have allowed the brutal masacre that took place, just to save the equivelant of "ten bob" by taking a short cut through Gazza?
No sure if israel ever spent a dime on anything that didnt make them more money. Now I have no idea how much it would cost to build canal route through an isreal that feels need for leibenroom by further expansions. But maybe just maybe it kills two birds with 1 stone. Destroys an urban area full of people they hate and then in turn rebuild flattened area into a canal route with the new area that needs rebuilt and claims the land as prize of war as reparation's. And doesnt infringe on any living space in israel which is so full they need to expand further.

Did Us slave traders who invaded Texas back in 1830s think twice about the 2 bob the increased value of the land with all the resources in the ground they got for free and compensation when they won the war with Mexico and struck oil silver and other extra valuable resources in meantime.

Maybe the water off coast of israel is useful for pipelines into europe supplying gas?

Maybe if the palestininans are living there the profits are harder to get rolling with legal disputes of who owns that water area around israel?

Flattened urban area that could used for Ireali canal worth billions without demolitioning any urban area in Israel proper. And just like texas rebellion way back the mighty US protection racket will boost land prices and nice healthy cash inflows to the peepo who like to shuffle non peepo onto shit land worth nought in comparison to what was stolen from them.

Now thats just conjecture in my mind. But the fact the press is not balanced in slightest and no mention ever in msm about the biggest canal project in region smells of manipulation to me. All isreali gas and resources were mostly stolen in military coup. The rightful owners have never been compensated and horded into ghetto type living under military embargo for over 50 years. What compensation do the palestinians get?

blown to smeetherines against known laws, starved and without proper shelter and mass destruction of the little the owned in their own homeland with no rights to their previously owned assets?

And im pretty sure i will be labeled antisemite for suggesting such a warped version of events. But arent the palestinians Semites? Arent the Arabs semites? Arent the irealis who are stunned at the destruction semites?

Yet Ben gurion canal costs peanuts?

maybe peanuts are more expensive than human lifes?
If you're a billionaire, your hands are dirty, to make that amount of money no way has every penny been earned morally, can anyone say that more than a couple of billionaires have given back to the population of the planet greed is the root of many a corrupt politician, the problem with politics is that many people enter it with the intention of helping society but unfortunately politicians are human and as such have human weaknesses. So to go back to the beginning, the Ben Gurion canal could be beneficial to all the peoples of Israel, but the money men aren't planning this for all the peoples of Israel just a very small %. People are just a problem to deal with as cheaply as possible. This point of view maybe cynical but those at the top want to stay there. HH have a good weekend and COYBIG
I agree with most of that Mancbhoy but in the 21st Century I believe politicians are all in it to get something that benefits them out of it. We've seen blatant corruption from BoJo getting his home decorated to the PPE contracts being handed out to cabinet cronies with public money. No one has been made accountable for those huge losses.

When millionaires want to become high up in the government it's not so that they can make the lives of the working class better, instead they're looking for ways to cut taxes, widen tax loopholes all to make themselves billionaires. None of them are born altruistic otherwise they wouldn't still be millionaires!

In the interests of balance and fairness I think today's politicians are all much the same but some are richer than others. Corruption pays.
No sure if israel ever spent a dime on anything that didnt make them more money. Now I have no idea how much it would cost to build canal route through an isreal that feels need for leibenroom by further expansions. But maybe just maybe it kills two birds with 1 stone. Destroys an urban area full of people they hate and then in turn rebuild flattened area into a canal route with the new area that needs rebuilt and claims the land as prize of war as reparation's. And doesnt infringe on any living space in israel which is so full they need to expand further.

Did Us slave traders who invaded Texas back in 1830s think twice about the 2 bob the increased value of the land with all the resources in the ground they got for free and compensation when they won the war with Mexico and struck oil silver and other extra valuable resources in meantime.

Maybe the water off coast of israel is useful for pipelines into europe supplying gas?

Maybe if the palestininans are living there the profits are harder to get rolling with legal disputes of who owns that water area around israel?

Flattened urban area that could used for Ireali canal worth billions without demolitioning any urban area in Israel proper. And just like texas rebellion way back the mighty US protection racket will boost land prices and nice healthy cash inflows to the peepo who like to shuffle non peepo onto shit land worth nought in comparison to what was stolen from them.

Now thats just conjecture in my mind. But the fact the press is not balanced in slightest and no mention ever in msm about the biggest canal project in region smells of manipulation to me. All isreali gas and resources were mostly stolen in military coup. The rightful owners have never been compensated and horded into ghetto type living under military embargo for over 50 years. What compensation do the palestinians get?

blown to smeetherines against known laws, starved and without proper shelter and mass destruction of the little the owned in their own homeland with no rights to their previously owned assets?

And im pretty sure i will be labeled antisemite for suggesting such a warped version of events. But arent the palestinians Semites? Arent the Arabs semites? Arent the irealis who are stunned at the destruction semites?

Yet Ben gurion canal costs peanuts?

maybe peanuts are more expensive than human lifes?
Good points well made TET.
In the pic below the red arrow points to a deep water shelf Ideal for a twin canal, one bringing ships up to the med & one taking ships down to the Gulf.
Have a look at the propossed route which skirts round Gazza, any saving in terms of the enire build would be at best minimal.

Also if there's one nation that holds sacred the lives of ALL of it's people, then it's Israel.

I cannot believe that Israel knew the barbaric assault was coming, and allowed it to happen, just to save a few bob on a canal project.

In the pic below the red arrow points to a deep water shelf Ideal for a twin canal, one bringing ships up to the med & one taking ships down to the Gulf.
View attachment 24249
I believe that the Israeli people believe that every one of it's population is sacred but the prime minister Netanyahu is at this point in time trying to curb the Judiciarys power because he's fighting claims of curruption, is it so difficult to believe that he would do anything to stay in power and avoid dying in prison, yes a lot of this is speculation but there's an old saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Again only speculation. But I can only give my opinion. To all noisers may I hope for a good weekend and HH