“It smacked of hypocrisy” – Nicola Sturgeon’s Outrageous Celtic Comments, Neil Lennon Out… Standing

The last vote it was not the huns who made a difference it was the better together vote that did it, this time round the swing has been happening because of politics and the westminster rule and defiance in telling the Scots they have no say in their future, businesses wanted to be in the EU as it makes sense for small to medium businesses to have access to a wider community and customer base and to have no barriers to prevent trade, thats what will swing it, not a couple of punters who talk shite all day in the Bristol bar and Louden.
Here's the problem. We're no longer in the EU. Scotland as an independent nation will not be allowed entry into the EU due to their rules in many years and the chances of Scotland getting the go ahead for another referendum are slim to none in the near future. Like it or not it is how it is.
Talking of age, questions for wee Krankie, can a 16 year old....

Buy a can of beer? No too immature.

Buy a packet of fags? No too immature.

Buy a stanley knife? No too immature.

Buy some gas for a lighter? No too immature.

Buy a porno mag? No too immature.

Vote on changing the sovereignty of a country, ending a 300 year long relationship? Oh absolutely, certainly mature enough for that!

Little vote hungry twat would give the vote to dugs if she thought they would back her.
You can get married at 16 and have sex. If you record it though, you have to wait 2 years to watch and if you show it to anyone you will get done for distributing under age porn 🤣🤣
Here's the problem. We're no longer in the EU. Scotland as an independent nation will not be allowed entry into the EU due to their rules in many years and the chances of Scotland getting the go ahead for another referendum are slim to none in the near future. Like it or not it is how it is.
Says who Stevie
Bang on. For years I’ve been saying it in politics left and right are two cheeks of the same arse not one of them gives a fuck about anyone but themselves
Totally agree with that statement, I’ve always said on the ballot paper there should be a box saying “none of these fecken idiots “ was there not a (real) donkey that got voted as an MVP once?
Here's the problem. We're no longer in the EU. Scotland as an independent nation will not be allowed entry into the EU due to their rules in many years and the chances of Scotland getting the go ahead for another referendum are slim to none in the near future. Like it or not it is how it is.
Worries me when you're around at this time on a Saturday night mate, I can only assume you're pished! 😹
Another scenario, Scotland gets back into the EU, but pretty much every product we import/export travels through.....England a non EU country. Whats to stop them putting massive tariffs on products crossing their borders? Absolutely nothing to stop them, then we'd have an actual reason to hate the English (other than Jimmy Hill)
Oh I hear a Nat in the background piping up we'll just sail all of our imports and exports via boats , yeah that won't add to the cost of everything, course it won't 😹
Worries me when you're around at this time on a Saturday night mate, I can only assume you're pished! 😹
Another scenario, Scotland gets back into the EU, but pretty much every product we import/export travels through.....England a non EU country. Whats to stop them putting massive tariffs on products crossing their borders? Absolutely nothing to stop them, then we'd have an actual reason to hate the English (other than Jimmy Hill)
Oh I hear a Nat in the background piping up we'll just sail all of our imports and exports via boats , yeah that won't add to the cost of everything, course it won't 😹
Sorry to say I'm still sober pal🤣
Are we in the EU? Has Westminster not already said they won't give permission? Have the rules for joining the EU changed?
Who is Westminister Stevie, Did Scotland sign up to Westminster, Has the EU said there was a rule on independent countries who want to join, as i recall Britian exited not Scotland. So what is Britian Stevie is it Westminster, the last i looked Westminste rwas nothing more than a Parliment, a building for politicians to debate, nothing more.
Incidentally in an independent scotland the Orange mob will be the majority. Are you looking forward to that nats?
I'm no expert on Scottish politics, but according to most people on here the orange men won't vote for the snp as they don't want independence. Yet the snp are the largest party. So who is voting for them then? If it's not the orange mob as you put it, then how can they be the majority in an independent Scotland?
Worries me when you're around at this time on a Saturday night mate, I can only assume you're pished! 😹
Another scenario, Scotland gets back into the EU, but pretty much every product we import/export travels through.....England a non EU country. Whats to stop them putting massive tariffs on products crossing their borders? Absolutely nothing to stop them, then we'd have an actual reason to hate the English (other than Jimmy Hill)
Oh I hear a Nat in the background piping up we'll just sail all of our imports and exports via boats , yeah that won't add to the cost of everything, course it won't 😹
Arent we all pished ?
apparently 68% of our exports go to EU
19% to UK

the EU would take anyone, they've been talking for years to Turkey FFS

But being in the EU and getting back in are 2 different things
not a good deal would they offer and they'd insist on EURO
Who is Westminister Stevie, Did Scotland sign up to Westminster, Has the EU said there was a rule on independent countries who want to join, as i recall Britian exited not Scotland. So what is Britian Stevie is it Westminster, the last i looked Westminste rwas nothing more than a Parliment, a building for politicians to debate, nothing more.
Also ALL existing EU members must agree. I'm sure Spain will vote for that bearing in mind the Catalonian issue.🤔
I'm no expert on Scottish politics, but according to most people on here the orange men won't vote for the snp as they don't want independence. Yet the snp are the largest party. So who is voting for them then? If it's not the orange mob as you put it, then how can they be the majority in an independent Scotland?
half the country doesnt vote, so it's a majority of the minority
Arent we all pished ?
apparently 68% of our exports go to EU
19% to UK

the EU would take anyone, they've been talking for years to Turkey FFS

But being in the EU and getting back in are 2 different things
not a good deal would they offer and they'd insist on EURO
Like you say pal."talking to Turkey for years". Plus we weren't in the EU. The UK was.
Am of the same view. The SNP are a sham.
Education has went down the pan under their leadership and are now refusing to release an independent review of secondary education until after the election.
Sturgeon and a cronies tried to destroy Alex salmond with fake accusations of sexual assault and attempted rape.
The SNP have also politicised the police and the PF office.
The SNP are ,in my view worse than the tories.
As they say nationalism is one step away from fascism
Who exactly said nationalism is one step away from fascism? I'm an Irish nationalist. Does that mean I'm a fascist?

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