Who could replace Neil Lennon

Whit happens when the team you've selected get's pumped?
That's not very positive & optimistic is it? For me that team I've selected still needs some major changes in the Jan window but I'd be very confident in that team winning all the remaining domestic games between now and new year.

Also, that team can hardly play any worse than Lenny's current selections can it?
That's not very positive & optimistic is it? For me that team I've selected still needs some major changes in the Jan window but I'd be very confident in that team winning all the remaining domestic games between now and new year.

Also, that team can hardly play any worse than Lenny's current selections can it?
Who's performed consistently?
Imo Lenny is the biggest reason as to why so many are performing so poorly, he's lost a large portion of them due to a number of various reasons. So to rejuvenate the team he needs to freshen it up to at least keep players on their toes & fearing for their place if they underperform, that would be half the battle.

What he should be doing is giving some others chances that he hasn't so far this season (Turnbull, Soro, Connell, Karamoko for e.g), he also needs to get a partnership back up front with Eddy & Griffiths (they haven't started a single game once this season together so far), I keep hearing about fitness issues in relation to Griff but needs must, the only way he'll get fitter is through matches, even if he can only play for 45-60 mins, start him anyway & then later on bring on Klimala or Ajeti (when he's back).

But currently under performing players like Barkas, Frimpong, Ajer, Brown & Christie need to come out the side for a few games to see if a large number of changes helps the team & system. CalMac hasn't been performing either but I'd like to see him beside different players like Soro & Turnbull in MF, then if CalMac continued to under perform there are players like Ntcham & Connell waiting for a chance at CM too.
You make them all sound like wonderful prospects but just remind me again.... why are they all unemployed?
Brendan Rodgers was out of work before he joined Celtic. Mourinho was out of work before he joined Tottenham, now top of the league. Many managers leave clubs or get sacked for one reason or another. Some are shite and some have maybe fallen out with the board. If we used your logic, then anyone who has ever been sacked from their job, would never be hired again.
Imo Lenny is the biggest reason as to why so many are performing so poorly, he's lost a large portion of them due to a number of various reasons. So to rejuvenate the team he needs to freshen it up to at least keep players on their toes & fearing for their place if they underperform, that would be half the battle.

What he should be doing is giving some others chances that he hasn't so far this season (Turnbull, Soro, Connell, Karamoko for e.g), he also needs to get a partnership back up front with Eddy & Griffiths (they haven't started a single game once this season together so far), I keep hearing about fitness issues in relation to Griff but needs must, the only way he'll get fitter is through matches, even if he can only play for 45-60 mins, start him anyway & then later on bring on Klimala or Ajeti (when he's back).

But currently under performing players like Barkas, Frimpong, Ajer, Brown & Christie need to come out the side for a few games to see if a large number of changes helps the team & system. CalMac hasn't been performing either but I'd like to see him beside different players like Soro & Turnbull in MF, then if CalMac continued to under perform there are players like Ntcham & Connell waiting for a chance at CM too.
A successful team is based upon how the sum of it's parts function as a group and how each section interacts with each other section.

That is over simplifying it, but that is basically how team sports work.

Personal opinion is, is that whoever it is that is responsible for identifying potential players has directed their attention towards just filling a position without looking at the requirements of the team.

Admittedly, that must be difficult with the team at the moment, as there is no real pattern or identity to speak of; however - players have been signed who don't seem to currently fit within whatever system it is we're trying to play. It isn't helped by the fact that the current manager doesn't seem to know what system suits his players best and that just adds to the overall lack of cohesion and just general confusion.

When things are going in a downward trajectory - it is often best to go back to basics and have the team focus on doing their own individual jobs.

Central defenders patrolling the central areas, right and left full-backs defending the right and left flanks with the option to bomb on only when it is appropriate.

Two central midfielders working the 60-yards between the penalty areas. Two WIDE midfielders staying WIDE and opening up spaces.

Two forwards, one central and one prepared to run both channels and link up.

This is Scottish football. The formula is basic, but it should be effective in the vast majority of matches.

The systems we currently favour allow players to hide or go missing at various points. That simple 4-4-2 means that no one can afford to hide or relinquish their responsibility. The only question then left to answer is are they good enough footballers? I happen to think most of them are, but then it would be up to them to prove it.
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What's the chances of Lenny stumbling upon this team & formation from now until January at least? I know a few eyebrows will be raised with the absence of Frimpong, Ajer, Laxalt, Brown, Christie & Elyounoussi but a big shake up is needed, things have went stale with the same constant selections.

This formation protects the defence as well as getting two up front, downside is no wingers but Forrest & Johnston are still a wee bit away, I've put Taylor in ahead of Laxalt because Laxalt is more of a wing back imo, don't forget as well that Elhamed at RB alongside Bitton & Jullien at CB was the defence that beat Sevco 2-0 last season.

It's make or break time, Lenny needs to be ruthless & make some big decisions to freshen the team up.
Need 2 wingers , from what I've seen we can't break down defenses and create enough chances wit these formations.
Play being slowed down and bottled up by checking back inside.
‘A successful team is based upon how the sum of it’s parts function as a group and how each section interacts with each other section’

Thank SP this is what I thought BR Rodgers called the ‘trinity’ all parts from the board /recruitment, the management and coaching back room staff /players all sections together for the best outcome.
I will leave the playing part of this to all you experts I just wanted to comment on the need for the team work that seems broken just now between the parts.
I think Jack Ross would do a great job.. clearly not a popular choice simply because his name doesn't end in a vowel......get him in, bring back Maloney as assistant and promote Steven McManus to first team coach
The wheels are completely off the bogey, it's now being dragged along throwing sparks everywhere, which will ignite the whole shit show as soon as we lose the next game, which is coming.

Any talk of a top level manager is as stupid a notion as our tactics have been all season. If and when they decide to change the manager it will be the cheap option. It's the way we roll. I fully expected the axe to fall after that disgrace v Dross County, without a win since September. Then even more damaging on Sunday and it's still nothing to see. The statement issued sums their cowardice and absolute lack of judgement. Neither of these came as a surprise. That is the main issue. We are led by shitebags, who want total control. Any manager at the top of their game wouldn't go to a club where that situation is the norm..We need shot of Lawell and Desmond. They are using Celtic as a cash cow and their disdain for the support can only take them so far or we will be back to the Sack the Board days and if that happens in a balls out war, they will lose. It will be too late for the 10, but, it will happen. What a fucking disaster of our own making. It was always coming, our falling off a cliff these last year's had to end with a fatal crash landing. Buckle up people, buckle up.