What Message Would You Like to Send to Peter Lawwell and the Celtic Board

why choose when you've brought up winning every single trophy every single season
choose .... it's like fucking trainspotting on here
i want it all and i want it NOW
Choose a life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers... Choose DSY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away in the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself, choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?
Choose a life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers... Choose DSY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away in the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself, choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?
Are you spying on me
I'm off, bit close to the bone ................
Oh and I know the noise is a bit delicate at the moment with words hurting and people being a bit emotional so can I just say when I said piss off TET, it wasn't a serious angry piss off. It was a "telling your mate in the pub to piss off"....if that makes sense...hope you took it that way mate. 😁👍
I just thought you knew I need piss every 20 minutes with my diabetes

so when you said it I thought good call sir

I probably piss my nappy without that shout.

I fully agree his record was good
Of course it was good in fact it was better than good it was incredible and outstanding and has never been bettered in over 40 years , as for liverpool well I dont care about them , though even there he came closer to the title than the great king Kenny the willy wonker soonehs peeneehs and Benitez but there was a last minute slip up (see what I did there) anyway I'm glad you do agree TET 👍 his record for the time he was here is 2nd only to the lions and JS . We all hate how he left but I dont hate HIM , how can I? To hate a man who has brought unrivalled success domestically to the club I love does not compute and would be petty in the extreme ( speaking on behalf of maself of course) almost as petty as not using parks of hamulton coaches . ..........nah fook that scrub that last sentence wits wrang wi first buses anyway 😂
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Of course it was good in fact it was better than good it was incredible and outstanding and has never been bettered in over 40 years , as for liverpool well I dont care about them , though even there he came closer to the title than the great king Kenny the willy wonker soonehs peeneehs and Benitez but there was a last minute slip up (see what I did there) anyway I'm glad you do agree TET 👍 his record for the time he was here is 2nd only to the lions and JS . We all hate how he left but I dont hate HIM , how can I? To hate a man who has brought unrivalled success domestically to the club I love does not compute and would be petty in the extreme ( speaking on behalf of maself of course) almost as petty as not using parks of hamulton coaches . ..........nah fook that scrub that last sentence with wrang wi first buses anyway 😂
But the competition was weaker than most other celtic managers ever had to face and none of them handed over a tired bunch of hubris filled torpor addicts with an over bloated budget and a whole stinking atmosphere

he just swanned off in the night like good snake oil men do, with his pockets full of loot and his oompah Loompah tan and his 5000 dollar teeth

Right I mean it hoopy, I'm away. I just wanted to clear the up with TET, I wouldn't have slept tonight it I'd caused offence. I still get cold sweats over calling bigian entitled (it was a joke Ian!!!!!!)
he claims I treat him like daft Wayne im no sure if thats a Disney character or Hannah Barbera though
But the competition was weaker than most other celtic managers ever had to face and none of them handed over a tired bunch of hubris filled torpor addicts with an over bloated budget and a whole stinking atmosphere

he just swanned off in the night like good snake oil me do, with his pockets full of loot and his oompah Loompah tan and his 5000 dollar teeth

Very true TET but you can only beat what's In front of you. For the record I reckon that were he still here hed still be beating whatevers in front of him (in football terms) 😆
Very true TET but you can only beat what's In front of you. For the record I reckon that were he still here hed still be beating whatevers in front of him (in football terms) 😆
I honestly dont

he knew Gerrard knew his weaknesses and could spill the beans through the ff website

probably why Gerrard signed up at sevco

he hated rodgers more than me

read his book

its a good read
Right I mean it hoopy, I'm away. I just wanted to clear the up with TET, I wouldn't have slept tonight it I'd caused offence. I still get cold sweats over calling bigian entitled (it was a joke Ian!!!!!!)
I'm fucking lost, am I being insulted again? Do I need to stand outside McDairmid Park again, should I bring the boxing gloves or just the chainsaw?
Would some cunt please tell me the new rules?

(If you recognise yourself as a cunt sorry for saying cunt, if you don't recognise yourself as a cunt I think we're ok on that one)
I honestly dont

he knew Gerrard knew his weaknesses and could spill the beans through the ff website

probably why Gerrard signed up at sevco

he hated rodgers more than me

read his book

its a good read
Think I'll pass on that TET just for the simple reason I canny fn stand the guy never could some player but a total knob imo I also disagree with that assumption that Gerrard a rookie manager would have the better of a time served successful onecsuch as Brendan Rodgers. Take celtic away from it and still Rodgers achievements in club football are impressive, you dont get to be liverpool manager unless you're good at what you do. Rodgers is good at what he does his record speaks for itself . Whether you like or dislike him is irrelevant his abilities cannot be questioned I understand of course where all the animosity against him comes from. Not everyone's blessed with such beautiful teeth. "And you know, of course, teeth are impawrtant, and we want to work on that together with this great , great group of talented young men, and you know of course , talent, talent is impawrtant and as a group , you know of course we want to improve our teeth , because of course teeth are impawrtant " that's my Rodgers impersonation of course you know 🙈
Stop it

im trying to converse with you

im not dictating nothing

im giving you potential reasons

not infallible decrees

I am trying to chat about football

im not a dictator

im nobody ffs

I own nothing

im unemployable

I am lord nappy

the reader from the book of jobby
Do I detect a hint of sarciness? 😆👍

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