A thought for the poor people on Easter Monday

I'm not going to lie TT, if the flat world is being run by lizards then fair play to them. They have obviously worked harder than us normal people to get into that position....it gives us all something to aim for in life...I mean if a lizard can do it then anyone can....surely ???
To all fellow Bhoys and all around good people, throw away your televisions, stop being slaves to money, exercise and eat right, spread love everywhere you go everyday, do not let Satan win. Satan has taken over the media, government, Vatican and schools. Do not let him take over your soul, mind, heart and love.
To all fellow Bhoys and all around good people, throw away your televisions, stop being slaves to money, exercise and eat right, spread love everywhere you go everyday, do not let Satan win. Satan has taken over the media, government, Vatican and schools. Do not let him take over your soul, mind, heart and love.
that's rich from our resident satanist.

which faith is correct for tt?
You tube was designed for people like you thai hun, I only watch football and music videos on mine, I'm not religious, but I believe that people of all faiths have the right to practice their faith in peace.
The day after the shameful attacks in Sri Lanka and the huge loss of life, you come on this forum with this, you are a complete wind up merchant and should be ashamed at attacking a faith that most of the people on this blog have been brought up in.
I believe evil is something that can live in a human heart, im sorry for you because the stench of evil is strong in your posts, I hope you can find a way to be a more kind and compassionate person before your life will be ruined forever.
By the way, if you wondered why I called you a hun, don't feel bad, thats what I call supporters of a certain club in Scotland whose fans are so sick, they've weaponised paedophilia.
How ahm a gonny watch the Hoops then? Ye've no thought that wan through huv ye?
how's he gonna watch hoops in Thailand never mind anybody else hahaha

I can't understand how he manages to see anything with that tinfoil suit he covers his head with, im surprised he hasn't advocated chopping off our heads since heads of church are evil, and with head we are dense, so better to lop it off and let the members of the body dictate their freedoms to do whatever they like with impunity.

A church with no head is same as a head with no body, dead. its dead tt.
Btw, theres no mention of Easter Monday in the bible, it doesnt even say if it was a bank holiday or no.
An lay aff poor wee Satan, just cos he's sine died from Heaven dont make him a bad person, or angel or whatever he(or she) is.
Aye an get aff the Thai weed too.
Cheers thai...so the telly is evil and controls minds but the internet is fine. Good to know. It's hard living on this planet. I thought I just had to work and provide for my family and not give a shit about anything but them....its a major mind fuck to know that Line of Duty and The Chase are controlling my mind and the Pope is a lizard or worships a lizard or some shit like that.