
No...a News programme meteorologist...checking to see if it was raining
Not exactly a full time job in Greenock mind you
I'm gonny drift back into F1 memories because I can't help myself, I remember about 15 or 20 years ago Mclaren getting all confused about bringing cars in to change tyres because the computer said it was dry but it was clearly pissing down. There were guys going out to the pit lane and its absolutely tipping down but they wouldn't accept it because the computer told them it was dry! They lost that race!
I'm gonny drift back into F1 memories because I can't help myself, I remember about 15 or 20 years ago Mclaren getting all confused about bringing cars in to change tyres because the computer said it was dry but it was clearly pissing down. There were guys going out to the pit lane and its absolutely tipping down but they wouldn't accept it because the computer told them it was dry! They lost that race!
That's why when I hear 'Auto Pilot' I tend to get worried...
Mmmm now let me think hobbies? Mmmmn none - just the odd fruit loaf when I can be bothered and I trust masel no tae eat the whole fkg thing wae a generous helping o Lurpak spread all over it. oh and aye the herb garden, oh and poetry, I write poetry, but ma brother wis moaning cos it was aw doom n gloom and he said can you no write something happy - so ah did about him wae aw his money and his Pollyanna outlook, he wis no happy 😃 Oh and I’m writing a book, a thriller no least 🤣 about us aw growing up a right load o pish probably but it keeps me busy in these days of grand choice 🤣 not to be scoffed at though - choices I mean.
Mmmm now let me think hobbies? Mmmmn none - just the odd fruit loaf when I can be bothered and I trust masel no tae eat the whole fkg thing wae a generous helping o Lurpak spread all over it. oh and aye the herb garden, oh and poetry, I write poetry, but ma brother wis moaning cos it was aw doom n gloom and he said can you no write something happy - so ah did about him wae aw his money and his Pollyanna outlook, he wis no happy 😃 Oh and I’m writing a book, a thriller no least 🤣 about us aw growing up a right load o pish probably but it keeps me busy in these days of grand choice 🤣 not to be scoffed at though - choices I mean.
Do you put icing on the top of the fruit loaf Rose ?
Mmmm now let me think hobbies? Mmmmn none - just the odd fruit loaf when I can be bothered and I trust masel no tae eat the whole fkg thing wae a generous helping o Lurpak spread all over it. oh and aye the herb garden, oh and poetry, I write poetry, but ma brother wis moaning cos it was aw doom n gloom and he said can you no write something happy - so ah did about him wae aw his money and his Pollyanna outlook, he wis no happy 😃 Oh and I’m writing a book, a thriller no least 🤣 about us aw growing up a right load o pish probably but it keeps me busy in these days of grand choice 🤣 not to be scoffed at though - choices I mean.
I like trying to make music with my computer and i take public domain poems occassionally and try putting it into a metre then adding chords. I could trying putting some music to your poems if your interested?

here is a recent poem i added some music and free videos over it
