Zombie Gets Red Card

Celtic defender Shane Duffy suffers racist and sectarian abuse on Instagram​

Commenting on the messages, Duffy wrote: “There’s abuse which is fine but surely there’s a limit.”

I've said it before and will no doubt say it again, these scum dont even know how to celebrate, its all about hatred for them, when they lose they blame and hate everyone, when they win they hate hate and hate some more.

Banter with workmates or "friends " not them soft targets with their narrow minded bigoted views of everything they perceive to be "different ".

Born of Scum and will die the same.
Is this the best they have to send over to us,I suppose we have to give them some credit after all not many 10 year old clubs win a championship,or cheat the tax man or not pay any of the 276 small business people they still owe money to,or owe serious money to big Mike or keep asking their supporters to bail them out with shares nobody has heard of or seen before..

Anybody know when big Mike gets to put the stake into their liver.
I did,nt say heart because they are a heartless crew..anybody,s and everybody,s money,they will take it all..
The apprentice bucket rattlers will be out shortly if the shares dont work..

A big thanks to WC for giving out the red card. We do not want or need the opinions of bigots. Sorry to hear about Shane Duffy receiving racist abuse on Instagram. When will other sites take responsibility for abuse of individuals and shop those who are writing same abuse to cops. Keep Strong Shane and remember those who post abuse are not human.