Turnbull Threads Merged

Well here we are this morning. The deal that was done, then it wasn’t, then it maybe was, then it definitely wasn’t, then all hell broke loose, then he was signing for the canaries, then the press talked about how it was changed days and we couldn’t compete and they were loving the McGinn2 scenario and got on with talking up pricks signing for their team, then thoughts of, fucking hell is this going to be, We know what you did last summer, again, then Kennedy confirmed it might be, as we couldn’t get players off the beach and anyway we don’t care about Turnbull, he’s a money grabber, then fuck me, it might be on again, then it really looks like it, then everybody who gave him pelters didn’t know how to react, Chase him, fuck him, then the rest who wanted him and were able to get over themselves said great, fuck it he’s good, then it definitely was happening, thennthe BBC and others said it was an improved offer to try and make it look bad for Lawell( that’s my fucking job, cunts) then he’s here and it’s four years of hoping he doesn’t turn out like Comperr on three times the money and played less than me and then the sevconians who laughed like Fuck at us losing him are now miraculously delighted he signed as he’s suddenly shite as they look up who the fuck are the guys they are signing, then we all took a breath and our thoughts immediately go to, whose next?

As that great sage and philosopher Greavsie once said.

Football, it’s a funny old game.
Maybe Norwich telt him Sorry son naebody gets guaranteed a game you have to earn it .

Or he just didn't like Delia's cooking ?.

I mentioned yesterday about hitting the ground running, this boy (If he Signs), will have to hit the ground with a rocket up his jaxy. ????

Think he got bombed out of Norwich because he didn't have a sister to marry. ???
Hillsborough has been a graveyard for some decent players careers in recent years.

They have more baggage than Glasgow Airport and regardless of Steve Bruce being there, they ain't getting better anytime soon.

Their inferiority complex at the Blades going up us an exact replica of the huns trying to hang on to our coat-tails.

They will tailspin out of control trying to keep up with the Joneses and I'll put 20 spot on now, that they'll go down next season.
The point was the 20k p/w, Dimbo, so wind your neck in.

The pish you posted yesterday was related to the sum of money, nobody questioned the player, just the feckin salary.

Again, get a handle on it.
I've got a handle on it no problem, most of you questioned the player about his age and inexperience and how he wouldn't add anything to the team, you yourself said that if we signed him at the kind of wages he was looking for then they'd be a que of players down the London road looking for the same sort of money

Fyi he may even exceed the £20k a week depending on the success of the team this year, (that's if the deal does get over the line) but lawwell will put a spin on it to make it seem like a back track from Turnbull and his agent, but in reality believe me that's no what happened.
I've got a handle on it no problem, most of you questioned the player about his age and inexperience and how he wouldn't add anything to the team, you yourself said that if we signed him at the kind of wages he was looking for then they'd be a que of players down the London road looking for the same sort of money

Fyi he may even exceed the £20k a week depending on the success of the team this year, (that's if the deal does get over the line) but lawwell will put a spin on it to make it seem like a back track from Turnbull and his agent, but in reality believe me that's no what happened.

How do you know what happened and why should we believe you?

Believe me, he won't be getting 20k a week as a 19 year-old who may or may not have a future.
I've got a handle on it no problem, most of you questioned the player about his age and inexperience and how he wouldn't add anything to the team, you yourself said that if we signed him at the kind of wages he was looking for then they'd be a que of players down the London road looking for the same sort of money

Fyi he may even exceed the £20k a week depending on the success of the team this year, (that's if the deal does get over the line) but lawwell will put a spin on it to make it seem like a back track from Turnbull and his agent, but in reality believe me that's no what happened.
Sure friendly fire..............I'll make sure to believe every single word that trips from your tongue.

Why not just ask for 50k p/w and a packet of chew?

Naw.....why not a 100k, that's surely a more realistic salary for an untested 19 year-old.

Come back when your IQ matches your shoe size, Dimbo, until then just stick to Championship Manager
Sure friendly fire..............I'll make sure to believe every single word that trips from your tongue.

Why not just ask for 50k p/w and a packet of chew?

Naw.....why not a 100k, that's surely a more realistic salary for an untested 19 year-old.

Come back when your IQ matches your shoe size, Dimbo, until then just stick to Championship Manager

Don't you just love it when folk come on here claiming to know things that no one else knows. Tools.
Fyi he may even exceed the £20k a week depending on the success of the team this year, (that's if the deal does get over the line) but lawwell will put a spin on it to make it seem like a back track from Turnbull and his agent, but in reality believe me that's no what happened.
All I have read is that it's around 12k basic with improvement/performance increases. For him to double his money as you are saying that's some contract....
What other details are you privi to?
I will wait until he signs,after all ''tis the season to be silly and there is plenty of that about,now have you heard that Lampard is going to Chelsea And Derby are going for for Steve G as a replacement now wouldn't that prove to be the cat amongst the plebs,just saying

At least Lamps has proved himself but Slippy for Derby? He just doesn't have the experience and maybe even doesn't have the coaching badges.
I will wait until he signs,after all ''tis the season to be silly and there is plenty of that about,now have you heard that Lampard is going to Chelsea And Derby are going for for Steve G as a replacement now wouldn't that prove to be the cat amongst the plebs,just saying
Cat amongst the plebs???

They would eat their own young, Digger..........wait - I think they did that already!

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