Closing in on 3000

Whilst glancing at the home page, I noted that the site is 19 shy of hitting another milestone by reaching a total of 3000 members.

Even better than that.......according to Disassociated Personality Disorder Clay, me and my multiple accounts can whack that number oot in an afternoon!!!

Stevie........time for a raffle
That'll be enough of the 'whacking wan oot in an afternoon' talk
We had a power cut for over 2 hours last night, it was still brighter, than that spunk bubble you just mentioned
Mon eh 3000 !!!

If only some of the 2nd gender on here knew what manscaping was, the world would be a less smelly place. 👃
And Shammy joins the crew, as down the worm hole they go
SP...3000 you say ??? :unsure::unsure::unsure: that's smashing
I suppose everybody has seen the movie '40 year old virgin'
You know the scene I'm talking's a belter