the new year derby

Damned if she does damned if she doesn't
I personally would abandon all restrictions. However if it was really my decision, I'd go for the full monty lockdown despite it being a waste of time which just prolongs the inevitable of everybody getting it. That's because if you are too strict people moan, but do nothing really. On the other hand if you let it rip and it turns ugly then you'll have big problems. A potential future public enquiry would stitch you up and say the outcome was obvious. You might even end up in jail. That's why decision makers take the paranoid option. That's what I reckon anyway.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...................... FUCK
If I come across as annoyed today it’s for a reason.
I wrapped half my girls 42 presents last night. Being a clever cunt I bought pink paper fir my oldest and red for my youngest, thinking I can avoid writing the tags. The wee yin will not wear a skirt/dress never mind anything pink. If I try to give her a £20 note she refuses it’s pink… kids eh

The wrapping paper was shite and the tape was worse. Kept putting my fingers through the paper and let’s just not do the tape fiasco.

so gets up at 8am, let’s get this oot the road. By 11am I realise I’ve wrapped today’s in the wrong paper. I swore once or twice. Had to open them all back up and do them again 🤬

finish just in time for that wee mutant coming on with an update ….

when you have days like that there’s no choice

If I come across as annoyed today it’s for a reason.
I wrapped half my girls 42 presents last night. Being a clever cunt I bought pink paper fir my oldest and red for my youngest, thinking I can avoid writing the tags. The wee yin will not wear a skirt/dress never mind anything pink. If I try to give her a £20 note she refuses it’s pink… kids eh

The wrapping paper was shite and the tape was worse. Kept putting my fingers through the paper and let’s just not do the tape fiasco.

so gets up at 8am, let’s get this oot the road. By 11am I realise I’ve wrapped today’s in the wrong paper. I swore once or twice. Had to open them all back up and do them again 🤬

finish just in time for that wee mutant coming on with an update ….

when you have days like that there’s no choice

View attachment 17020
If I come across as annoyed today it’s for a reason.
I wrapped half my girls 42 presents last night. Being a clever cunt I bought pink paper fir my oldest and red for my youngest, thinking I can avoid writing the tags. The wee yin will not wear a skirt/dress never mind anything pink. If I try to give her a £20 note she refuses it’s pink… kids eh

The wrapping paper was shite and the tape was worse. Kept putting my fingers through the paper and let’s just not do the tape fiasco.

so gets up at 8am, let’s get this oot the road. By 11am I realise I’ve wrapped today’s in the wrong paper. I swore once or twice. Had to open them all back up and do them again 🤬

finish just in time for that wee mutant coming on with an update ….

when you have days like that there’s no choice

View attachment 17020
Pwoud STG .vewy pwoud 🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🇮🇪🇮🇪
Its now almost 2 years that we have known of and lived with Covid 19. Governments have learned nothing. The reason for lockdowns and restrictions in the first year was to save lives and protect the NHS from being overrun whilst a vaccine developed. We are now one year on from the first vaccine going into arms and we are no further forward except that the vaccine has reduced chances of catching virus and severity of symptoms if you do catch it. Why do we still have restrictions and partial lockdowns? After a decade plus of underfunding and running down the NHS it cannot cope with a pandemic. Lack of investment, lack of available staff (made worse by Brexit) have lead us to where we are. Until the NHS is properly funded then we are in this endless cycle hoping that virus goes away and the pandemic ends. We need to address the root of the problem, not the consequences of it. But that'll never happen when you have a government who want to sell off the NHS to American health insurance companies.
If I come across as annoyed today it’s for a reason.
I wrapped half my girls 42 presents last night. Being a clever cunt I bought pink paper fir my oldest and red for my youngest, thinking I can avoid writing the tags. The wee yin will not wear a skirt/dress never mind anything pink. If I try to give her a £20 note she refuses it’s pink… kids eh

The wrapping paper was shite and the tape was worse. Kept putting my fingers through the paper and let’s just not do the tape fiasco.

so gets up at 8am, let’s get this oot the road. By 11am I realise I’ve wrapped today’s in the wrong paper. I swore once or twice. Had to open them all back up and do them again 🤬

finish just in time for that wee mutant coming on with an update ….

when you have days like that there’s no choice

View attachment 17020
What gave you the impression that you were a clever cunt mate? 🤔
If you'd got a real jiner to fit that kitchen they'd have done a masons mitre on those worktops (no the goat type Mason, the stone mason type mason)
Anyway just thought I'd let you know 😺