A transfer, clickbait, football news of any kind & in general just whats on your mind thread

Frank (where ra birds) McAvennie met up with Steve Harris last night, the iconic iron maiden bassist, was in Glasgow for his band’s sellout gig at the hydro, Harris is a massive West Ham supporter, has the club crest on his bass, frank played for the hammers in the 80’s
Over a few beers the the pot still in hope st, he has managed to convince Harris to take up the Celtic as this Scottish team 👍
FFS! £800K to sack the incompetent Neil Doncaster??? If only he was as good at negotiating contracts for the benefit of Scottish Football (otherwise known as doing his fecking job) as he was at haggling over his own contract!

Who agreed to give this useless twat £400K per annum and a TWO YEAR severance pay? No wonder our national sport is in a poor state with feckless idiots running/ruining it from the top down.

Luton winning the EPL play off at Wembley has won Luton at least £200 million over the next 3 years.

Skys new spfl deal that starts in 2024 is worth £150 million over 5 years for Scottish clubs between them.

The Glasgow Derby, 4 guaranteed per season , possibly 6 should be worth more than that alone , given how many peoples of so many different countries want to see it.

I'm no businessman but even I can work this out.
They know this at ibrokes and CP.

Sevco didn't want to sign that deal and I think they were right.

So why are Celtic, DD in particular not in agreement with the obvious?

Can't be pettiness towards their board he doesn't allow emotion to play much if any part in his business dealings, parks of Hamilton and other far more deliberate smoke and mirror techniques he's used in the past on the Celtic support.

Has me questioning a lot.
Does DD still believe that sticking with Sky in the meantime will lead to some scenario where we get access to the wealth on offer to the likes of Luton, even if we have to suffer for now it'll be worth the sacrifice?

What reason would a successful billionaire choose not to make more money with a better plan thats already viable?

Sky give us the worst deal possible , Europe's worst for who we are.
No doubt still punishing us for having the audacity of nearly breaking away , which we , Celtic sabotaged at the 11th hour to stick with BSKYB.

It's a question that needs answered.
Like you said " why pay this guy so much when he is under-delivering?

He can claim its the best deal ever and factually be correct.

It's still millions short of what our games worth, not only the Glasgow Derby but Edinburgh and Dundee's too.

Viewing figures for Scottish football is high and has been for years because of the number of international players who ply their trade here.

More to this than meets the eye I think , got to be.
Frank (where ra birds) McAvennie met up with Steve Harris last night, the iconic iron maiden bassist, was in Glasgow for his band’s sellout gig at the hydro, Harris is a massive West Ham supporter, has the club crest on his bass, frank played for the hammers in the 80’s
Over a few beers the the pot still in hope st, he has managed to convince Harris to take up the Celtic as this Scottish team 👍
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Off topic a bit, but i wish they'd stop using the hydro as the new main music event venue.

It's more like an amphitheatre and spectators are a fair height above the act.

Wheelchair users can only get to the second level the elevator goes no higher you must walk up the last level and it's steep.

Very few acts spectators have access to the floor, ie stage level, some events have tables on the floors that can be booked but I can't see most folk I know forking out hundereds and hundreds of £s for that, tourists might.

Bring the acts and bands back to the barrowlands , the o2/carling academy etc
A Celtic return for KT is highly unlikely, but stranger things happen via @Onefootball.

This does my head in , I'm aware though the Celtic Star is the writers individual opinion and not the Star collectively.

Even still , as much as I like kt, bringing him back would be a mistake.
Unless he was homesick or something but then his wages would mean he'd instantly become the highest paid footballer in Scotland.

Taylor has been a revelation, truly been brilliant and Bernabei had a reasonable season tops.

If the trend set by South American players continues and he settles better in his 2nd year of playing in Europe then there's a lot more to come from him.

It sends out all the wrong messages ( the main one being its all bs and clickbait).

We've moved away from those type loans and have options to buy attached.

If he was homesick ( idt he is) then a move to champions league Newcastle will see that he's just down the tracks from Edinburgh and home in no time.

In summation, clickbait bs.
Off topic a bit, but i wish they'd stop using the hydro as the new main music event venue.

It's more like an amphitheatre and spectators are a fair height above the act.

Wheelchair users can only get to the second level the elevator goes no higher you must walk up the last level and it's steep.

Very few acts spectators have access to the floor, ie stage level, some events have tables on the floors that can be booked but I can't see most folk I know forking out hundereds and hundreds of £s for that, tourists might.

Bring the acts and bands back to the barrowlands , the o2/carling academy etc
I know that you mean mate, but it’s a question of pure economics, some of the bands can sell out the capacity of the hydro 14,300 instantly, the capacity of the barrowlands is 1,900, different sized venues for different levels of bands, there no question Glasgow needed a large capacity venue, or the biggest acts with large stage shows just missed Scotland out, it’s way better than when we used to see bands in the secc, the sound in there was really bad.
The old Apollo only held 3,500, with the stage 12’ up in the air, but had great acoustics
I was at the king’s theatre last year for the rocky horror picture show, and the seats were so narrow my arms were practically in the chests of the people sitting next to me, great show but terribly cramped
Last gig i was ever at in Glasgow was back in the 80s at Tiffanys which was origanlly the Locarno ballroom for all you older farts , saw uksubs,anti pasti and the Exploited ,,,,,,twas a crackin sound
Last gig i was ever at in Glasgow was back in the 80s at Tiffanys which was origanlly the Locarno ballroom for all you older farts , saw uksubs,anti pasti and the Exploited ,,,,,,twas a crackin sound
The exploited….fuck a mod…..that takes me back, classic punk band, werre they not from Edinburgh?
Last gig i was ever at in Glasgow was back in the 80s at Tiffanys which was origanlly the Locarno ballroom for all you older farts , saw uksubs,anti pasti and the Exploited ,,,,,,twas a crackin sound
Ah Tiffany's......nope too young to remember it haha but heard of it aye.

Have heard of UK subs not the other 2.

Young pup at 50 not too bad
aye the singer used to doss up n down princess street at midnight with his alsatian and big john the bass player used to work in the record shop across from central station
Big John joined Goodbye Mr McKenzie as a brilliant guitarist. Amazingly he is still alive and still plays with the reformed GMM. He needs crutches these days and needs to sit for the gig, but he is still great and much loved by the fans.
I know that you mean mate, but it’s a question of pure economics, some of the bands can sell out the capacity of the hydro 14,300 instantly, the capacity of the barrowlands is 1,900, different sized venues for different levels of bands, there no question Glasgow needed a large capacity venue, or the biggest acts with large stage shows just missed Scotland out, it’s way better than when we used to see bands in the secc, the sound in there was really bad.
The old Apollo only held 3,500, with the stage 12’ up in the air, but had great acoustics
I was at the king’s theatre last year for the rocky horror picture show, and the seats were so narrow my arms were practically in the chests of the people sitting next to me, great show but terribly cramped
Aye its pathetic it really is .
Worked in there building stages for a year or so.

Everything you could imagine to be wrong with a modern day venue is in place there, twice I had serious accidents it was so dangerous (is , so dangerous, nothings changed) , no one is qualified to do half of what's asked.

I could've died/serious consequences of a fall from a scaffold with no harness, climbers with zero experience other than can lift will lift .

The design is so flawed there's no storage space indoors.

At the Cirque du Soleil they brought tons of equipment, trucks would drive into the hydro , unload a million of those big black cases on wheels. We'd empty them , sort them, then have to roll the boxes outside of the hydro til after the show then back inside to refill them then reload them back on the trucks cos some idiot didnt think that having a few big rooms under where everyone's sitting to store shit in was a worthy idea, so it's just the floor and a huge wall the people sit up on.

Aye they can squeeze bodies in there
At full capacity, it can accomodate 14,300 people, seated and standing.
Of those, 2,000 fans can buy standing tickets, depending on what is on.
When the floor area is filled with seats, the overall capacity drops to 12,306.
Some gigs are restricted to 7,000 - 9-000.

There's no denying the benefits of Glasgow's Hydro , when it opened in 2019 only New Yorks only the iconic Madison Square Garden in New York sold more tickets throughout the year.

Back then it shifted a staggering 1,055,970 tickets in 12 months - which was 300,000 more tickets than The 02 in London. Quite incredible for our wee backwater bs country we keep hearing how irrelevant we are globally yet the hydro outcomes the Sydney opera House.

Don't mind gigs of old timers playing there were folk mostly will want a sit down but younger up and coming bands , plus those cashing in on past glories like Arctic monkeys etc to make a fast buck, people want to dance to that , not all, should still be enough seats.

However we have Glasgow green, Bellahouston Park ( both guns and Roses and Arctic monkeys have played there at the latter past two nights I think).

So many places and aye hydro looks really cool at night if you're out and see it's colours but you want to be inside not out lol.

Also this no wheelchair access to the top ( and cheapest) tier tickets is disgraceful.
Disabled must buy a more expensive ticket?

Fs did Neil Doncaster broker that?
How can they get away with that in todays woke world ?

Apart from that don't like it 😉
Ask yir Alexa tae play The exploited….fuck a mod

You’ll be infur a we trip doon the rabbit hole, tae the tune of jingle bells 🤣🤣🤣
Was never a mod nor a punk
A Raver , bit of indie.
Got into my first rave music 'club' when I was only 15/16 , 1988/89.

I remember that cos it was the beginning of what we see now as Glasgow Central.

The garden festival in '88 was a game changer for everything then in 1990 Glasgow was European city of culture and all clubs and pubs coud stay open til 6 in the morning, would fall out of an all nighter into the blazing sun was surreal , really felt like a vampire.

It's still my go to music, most listened to, though I listen to a much wider variety, still went to a rave in London February for my 50th.

A fairly even floor , zimmer or wheelchair ill still be there 🕺( ibuprofen and vicks at the ready) 😆
Reminiscing of the not too distant past I mind the same company ( who I won't mention) for reasons to be cheerful part one.

I mind working at Hampden at the Coldplay, Beyonce, and Rhianna gigs building stages , threading, hiding wire cables, putting that plastic sht on the playing field etc.

Coldplay sold out , week or two later Beyonce sold out ( who btw is every bit as stunningly beutoful looking ( not that anyone cares what she looks like 😛)) and sounds superb from 100 metres away as on telly with those outfis and stuff, but i digress as I'd slung her oot the hoose dont come back! , before she was a child of destiny , aye caught her fingering my Celtic programmes bitch, but not bitter.

Rihanna however , her gig was sandwiched in between only sold about 14,000 tickets for 50,000 capacity Hampden.

Know what the organisers did?
Gave all us workers and others loads of tickets to go out onto the street to GIVE away Rihanna tickets that were about £70 to buy , some guys sold them for fivers etc ( miserable cnuts).

Phoned my sisters, everybody etc no one interested at 2 hrs before on stage so just gave them away, about 40 on Cathcart Road.

I thought it was just a case of 3 concerts so close together along with overpriced tickets.

I was wrong though , Bruce " the boss" Springsteen sold out, Coldplay 7days later ( where good) , 3 weeks later Rhianna and what a carry on , I'm embarrassed at how I threw her oot the house , don't come back!
Stole my umbrella .....bitch.
14,000 tickets.
2 weeks later Beyonce sold out Hampden.

So it just goes to show , you need more than an umbrella to make it in glesga.
I probably shouldn't have told everybody the gig was off either but not bitter.
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Open air venues are not for Scottish weather, nothing worse than standing in a quagmire for 4hrs, have you ever tried to get to and from Glasgow green or bellahouston? Nightmare, 🤷‍♂️
Aye both, Bellahouston not so easy but Glasgow green is perfect and those big tops can easily hold huge crowds up to 8,000 strong and withstand the weather no problem nor quagmire.

Unless you're by the entrance and it's heavy raining or cold windy it's always roasting inside.
There's a coordinated attack on our freedoms and rights to congregate and party in outdoor spaces.

T in the park is gone Rock Ness is gone we are instead given snidey transmt and ripped off rotten for headliners like this year Pulp, whom I like but also liked them 30 years ago , no camping , same with the Riverside festival another 3 day event at the transport museum and swg3 , no camping.

Eden is back but the prices aren't very paradise like for the line up, the Kelburn garden party sold out years ago and there's no open air , big top tent festivals to replace them.

BBCs big day in Dundee was an exception with about 30,000 there

Even ( those who remember) gig in the green?
That was a far better festival than TRANSMT.

Clubs and pubs all shutting down , unless they convert to foodie joints where a wee bowl of mac cheese is £12 while you have a pint.

It's wrong I say wrong I tell you and it's pish.

Bit of rain ? Nae problem!

As my late wee ma always said " this is Scotland, there's no such thing as bad weather only bad clothing "
Mon eh squiggly hoops , are they really hoops if they're squiggly?

If it's a weans school drawing then aye of course they are, and they're also ma , da n the dug if the wean says so but Adidas?

I can picture them all sitting around " hey dude! Waaassupp?"

- we've to make a green and white hooped Jersey, one of the most iconic in the world of sport into ....another green and white hooped soccer Jersey but better or as good"

" green hoops? Like this,?"♻️ ...hmmm well close but no.

This? 🟢 no but I think we're on the right track

🟢⚪🟢⚪️ how's this then?
- actually not bad this is great progress
- 💫 could add a bit of this ?
- yeah dude!
and this ⬜⬜⬜
- what? oh no dude you were getting somewhere then what's with the squares you fool?

- I was just thinking about European nights for the back of where the hoops should be .

- that'll do !
OK what's next dude?
- Aberdeenshire ?

Nah we did them this morning

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Oh ! What to say ! Is that pink stripes Adidas on left shoulder and green Adidas stripes on right shoulder?

- yeaaahhhh duuuude!! 😎😎😎
Awesome duuuude!!!

Just couldn't the crest and the 70s style logo be a flamboyant colour to brighten things up for them in Aberdeenshireburgh ?

- it's the away kit , they'll be leaving the city , that should be flamboyant enough?

OK Scawtaland next, pass the blunt dude 🚬 👌
Edit: fs the cookie monsters are right on it with my phone .

I posted a photie of the ridiculous Aberdeen top above and today I'm getting adverts for this.

I see a few similarities there with the sheep's top.
Canny even ridicule something but the phones trying to punt me similar the next day 🤷🏻‍♂️
Got to show this properly ,
So yesterday I was rabblin about Aberdeens awful away or 3rd kit and posted the photie on thread.

This one.


Then yesterday i get an advert for this , somewhat stylish, just not mine, equally flamboyant and extremely similar in style. 😆😆


Cookies 🍪 bhoys and ghirls.

Thats what theyre doing , when it shows a search engine ' robot' is online, like bing, google, yahoo as it does members and guests *(see guests and what they're looking at thread) .

These robots are scanning for key words and phrases , scanning images and trying to turn that into content that you'll find irresistible , like those tee-shirts.

😱 Withdrawals , new manager, Fraserburgh game isn't on any MSM channels so shirley Celtic TV will show this match.

5 men died leaving 5 widows and 15 weans , Jock went there and near
7,000 punters raised £2000 in 1970 as Celtic won 7-0.

Idk the details of this charity match, Celtic f.c Foundation?
the RNLI maybe?
Good cause anyway 3 yrs late due to covid.

Likely won't tell us much about Rodgers style this game but like his attacking talk.