Scottish words.

OK Mr Planet - give me a cough. And now bend over...

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Promises promises......

The best thing a out being a Catholic is this whole absolution thing.

You could dip into a pro-fessional's box on Saturday night and absolve yourself by popping into the con-fessional box on Sunday morning.

Worst piece of advice my dear Ma' ever gave me was that there was no point offering confession if you hadn't sinned. I seen that as an obligation to tresspass, not an incentive to refrain.
Had some fun with Lillia (my 5 year old) this morning and some of those Scottish words. So funny. Her southern accent with those words for some reason gives her a manc accent 🤣🤣🤣
My girl's grandchildren are based in Oakham by Rutland way, Lubo..........there's a whole tonne of fun to be had by having them say Scottish words (they're getting the hang of sweary words too).
Not sure if I've thrown this one out there before but since we're talking aboot Scottish words( or glesga words in my case,)here goes.
A wee fella goes into a doacters in glesga and the doc says to him,hullorerr whit's the soapy bubble son.
The boat says,,whit.
The doc says, the soapy bubble, you know,,the trouble. Whits the problem.
The boy,thinking I've got a roaster here says,oh aye, right, its ma legs doc ,terrible pain in my legs. Sometimes I can hardly even walk in the morning.
The doc says, nae tother a baw son,just take aff yir winners and losers, jump up on the Betty grable and gies a butcher's hook at yir ham n eggs.
The boay goes ,WHIT,(thinking wtfs gonna oan here).
So the doc says, nae tother a baw,( nae bother at aw). Take aff yir winners and losers ( yir troosers) jump up on the Betty grable ( the table) and gies a butcher's hook ( a look) at yir ham n eggs ( yir legs). The boays thinking this cunts mental. But anyway, strides aff,up on the table and the doc starts feeling aboot his calfs and muscles and that.
Efter a few minutes he asks the boay. Have you got any varicose veins son.
And the boay says,,,,aye,two boays and a lassie.. boom boom.HH

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