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Love ye tet ❤️ Your an example to us all pal. Xx

Its the bloke in that book thats more interesting than me. Worth reading that book regularly.

The new testament epistles of Paul are quite revealing and some of them are very short.

Read st paul to titus in 10 minutes. only 5 chapters.

Little bits of gold and it makes you feel like you done something worthwhile.
Its the bloke in that book thats more interesting than me. Worth reading that book regularly.

The new testament epistles of Paul are quite revealing and some of them are very short.

Read st paul to titus in 10 minutes. only 5 chapters.

Little bits of gold and it makes you feel like you done something worthwhile.

I know pal and your spot on.

A guess a just feel bad as i used to sniff lines off mine.

The big yin does forgive ??
We all do mad things, we are all inclined to self indulge. I blame that Eve burd!

But thats the whole point of the Gospel.
When you meditate on it, then you get glimpse of the truth.

And when you get more glimpses your faith gets stronger. And when faith gets stronger you get more virtuous, and then hope leads to perseverance that mercy will come through grace.

But the evil one will use his tricks to make you feel despair rather than hope.

But the message is always have hope in the mercy and when you fall and realise it, apologise for the lunacy and get back on the hope trail.

Without humility there is no hope.
Because without Humility there is no virtue.
And where there is no virtue there is no love.

And without love there is only suffering.
Strange thing is the devil convinces us that pleasure or pleasure seeking for self will defeat suffering. Sadly that the lie most fall for. Humility defeats suffering and endurance through hope leads to love. And when love is fully grown there is no more suffering.

Thats why love is more powerful than death

Thats why love is God

Perfect charity is perfect love, the way out of the matrix

And christ is perfect love.

So a humble and contrite heart will cover over a multitude of errors

Despair is lack of hope and humility.

Its a subtle form of self love that the accuser will throw at you.

But stand firm in the faith and endure all suffering and grace will bring the spirit of holiness peace joy and love.
I need hope tet. Without a doubt pal but i am honest so i must confess i do need pleasure too

Dors that make me bad. Eve can keep her apple am past that.

Btw not being flippant. Not with my faith and not with yourself Tet.

Am just not that good pal.

I’d like to say i was but honesty means a lot to me so must advise that i would find virtue a tad boring.

I always tell the bigman my failings and want to be a better person. I try in my own way to do good. But am a selfish cow too i like fun too much for my own good.

I 100% respect you though and wish in another life i could be more like ye.
Is that your anarchy setting in.

Everyone needs a higher power greater than them.

I never sell myself short.

Straight to the bigman for me.

Anything less is inferior or at worse imatation
Naw I just saw yir thread title and the first thing that sprung to mind was troops out. Used to go to loads of their marches back in the day. I have nothing to share about religion - not my forte. ?
Dont worry so much.

If you have the chats with truth about your self then you are doing well

And that is hope

Self knowledge will lead to humility in time.
Its the people who dont care about truth or are so hubris that they dont know anything about self that have the real issues.

Just be you MAria.

Let God do the rest.
Mediate on self with humble heart
Mediate on perfection
Mediate on hell

And just like when you were little and didnt have the same desires as now
Just like a flash of truth
will set you free.

Dont despair ever and hold onto the blessed hope and the mother of divine grace will help you when you need it most.

Always remeber that worrying never helped anybody
Meditating helped everybody who did it seriously

And pleasure is justa vice that will pass in time
Joy defeats all despair
And true joy is peace and love

Hard to experience but its always there, first step is stop worrying and you wont need pleasure to distract you.
Thats ok. Share what ye like pal.

For me the bigman diznae make shite and your still his kid.

We weren’t talking about religion anyway.

We’re much more inclusive pal.

We we’re talking about faith.

I need hope tet. Without a doubt pal but i am honest so i must confess i do need pleasure too

Dors that make me bad. Eve can keep her apple am past that.

Btw not being flippant. Not with my faith and not with yourself Tet.

Am just not that good pal.

I’d like to say i was but honesty means a lot to me so must advise that i would find virtue a tad boring.

I always tell the bigman my failings and want to be a better person. I try in my own way to do good. But am a selfish cow too i like fun too much for my own good.

I 100% respect you though and wish in another life i could be more like ye.

I can also assure you that I am not any closer to truth that anyone else, for truth is inside every single person. Just need to mediate on truth and let grace do its work.

I need the faith hope and charity as much as anybody else. But presently my faith and hope are in my thoughts quite often. And i recommend that to anyone. Because the truth actually doe set you free.

If you ever feel anxious thats your conscience telling you that you need to get back in line with truth. And when you get good at it you find the way to beat any anxiety or depression.

So easy but yet the concupscient failings of the senses will tell us its all the biggest pile of do do and most choose anxiety and pleasure seeking over truth.

And that includes me.
Dont worry so much.

If you have the chats with truth about your self then you are doing well

And that is hope

Self knowledge will lead to humility in time.
Its the people who dont care about truth or are so hubris that they dont know anything about self that have the real issues.

Just be you MAria.

Let God do the rest.
Mediate on self with humble heart
Mediate on perfection
Mediate on hell

And just like when you were little and didnt have the same desires as now
Just like a flash of truth
will set you free.

Dont despair ever and hold onto the blessed hope and the mother of divine grace will help you when you need it most.

Always remeber that worrying never helped anybody
Meditating helped everybody who did it seriously

And pleasure is justa vice that will pass in time
Joy defeats all despair
And true joy is peace and love

Hard to experience but its always there, first step is stop worrying and you wont need pleasure to distract you.

Ano what your saying but the bigman made me like this. And he made me to love. No?