the Rangers v Celtic - Beautiful Sunday, 1 September - all comments here

Now that the dust has settled all I can say is fantastic. What a week, football is so unpredictable but when it goes your way it makes all the difference to your every day life . The end of the transfer window was icing on the cake . Our defence comes in for alot of criticism over the years mostly because our fans crave perfection. On Sunday they were magic and can't till the Hamilton game . There are a few guys in the sevco team that leave a taste . Like the old rangers guys you love to hate hasn't been that since they were liquidated. Mc Gregor, Kent ,Morelos,Jones they are on my list already.
Oh don't worry, he's going to feel the pain alright
The rehab is murder and he might not come back 100%
I couldn't care less, he could have ended two players careers, with that tackle

Sympathy level around the same I feel when big game hunting cowards get eaten by a lion. He could have ruined our players career by trying to be one of the peepel. Fuck him.
Is the wee tax cheat Bawwy going to cwy?

I don’t know about that wee deluded prick. Tears of laughter are blinding me. He, like the rest of their hordes thought they only had to turn up and it was theirs. The way they kid themselves on is one of the wonders of the world. The pain levels having been so deluded are deep and excruciating. Just the way I like it.

Imagine for a moment. They thought they were goingvback to their pubs and clubs, all set for a sash bash. Then, balls parted, dreams shattered, so it’s back to the same places, sorrow filled drowning their sorrows. And the best bit, first thing Monday morning they wake up hungover to fuck then BAM, the result hits them in the face. Oh the joy of their pain caused entirely by believing their over hyped team were better than ours.

I watch all of they fuckers games to see how they are, and I camecaway from every game knowing, not thinking, knowing, they were utter shit.

Oh the bluebells are very blue Indeed. Let’s ensure this is a permanent state of affairs. 10 isn’t the end of their agony if we play this right. It’s just the fucking start. And that makes me smile.

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