Transfer Rumours

we should grow our own., literally, why are our kids not as good as any others?
well said commodore,short term fixes are not the answer,o.k the odd gem is a bonus,we get carried away as fans sometimes,and i'm guiltyas well, been linked to about 300 players this window and if we don't sign them-crisis!! we've got 3 right backs,5 centrebacks plus bitton,3 left backs,a million midfielders and a zillion forwards,o.k injuries and questionable quality but surely tae phuq we can put out a team that should be well able to slap anybody in the spl.
I sometimes dont think people think it through, how far do you think we could get in the CL the best has been group stages 40 mill, thats it. Do not need much to blow the SPL away, so who is it we need to sign to qualify for the group stages.
The cl is a hurdle. No doubt. If your players don't have adequate back up. Important players play through injury. Depleted and fucked. It's getting to the point as I said above that we can't even loan our half chance players out because of wages
The cl is a hurdle. No doubt. If your players don't have adequate back up. Important players play through injury. Depleted and fucked. It's getting to the point as I said above that we can't even loan our half chance players out because of wages
The cl is a hurdle. No doubt. If your players don't have adequate back up. Important players play through injury. Depleted and fucked. It's getting to the point as I said above that we can't even loan our half chance players out because of wages
we are not a cl team. wish we were, we buy in and grow, you need good buyers and farmers. The land manager gets the bonus of your exploits.
I'm going to my kip. I'm beginning to piss myself off with what I'm saying ?. I raised a point or two that's enough for me.
Anything more and we will be up till 5am going round and round.
Nobody is of the view that we couldn't of been stronger now if the last windows had been braver. We are playing well enough getting goals. The loans are chipping in.
Live love and hate the madness of the club.
Dust up and a kip
I don't want to feed them, so putting it in here, but kind of surprised that no journalist listening or reading the back up by BR for Congerton has not made a headline out of one point made.
Because it is non sense!

Rodgers defensive about the role that Congerton has played in identifying prospective signings.

“I’ve never known a head of recruitment get criticised the way he does,” said Rodgers.
“It’s obviously very unfair. People shine a torch, of course, on recruitment. But the likes of Odsonne, [Edouard] he’s a fantastic player – one of Lee’s players.
“He does a great job with the resources that he works with. He obviously has to scour the market and, at this moment in time, in terms of recruitment, it’s probably never been more difficult.
“In terms of not just attracting players to Celtic, but in terms of finance, it’s very, very tough.
“He puts in a lot of miles, a lot of hours and of course the torch gets shone on him. But it’s very unfair because, a lot of the time, he’ll find players we just can’t bring in.
“There is a hell of a lot of work that goes into it. It’s not just a click of the fingers and you get a right back or you get a central midfield player.

“It’s not as easy as that. His job is to find the players and, in his time here, he’s done that.”

But not that surprised no one has spotted such a nonsense point/ excuse! as thought
from listening and watching and then asking real questions is not and has never seemed a task priority for the british media in any news of any kind!
They're far too busy looking out for what Griff might be up to with the Russians.

On the positive side of things.
Certain, 100%
We can find for Celtic, tens of thousands of actual Celtic fans who would be willing and what's more 100% able of doing the same job, and bringing a genuine passion to do well for Celtic, fans who would work for half of what Congerton is on, doing a supposed fantastic job, spending a lot of their time -finding players we just can’t bring in.

Peter Great news, Congerton has found this star called Lionel Richie
How much does he want in wages?
Not sure yet, Sure Congy does not worry about all that stuff, he just spends a lot of his time finding players we can't bring in.
Now I am told this Marvin fella, I mean Lionel can't even kick a ball without straining a ligament or three, but we can get him to sign, so isn't that great news.
As you know Congy's first spot and choice Lionel Messi has replied to Congy's messages on his
youtube highlights channel. Congy is at this moment inputting smiley face - clown - chancer -smiley face. into his shiney scouty data system to see if he can decipher if Messi is another player we can't bring in.
You know how he loves to spend a lot of his time doing that.
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Last summer the board brought in players, mostly, by loan.
This winter the board brought in players, mostly by loan.
A message to the Celtic board - WHEN ARE WE GOING TO START BUYING PLAYERS?.
When are we going to stop taking players on loan to help out other clubs.
At the end of this season, we're going to need a new defence, but the way the board work, our team will need to be rebuilt every season. BUY PLAYERS. GET RID OF THE BISCUIT TIN.
Last summer the board brought in players, mostly, by loan.
This winter the board brought in players, mostly by loan.
A message to the Celtic board - WHEN ARE WE GOING TO START BUYING PLAYERS?.
When are we going to stop taking players on loan to help out other clubs.
At the end of this season, we're going to need a new defence, but the way the board work, our team will need to be rebuilt every season. BUY PLAYERS. GET RID OF THE BISCUIT TIN.

Is there a reason you are using caps?
Cause I'm angry about it.

Does it help?

Perhaps if you were to tell us what you would do.
Which players you would sign? Who are they?
How much would you pay for these players?
Are there affordable players available in the price range we can afford? Etc.
Is the type of player we would like to sign willing to come to Scotland when they can earn much more elsewhere?

How about thinking things through and we'll all discuss things rationally? Worth a try?
If he is identifying players we can’t hring in, that’s like me going out for a watch with £50 and going to look at Rolex. I might find hundreds of great watches but I’m going up the road kicking stanes.

We could all find players who are great if we go to watch the right teams. We need someone to find players who will become great players. We don’t have a big vault of cash. Hasn’t he read the memo about the type of player we buy. I do think that as the final nod is the managers, then the dozen players not contributing and unlikely to do so, is his responsibility.

Still, it might help him if the players identified want to come and we can afford.
CQN saying that Toljan is holding out for a move to Napoli who are interested in him. Even if he does sign he's only interested in a loan deal until the summer.
If true, time to move on to the next target.
This guy was linked this morning.
23 year old Croat, playing in in Denmark, won his first Croatia cap at the end of last year, £3-4m fee

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