Celtic Statement hits back at Sky Sports and the perpetrators of racism

Sevco attempting to outplay the bad tempered rabbit.

I was never tempted to go near Sky because of the Murdoch connection. I 've never bought his papers either. I boycotted the Sun before the Scousers.
Me too, dumped sky years ago,never bought the bogroll,or sun for a very long time ,dont even read their online stuff,none are fit for purpose,hh
If sky is going to have an investigation into this scandalous affair let's hope we see the out come. Let's hope they name the persons responsible for this and thier reasons for doing it and what ever actions they will take this cannot be brushed under the carpet. The sky interview with morales has not only serious implications on sky and thier reputation but also on every football club in the world.I don't think any celtic fan will ever feel comfortable with anything that is said on sky again. That's one he'll of a lot of people. The top people in charge at sky should not be taking this lightly it should be transparent and open to questions. I look forward to seeing what the outcome will be.
As always with cases like this the real question hasn’t been asked. Why? Why was the translation so wrong. They can’t claim it was just a mistake. It’s too bad for that. Celtic must ask and publish why sky sports did this. That is the only question in town. All those years ago when Farry was sacked the media refused to ask why Farry did what he did.

We must force sky to answer why.
It's time for Celtic fans to bin SKY.
Of course it is ,will not get anymore of my cash that’s for sure ,same as the bbc and they are banned from stinkyland as they cow tail to them every chance fact yon apology to the FAT Control FreakJabba was totally embarrassing lick my back passage Kenny Mac moment absolutely shocking disgusting call it what you want bbc Scotland sports department want to take a hard look at themselves
Celtic have reported Sky to Ofcom. The rabid squirrel is about to bite the hands that fed it.

Pigeons looking over their shoulder thinking, was that a fucking cat?

Yes it was, and it's hungry as fuck.
Very good thats what I want to see keep asking the questions this coming from the ceo of celtic has been a breath of fresh air let's hope ofcom find out the whole truth this has been a disgraceful and disgusting episode trying to tarnish our support with the racist tag I will wait to hear the outcome. The people who concocted this dirty little stinking thing up need to answer for it.