The Get It Off Your Chest Thread

That's why back in the day,the terracing's were swimmin in pish Chico.
First time I went to a big Scotland game at hampden in the early 80s went in the main gate and the "toilet block" (a brick wall) was just inside the gate on the left, the pish met me at the gate, the pish was literally running out of hampden. Been a fair bit of pish in there since then to be fair.
The real reason behind that is the abysmal fuckin YouTube videos aimed at kids (back to the thread title, I know 🐱)
My son actually likes thundercats and I can enjoy it with him. Telling me who the baddies are and that the "thundertank is a very good car" bueno. Used to watch it ...told him i did and HE tells me the score. Warms my heart and it's hilarious.
His fallback and mainstay doesn't shift
The wee man is three, calls YouTube "new traktooors" happier than a pig in shit watching spiderman drive a tractor round a GTA graphics sonic the hedgehog bonus level. Don't get me started on those bastard "surprise egg" videos.
If that sounds weird try watching it... It's worse, far worse. Anyone with weans with a tablet or the knowledge how to put it on a telly knows. My wee man does. Made the mistake of training him up...3yrs old. Game over
Tried telling my old man and he told me to gtf as he had to watch a full spot the dog tape 5 times on repeat during every pissing rain day.
At the start of the 20th century there were around 2 billion humans and around 100000 wild tigers, now not much more than 100 years later we have nearly 8 billion humans and about 3000 tigers, the same decline can be seen across the animal kingdom. We are in the middle of a mass extinction event created by us and not many people seem to give much of a fuck. Sorry for being serious, it happens occasionally. 🐯
All animals are near extinction from Humans Hoopy, even the Huns HH
Kelly, the Serengeti is in Africa. No 🐯 there. And I don't want on the list
I seen a documentary a while back about a guy that raised two tiger cubs in Africa, once they got to adolescent kind of age he let them run free in a fairly safe game reserve type place. First night they were alone they killed damn near everything in the park! These were two hand reared adolescents and they caused bloody carnage, imagine what a bad ass Asian jungle tiger in the prime of life would do? Lions, elephants, giraffes all looking to emigrate! 🐯 😹
And most of them either drive audis or vauxhalls! Why is that?

In order 1-5 car makes Whos drivers that piss me off.
1) BMW

Above is the 5 car makers who's drivers will
Annoy you if driving anything bigger than them. Its because you slow them down, I'll let folk past on straight bits of road, but they'll attempt a corner pass because the road is clear but the space for passing has narrowed, then they get roadrage slow you to a stop. Come out all guns blazing threats about your licence, threats about how they're going tae kick ma f**king c**t in, you just let the insult fly over your head."Whats yer problem mate? I'm not yer f**kin mate, you cut me off when I was overtaking ya fat/baldy/specy/any word c**t. I'M HAVING YER LICENCE."Aye, whatever, you no yer not supposed tae overtake on double white lines" FUCKIN PROVE IT. "Aye, see that wee red thing moving on the crane arm, thats a camera. See that wee fin moving at the back, thats a camera & one looking over the tail, see those big eyes on the front cameras, DOES THAT FUCKIN PROVE YA FUCKWIT."

They usually go back tae their car after saying sorry. Generally laugh at them as I pull away & some continue abuse language making threats. Report they cnuts to the Police & let them know your doing it BYE BYE LICENCE. 😂😂😂😂😂
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