Victory to the resistance

Fucking hell. Had to actually stop reading. AJ, you make me sick mate.
What I got, from what I could read, is that until Hamas release all hostages, you couldn't give a shit about how many woman, babies, children and innocent Palestinians are butchered. This is people who have nothing to do with Hamas that you're talking about. your logic, let's say the IRA, in the 80s, took a soldiers family hostage. You'd then accept that soldiers could kick in Irish doors and start shooting up houses of families until the hostages were released??
Or if Scotland and England got in a wee fight over independence and some Scottish nutters kidnapped a few English families at the borders. You'd be happy to watch bombs drop on the schemes of Glasgow?
Your logic is completely twisted and makes no sense. There isn't even a "I can kinda see where he's coming from" part of it.
You're saying, because a terrorist organisation has committed a terrorist attack, that every single, woman and child DESERVES to be wiped off the face of the earth. That's fucking insane!!
And BTW, I don't care what team you support. I'm not calling you out for being a probably are a Celtic fan. But football has fuck all to do with advocating the murder, and dropping bombs on building blocks full of innocent people isn't accidental mate, of innocent children.
It waa obvious to many people that the most active and sophisticated secret service in the world not only knew about the Hamaa plans but actively facilitated it. This then gave the Israeli powerbrokers the excuse they sought to launch their latest land-grab and genocide against their enemies.

Sadly the lives of hundreds of ordinary Israeli citizens were allowed to be sacrificed so that the horrendous revenge could be facilitated. It appears from this report that not only did vert senior officials high up in the Israeli Defence & Government have precise details about exactly how Hamas would launch these strikes but that their plans indicated a very high level knowledge of the secret Israeli defensive operations.

Does this mean that not only did the Israelis deliberately ignore Hamas's plans but may even have assisted in writing them using under-cover agents? I obviously do not know. But what I do know is that too many innocent people are being slaughtered and their lives being made intolerable due to religious hatred, and I wish it would stop.
What you're saying Bridie is an absolute given , the £15 million or so I think 2017 sent to gaza from Qatar required israels backing or it wouldn't have got there at all.
Strange no? Let's fund the enemy we're fighting and the £25 million went across the border in suitcases ffs suitcases. All for humanitarian purposes of course, but if that was true it would've gone to unicef, Red crescent, red Cross take your pick all if you want.
This thread is necessary but Lord its offends ne all of it so much.
Tory bassas and UEFA telling us what we can and can't say , fuk them.
Keep it up and parkhead will be like covid season again , empty.
No political banners , but it's ok to support Ukraine.
So if I turn up at CP with Russian flags and a " cmon Russia will win this war" is that me banned?
Tory fuckpigs , they bring politics into it to suit their agenda but its a no no when it doesn't hypocrisy at its ultimate
Not forgetting that at all. I just don't think Hamas have been good for the Palestinians and are not easy to unelect.

Whilst there removal might be undemocratic it is essential.
Quick question AJ, curiosity mainly.
As many know Qatar, backed by Israel have been funding Hamas for years its no secret the Israelis admit it openly.
Humanitarian aid they called it in 2017 when major story broke and all 3 sides admitted it was true.

£25 million ( in humanitarian aid mind) was sent from Qatar to gaza and backed/allowed/signed off and overseen by the IDF 2017.
If it was as all 3 are claiming ( and lying about btw) why did the £25 million in HA arrive in gaza in suitcases?
Would it not have been better giving it to unicef, Red crescent or red Cross who specialise in humanitarian aid?
Well apparently not because if it had Israel couldn't guarantee that the money went to Hamas, whom the Israeli govt wanted it to go to, these are facts well known.

Israel thought that Hamas , financed and firing rockets at Israel would have isolated Hamas from the Palestinian's due to the guaranteed respone and the Palestinian leader ( of the people) in the west Bank would gain support in Gaza.
I realise ive started with a question and finished with an opinion, you'll get used to my tangents .
On the question though what's your thoughts if I may pry?
I was disgusted by that banner. The Green Brigade to some great stuff in creating an atmosphere at games, and other things such as the food banks.

However Saturday was far from their finest moment.

Just because Israel are wrong, it doesn't mean everyone else is right.

And what did these "heroic resistance fighters" attack at the weekend ?

An army barracks ? A government building?

No, a concert. Big hard men are, aren't they.

They then display the naked body of one young girl.

Did they strip her just to photographer her. No of course they didn't

When Palestine is free it'll be a better place without those scum.
Not having paid this thread much attention as I've many many opinions on it I'd rather not see it on a Celtic forum but general chat is exactly what it says and we should talk about it.
I know you've been called the unsavoury word on here , so have I not as much though , I've seen nothing personally to suggest that, and so belatedly welcome to the Noise a great wee tims tinterspace.

That last post AJ I was with you agreeing to all of it , then that last sentence went and ruined it all.

"When Palestine is free it'll be a better place without those scum."

This sentence AJ ( and I am taking it for granted you're a Celtic supporter with Jewish connections or perhaps youre Jewish which is none of my business, anyway im speculating apologies if im wrong, )
Celtic is a club open to all though that's being more and more called into question more recently.

My problem with that last sentence is does not Israel sit on around 30% of Palestinian land?
That's what many of the conflict historians all agree on.
Once palestine is free
could be taken as someone who is genuinely calling for the genocide of the Palestinian peoples that is ongoing, in the west Bank too.
It won't be palestine without Palestinian people in it.
Its the wording of it, leaves it open to many interpretations.
When Palestine is free? From who?
From Israel who are the main players, backed by the west or Hamas a puppet organisation funded by Qatar and with Israeli blessing.
From Hezbollah? Another puppet but far more dangerous than Hamas.
From Iran?
Do you believe that if Hamas gave all tbe hostages back israel said thank you dontbdo it again or else, they all shook hands and went their own way that'd be it? (Sorry that's two questions ) I'll quit here 😅
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If a madman decided to blow up houses in London, could he use the defense that its collateral damage, he was trying to blow up hamas?
I'm quite sure that if some reps from Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran were present in the houses of London they could use that as a defense.
Not knowing much about law other than common law ( peasants law) I'd say yes they could use that line of defence and have it thrown out of court at its first mention in front of ' his honour' then onto the terrorist charges for attacking the houses of parliament. ( House laws)
Now that Israel is firing missiles 40KL into Lebanon I’m thinking their long game is to get Hesbollah to mount a full scale attack. They will then claim to be under massive threat and try and blackmail the yanks to provide ground troops to enable them to not only wipe out all Palestinians but also take over the Lebanon and turn it into a police state.
It is widely known Hesbollah has at least 250,000 radar guided missiles and 50,000 highly trained and battle hardened fighters. In response to this threat Israel has told their reservists the are being sent to the border. They will sacrifice these soldiers, the same as they sacrificed many on October 7, simply to achieve this goal 😡😡😡🇵🇸
IMO, Palestinians who were sick and infirm and also infant, could not leave their deathbeds and not all in the same place, were lambs to the slaughter, by bomb and boots on the ground and that, it has to be agreed is an act of {barbirisiam}. and premediated death of innocents.​
Something else that bothers me is whenever the number of dead Palestinians is mentioned or especially the bombardment of Gaza, out comes the same but look what you did to Dresden , Afghanistan, Iraq and they are right it was brutal Dresden was levelled , in the 40s .
That parts important that Britain levelled dresden in the 40s because that not far off a century ago and nothings been learned In terms of peace. This is still the way forward to level a city?
Plus dresden and gaza are like night and day dresden had defence systems AAGs etc wouldn't be surprised if the 40s weaponry wasn't any worse than what the Israelis are fighting.
Dresden, Hiroshima both despicable acts of war but to hold them up as an example as to why its necessary and everyone must die is ridiculous.
Different times the nazis were set on global domination, hiroshima nagasaki these combined stopped the war but at terrible cost of life.
What the IDF are doing is not the same, they face no competent air force or even STA missiles, how many Israeli planes shot down?
It saddens me to see and hear a guy like Ben shapiro who I respect and admire fir his anti woke stance and just putting the truth out there.
I understand its his oeople who were attacked, kids, but I thought an intellectual like shapiro would have better input than " well look at what the British done and the Americans , we're only doing the same. Extremely disappointing but perhaps mossad have had a word in his ear about what not to say?
Now that Israel is firing missiles 40KL into Lebanon I’m thinking their long game is to get Hesbollah to mount a full scale attack. They will then claim to be under massive threat and try and blackmail the yanks to provide ground troops to enable them to not only wipe out all Palestinians but also take over the Lebanon and turn it into a police state.
It is widely known Hesbollah has at least 250,000 radar guided missiles and 50,000 highly trained and battle hardened fighters. In response to this threat Israel has told their reservists the are being sent to the border. They will sacrifice these soldiers, the same as they sacrificed many on October 7, simply to achieve this goal 😡😡😡🇵🇸
Could be onto something miktim, israel has nuclear bomb capability and Iran will soon if not already.
This is about Israel and iran , I feel.
The Jews cannot have a nuclear power enemy nation so start it now while winning is a possibility, same with the Americans in the South China Sea.
Only problem with any western/NATO plan to dominate China, Russia, Iran is the leaders of these western nations are all fools. Macron, Rishi, Biden. Putin has meet How many American presidents and (wheres the abacus ) how many P.Ms ? He must kaugh at their conventions COP G12 etc and think I'll still be here when you're long gone what can a lame duck pm offer Russia?
He's seen it all before and tbh both Putin and Xi are playing politics far better than anyone else right now.
Fucking hell. Had to actually stop reading. AJ, you make me sick mate.
What I got, from what I could read, is that until Hamas release all hostages, you couldn't give a shit about how many woman, babies, children and innocent Palestinians are butchered. This is people who have nothing to do with Hamas that you're talking about. your logic, let's say the IRA, in the 80s, took a soldiers family hostage. You'd then accept that soldiers could kick in Irish doors and start shooting up houses of families until the hostages were released??
Or if Scotland and England got in a wee fight over independence and some Scottish nutters kidnapped a few English families at the borders. You'd be happy to watch bombs drop on the schemes of Glasgow?
Your logic is completely twisted and makes no sense. There isn't even a "I can kinda see where he's coming from" part of it.
You're saying, because a terrorist organisation has committed a terrorist attack, that every single, woman and child DESERVES to be wiped off the face of the earth. That's fucking insane!!
Be careful what you write responding to AJ I'm still not convinced he is a genuine Celtic supporter & has another agenda. HH
Quick question AJ, curiosity mainly.
As many know Qatar, backed by Israel have been funding Hamas for years its no secret the Israelis admit it openly.
Humanitarian aid they called it in 2017 when major story broke and all 3 sides admitted it was true.

£25 million ( in humanitarian aid mind) was sent from Qatar to gaza and backed/allowed/signed off and overseen by the IDF 2017.
If it was as all 3 are claiming ( and lying about btw) why did the £25 million in HA arrive in gaza in suitcases?
Would it not have been better giving it to unicef, Red crescent or red Cross who specialise in humanitarian aid?
Well apparently not because if it had Israel couldn't guarantee that the money went to Hamas, whom the Israeli govt wanted it to go to, these are facts well known.

Israel thought that Hamas , financed and firing rockets at Israel would have isolated Hamas from the Palestinian's due to the guaranteed respone and the Palestinian leader ( of the people) in the west Bank would gain support in Gaza.
I realise ive started with a question and finished with an opinion, you'll get used to my tangents .
On the question though what's your thoughts if I may pry?
Thought I made myself clear. My revulsion to the deliberate attack on women and children and the continued holding of hostages, plus the rapes that took place during the attack, has robbed me of all sympathy for the plight of the Palestinian people.

Let the women and children hostages go and we can talk about the attrocities committed by Israel.

I realise that this may seem a very simplistic approach to take but that's how I feel. The backlash to the attack by Hamas should be such that nothing similar is attempted again.

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