Transfer Rumours

Sick of keep saying it dill, there remains no vision within Scottish football still and an even worse development path without any certainty in place whatsoever.
Currently there is an 8 home grown rule in place for european competition, how is that pipeline going to be fulfilled in future years with things as they currently stand within Scotland.?
Lowland league without any certainty in place at present, very little chance if any of running a 2nd team in the lower leagues of Scottish football still, and somehow we are still expected to fill the gap between lowland league and SPFL and CL football?????
Not a huge problem at present as such, but we are still a club where better wages can be earned elsewhere still.
Players such as Taylor, Ralston, turnbull and Welsh etc etc could well start becoming more to the attention of the bigger boys in money term's, then where are we going to be left as a club.?
Already we are left wide open and the likes of Doak now Moffat going already as better development opportunities within there careers lay elsewhere still.
So let's leave the current situation undressed still and potentially having to enter squads with less than 20 players in future, just cause we can't fill our quota of home grown players, now that stands to become a huge embarrassing situation arising within Scottish football at present imo.
They got rid of the reserve league much to the detriment of Scottish football
The lowland league, isn't even as good as the Juniors, where many a good player cut their teeth and made it to the big show
Fitba is run by businessmen and it's to the detriment of the game and fans imho
CLubs are a conveyor belt of money and as much as I think Ange is doing a brilliant job, if enough money comes in for a player, he'll be told it's a done deal, again, just my opinion, but the game has changed so much over the past few decades, and the money men couldn't give a fuck about the average person, as long as they're buying seasons tickets
They got rid of the reserve league much to the detriment of Scottish football
The lowland league, isn't even as good as the Juniors, where many a good player cut their teeth and made it to the big show
Fitba is run by businessmen and it's to the detriment of the game and fans imho
CLubs are a conveyor belt of money and as much as I think Ange is doing a brilliant job, if enough money comes in for a player, he'll be told it's a done deal, again, just my opinion, but the game has changed so much over the past few decades, and the money men couldn't give a fuck about the average person, as long as they're buying seasons tickets
I think Gary said they a player has to be with the academy for 3 years to qualify as a home grown player but could well be wrong upon that Dilligaf as still not up to date on the full requirements of this European rule as such still.
It's not just ourselves where the problem is arising as think the scum are in a far worse position than ourselves currently.
I know we were meant to be looking at a few Scottish youngsters during the summer, but nowhere near ready for what we require for a 1st team squad, yet they remained on the verge of SPFL football with diddy clubs and we're hoping that they might give that up to play lowland league football????
Ridiculous situation still in place currently and signs still of it becoming even worse at the end of the season still, with allowing such shit clubs having such a huge say within the Scottish game still.
Don't think it's allowed but maybe buying out one of these mickey mouse clubs and turning them into a development club for ourselves, might be a solution but think league rules wouldn't allow such a thing?????
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They got rid of the reserve league much to the detriment of Scottish football
The lowland league, isn't even as good as the Juniors, where many a good player cut their teeth and made it to the big show
Fitba is run by businessmen and it's to the detriment of the game and fans imho
CLubs are a conveyor belt of money and as much as I think Ange is doing a brilliant job, if enough money comes in for a player, he'll be told it's a done deal, again, just my opinion, but the game has changed so much over the past few decades, and the money men couldn't give a fuck about the average person, as long as they're buying seasons tickets
the players also dont care much about football if the money sucks

therefore smaller clubs cant retain decent standard when these players can get double or more sitting on bench elsewhere

Especially if the wages at small clubs are often not even comparable with trades workers in many cases

The whole of world football now only pays well enough if your at an elite club and the gap to slightly smaller than elite is that much wage wise that players would often rather sit on bench earning mega bucks than get gametime on fraction of the benched wages.

the corrupt governing bodies cant fix it without cutting their own backhanders and the elite clubs in the big tv contracts couldnt care less that bottom end of game cant sustain decent talent who can compete

it will only get worse imo

short term clubs who dont buy into the scam will lose out

long term anyone caught out of their depth by overextending to keep up will just burn huge hole in other peoples pockets till it kills game

But they cant see it

And while clubs can ditch debts and pretend to be same club it will only encourage the overextention and self serving greed

nobody other than hardcore fans will support small clubs who cant even compete at low levels
which means the bigger clubs will eventually have less competition and less talent coming through but wage bills getting higher exponentially as overall ability pool declines fighting to own the few who can win sustain good levels

Game is dead

Its not even entertaining anymore

its just addiction hoping it sorts itself

And it wont while corruption and financial scamming is covered by legal shenanigans at epense of sport
the players also dont care much about football if the money sucks

therefore smaller clubs cant retain decent standard when these players can get double or more sitting on bench elsewhere

Especially if the wages at small clubs are often not even comparable with trades workers in many cases

The whole of world football now only pays well enough if your at an elite club and the gap to slightly smaller than elite is that much wage wise that players would often rather sit on bench earning mega bucks than get gametime on fraction of the benched wages.

the corrupt governing bodies cant fix it without cutting their own backhanders and the elite clubs in the big tv contracts couldnt care less that bottom end of game cant sustain decent talent who can compete

it will only get worse imo

short term clubs who dont buy into the scam will lose out

long term anyone caught out of their depth by overextending to keep up will just burn huge hole in other peoples pockets till it kills game

But they cant see it

And while clubs can ditch debts and pretend to be same club it will only encourage the overextention and self serving greed

nobody other than hardcore fans will support small clubs who cant even compete at low levels
which means the bigger clubs will eventually have less competition and less talent coming through but wage bills getting higher exponentially as overall ability pool declines fighting to own the few who can win sustain good levels

Game is dead

Its not even entertaining anymore

its just addiction hoping it sorts itself

And it wont while corruption and financial scamming is covered by legal shenanigans at epense of sport
The game remains far from dead TET and no real signs of that happening either in the future imo.
This is more about trying to get growth within Scottish football which is quite happy to remain idle with the Scottish youngsters having to suffer.
How can you have a game dominated by teams with a protected voting system in place, where all there supporters put together from 3 divisions couldn't even fill half of Celtic Park???
Until that ridiculous situation is addressed then is it any wonder that the Scottish youngsters look outside of Scotland to gain a better opportunity to further a career within the game?
Even now clubs within the bigger leagues who can afford to take that gamble upon the Scottish youngsters seem to be willing to do so, as they know the game is structured arseways and easy pickings available.
I'll forever claim its a disgrace and an insult towards the memory of the "Lisbon Lions" and fuck all signs of the situation ever changing either imo
UEFA and FIFA have created a Frankenstein, that revolves around nothing but money. They have helped create a giant hoover, that sucks everything up for the large so called 'elite' clubs, at the expense of, and with no consideration for the game in its entirety. Even to the extent of ignoring their own rules designed to create a level playing field. National administrations then follow the same path for their own parochial gain, knowing they are immune, and pretty much safe from sanction. Sadly it is only going to get worse.
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UEFA and FIFA have created a Frankenstein, that revolves around nothing but money. They have helped created a giant hoover, that sucks everything up for the large so called 'elite' clubs, at the expense of, and with no consideration for the game in its entirety. Even to the extent of ignoring their own rules designed to create a level playing field. National administrations then follow the same path for their own parochial gain, knowing they are immune, and pretty much safe from sanction. Sadly it is only going to get worse.
To a big degree yes and can't argue with that POD.
But they have created leagues now where the product of the league is bringing about better competiton and reducing the gap between the top and the bottom within the league.
The EPL is possibly the best example of having as many as 4 mini leagues within 1 overall league, and same could apply to the SPFL on a far smaller scale as it possibly exists all over the world.
The players themselves arguably fall into the same sort of categories also.
So what are where does the Scottish youngsters fit into the grand scheme of things at present????
Oh yeah nowhere still
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Blackpool are closing in on a deal for Celtic’s Owen Moffat, writes Scott Burns.

The English Championship side are in talks with the Hoops for what is likely to be a permanent transfer.

Blackpool boss Michael Appleton is keen to land the young winger.

The 20-year-old has come through the ranks at Celtic Park and is under contract until 2024.

He made his debut against Ross County last year but has struggled to get regular first-team football under Ange Postecoglou.

Moffat has been a regular in the Celtic B team
Such a shame to see another home grown talent leaving us. I don't know how we can continue with seeing our academy talent going elsewhere.I know there is huge talent now in the first team ,but I think youngsters would be better off out on loan. That way we can keep an eye on them and assess them over time for first team challenges.🍀🍀
Money screws everything up, no matter what business you're involved in
The lure of the mighty dollar makes people do some strange things
You only need look at the NFL, NBA, NHL, or Major League baseball, to see how much money is thrown at players who in some cases, haven't played a minute professionally but have signed huge contracts, and the 'superstars' are given lengthy contracts (10 years for some for $100 Million) MENTAL
Some have tried to bring their way of making even more money, to our game of football
Imagine how much guys like Jinky and Willie Henderson, would be worth nowadays, Murdoch, Baxter, etc to name a few of the legends from back in the day and who some of us, were lucky to watch on the field for their clubs and the National team
Businessmen, player agents, and the like, are in the game for all the wrong reasons, it's ruined the game for the average fan again, my opinion
There's more money from endorsements where companies are fighting it out to rep a player, or club
The game especially in Scotland, while maybe not dead, it's not far from it, as far as the young homegrown talent is concerned, so I for one, don't blame them for becoming disheartened, and seek 'fame and fortune' elsewhere
Money screws everything up, no matter what business you're involved in
The lure of the mighty dollar makes people do some strange things
You only need look at the NFL, NBA, NHL, or Major League baseball, to see how much money is thrown at players who in some cases, haven't played a minute professionally but have signed huge contracts, and the 'superstars' are given lengthy contracts (10 years for some for $100 Million) MENTAL
Some have tried to bring their way of making even more money, to our game of football
Imagine how much guys like Jinky and Willie Henderson, would be worth nowadays, Murdoch, Baxter, etc to name a few of the legends from back in the day and who some of us, were lucky to watch on the field for their clubs and the National team
Businessmen, player agents, and the like, are in the game for all the wrong reasons, it's ruined the game for the average fan again, my opinion
There's more money from endorsements where companies are fighting it out to rep a player, or club
The game especially in Scotland, while maybe not dead, it's not far from it, as far as the young homegrown talent is concerned, so I for one, don't blame them for becoming disheartened, and seek 'fame and fortune' elsewhere
Armenian player contracts are not subject to British type employment laws, the players contracts can be ripped up at any time the club wishes (cut) it your a back up nfl player and suffer a bad injury that would keep you out for a while like Christopher juiliens, they would just just say that’s a wee shame, there’s the door, and get someone else in 🤷‍♂️ And the big 10 years contracts are all tail end loaded, unless your a superstar your getting cut long before you see the big money, the big numbers posted 90% of the time NEVER get paid
They got rid of the reserve league much to the detriment of Scottish football
The lowland league, isn't even as good as the Juniors, where many a good player cut their teeth and made it to the big show
Fitba is run by businessmen and it's to the detriment of the game and fans imho
CLubs are a conveyor belt of money and as much as I think Ange is doing a brilliant job, if enough money comes in for a player, he'll be told it's a done deal, again, just my opinion, but the game has changed so much over the past few decades, and the money men couldn't give a fuck about the average person, as long as they're buying seasons tickets
Can't disagree with a word you say Dill. I think I've said it before on The Noise, but if it wasn't for my Celtic addiction I'd give up on the game. I'm not a religious bloke, but the maxim, " God first makes mad that which he destroys " comes to mind. What were once truly great football institution's are now the playthings of the elite.
Well the great unwashed may get their hearts desire to see Ronaldo at Castle Grey skull as its rumored he's wanting to go to Napoli according to sky news
The thing about this Marky, is that, as big a load of guano as it may be, it's actually a no lose situation for sevco. The amount of manure regurgitated by the MSM will be eagerly consumed by the hordes who follow them. A bit like the worms in compost heap.
Money screws everything up, no matter what business you're involved in
The lure of the mighty dollar makes people do some strange things
You only need look at the NFL, NBA, NHL, or Major League baseball, to see how much money is thrown at players who in some cases, haven't played a minute professionally but have signed huge contracts, and the 'superstars' are given lengthy contracts (10 years for some for $100 Million) MENTAL
Some have tried to bring their way of making even more money, to our game of football
Imagine how much guys like Jinky and Willie Henderson, would be worth nowadays, Murdoch, Baxter, etc to name a few of the legends from back in the day and who some of us, were lucky to watch on the field for their clubs and the National team
Businessmen, player agents, and the like, are in the game for all the wrong reasons, it's ruined the game for the average fan again, my opinion
There's more money from endorsements where companies are fighting it out to rep a player, or club
The game especially in Scotland, while maybe not dead, it's not far from it, as far as the young homegrown talent is concerned, so I for one, don't blame them for becoming disheartened, and seek 'fame and fortune' elsewhere
Sport has became an expensive hobby for the average fan the TV companies have fucked it for everyone including themselves as they now have to pay a fortune for rights apart from Scotland where Sky pay a bag of chips and a bottle of Irn Bru
Armenian player contracts are not subject to British type employment laws, the players contracts can be ripped up at any time the club wishes (cut) it your a back up nfl player and suffer a bad injury that would keep you out for a while like Christopher juiliens, they would just just say that’s a wee shame, there’s the door, and get someone else in 🤷‍♂️ And the big 10 years contracts are all tail end loaded, unless your a superstar your getting cut long before you see the big money, the big numbers posted 90% of the time NEVER get paid
Can't disagree with a word you say Dill. I think I've said it before on The Noise, but if it wasn't for my Celtic addiction I'd give up on the game. I'm not a religious bloke, but the maxim, " God first makes mad that which he destroys " comes to mind. What were once truly great football institution's are now the playthings of the elite.
100% percent mate
I was involved on the periphery for a time and got a couple of youngsters trials in the UK
One (who I hadn't seen play to be honest but I knew his Dad) and thought I had nothing to lose, plus if I can help the kid, I will, he turned out to be better suited to a lower standard of football, but at least he got his shot
The other, was wanted by an English club after he showed his skill, great attitude and work ethic, but there were only a handful of games to go and he couldn't get a work permit
He returned, having proved to not only himself, but the club that he trained with, that he was a player, was signed up by a US University, on a 4 year 'free ride' scholarship, and became the PAC 10 highest scorer and highest scholastic grades in his first year
He got a business degree and is now a successful family man
I am proud of the fact, that through some contacts, I was able to help a kid make his dream come true somewhat
The break up of parts of Europe, the former Yugoslavia...Bosnia/Herzegovina/Croatia, conflict, made things harder of course and then the transfer window (twice a year) who can make money when you have to make your money in only two months per year ?
Look at the money the players at EPL clubs are on, on a weekly basis
An average player, can make more, on a three year contract, than the average family man can, in his lifetime
As I said, there are always exceptions, to every rule, but for the most part, the money thrown around, is obscene for playing a sport

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Armenian player contracts are not subject to British type employment laws, the players contracts can be ripped up at any time the club wishes (cut) it your a back up nfl player and suffer a bad injury that would keep you out for a while like Christopher juiliens, they would just just say that’s a wee shame, there’s the door, and get someone else in 🤷‍♂️ And the big 10 years contracts are all tail end loaded, unless your a superstar your getting cut long before you see the big money, the big numbers posted 90% of the time NEVER get paid
Not exactly sure about that mate, but as in life, with sports, every situation contractually, is different
Depending on the club, and what the player, and their agent agrees to
A player who signs a contract, expects to get his money whether he plays, or as in some cases, sits on his arse
There may be a clause written into a contract which covers the event of a long term, or career ending injury, so anyone who signs a contract without getting safeguards like this, needs their bumps felt
Especially if they're about to sign for an SPFL club, with the way the hammer throwers are allowed to do their stuff
As I said, money does strange things to people and those are the people who you stay away from, in my humble opinion
Unfortunately, I can't read this article because ads keep popping up in front of the text. And I'm not sure Indian Express would be my primary go-to for football analysis.

I don't think the example of Barca is a good one. Why? Because they were in debt, had a fire sale, and sold all their great players for phenomenal fees and having recouped any losses, they're on a more even financial keel. Hence, they're able to bring in more great players. Where they're getting the money or the credit line is a mystery, but if they have it, why not use it?

Fitba is run by businessmen and it's to the detriment of the game and fans imho
No truer words were spoken. There are few bigger fans of the 50+1 rule in the Bundesliga than me, and I think that serves as a great blueprint for bringing football under wraps from the scourge of money grubbing businessmen out to make a profit. Or American owners buying up football clubs. Maybe that's redundant, I don't know. But anyway, when fans "own" a majority of the club then, at least in theory, it's football for the masses.
Unfortunately, I can't read this article because ads keep popping up in front of the text. And I'm not sure Indian Express would be my primary go-to for football analysis.

I don't think the example of Barca is a good one. Why? Because they were in debt, had a fire sale, and sold all their great players for phenomenal fees and having recouped any losses, they're on a more even financial keel. Hence, they're able to bring in more great players. Where they're getting the money or the credit line is a mystery, but if they have it, why not use it?

No truer words were spoken. There are few bigger fans of the 50+1 rule in the Bundesliga than me, and I think that serves as a great blueprint for bringing football under wraps from the scourge of money grubbing businessmen out to make a profit. Or American owners buying up football clubs. Maybe that's redundant, I don't know. But anyway, when fans "own" a majority of the club then, at least in theory, it's football for the masses.
Barcelona is just tip of iceberg

they didnt pay back any of their debts btw

they just restructured them with goldman sachs then added to the already billion debt they have this summer

they are effectively bankrupt

inter milan recently dumped monster debts/ no problem, in fact every single club thaty was on the superleague deal are in monster debts and growing every year. all allowed by governing bodies

the indian express aint my go to site either but it was first link that i clicked. every big media outlet covering it though if you search
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