Celtic v Hearts, Celtic Park, Saturday 16th December, 3pm kick off

Who’s to say ange never fucked off at the first opening because of lawels interference?
cunt came back in January ange was offski by may??soon as he came in giomakis,juranovic departed…press getting leaked story’s all of a sudden??think someone seen the bank account shat it and sent pedro back to get back to the status quo of yesteryear …
I think it’s more of a case of us not fully pushing on a level(s) to compete even with the so called smaller clubs in Europe.
Our target should always be how we can improve at European level Im not saying spending fortunes cause that guarantees nothing
but it seems we have no ambition other than just “hoping” we’ve done enough.
If the board did have ambition we would possibly be that far in front that the Huns wouldn’t catch us and that being the case their worried that would take away any competition and affect sponsorship deals (Money coming in🙄)IMO
I agree with that, Europe is Celtic's stage how far we can go on that stage is limited to the business model.
We can certainly go last 16 as we've done before.
Realistically though should we get beyond that we're playing clubs backed by nations, who's 2nd xi would be a tough ask.
Until the footballing landscape changes financially or better yet , collapses and I pray it will as the money sloshing around in football and sport whilst people are dying of starvation and all manners of horrors in Palestine and Yemen is gross beyond disgusting.
The Europa league, 3rd place in champions league is the level we're at.
That was probably as good a champions league group as we couldve hoped for and aye we were hampered with key players missing.
The defeat at home to Lazio killed us , a case of what couldve been , again.
The monkeys gone though 🐒
I'm 35 but body feels like it's 85 mind feels like 16 😂 I remember the 90s from 95 onwards anyway when things just started to get slightly better for us mate ....I know what you’re saying 101 percent tho....I just look at stats sometimes and we all know that other mob where going to come back at some point and also other teams in Scotland with finishing 3rd is such a big money maker that every team will be trying to get 3rd with that conference money up for grabs ...I do think tho that a good few Celtic fans especially the younger ones have definitely got a giving right attitude tho ....under Martin his first season that beautiful treble we only won 31 games that season ....we will win league this season anyway 🍀 but it will be a bumpy ride ( the posts are not dig at you mate 😂🍀)
Don’t worry about that kid no offence taking with anything a true Celt points out👍🍀
it’s allways a school day👍ma bhoys 35 got same attitude as yourself m8 always puts the auldman straight 🤣🤣
Agreed mate our performances have been shit.....I'm not going to lie I never seen game yesterday or highlights....WiFi is hard enough to get on this site never mind YouTube but I heard yesterday was poor.....I'm happy it's going to be exciting season but obv a hate losing more.....
See, that is the problem with you young offshore tigers these days. You are so "entitled" moaning about poor wi-fi and 2 man cabins with toilets and showers shared between 2 rooms. Back in my day it was Sky News left on the 1 tv 24/7 except for the box of 14 VHS tapes, 4 man cabins and communal bathrooms on the other side of the rig! 🤣🤣🤣

Have a safe trip and enjoy the Xmas feast washed down with lashings of Shloer!
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See, yhat is the problem with you young offshore tigers these days. You are so "entitled" moaning about poor wi-fi and 2 man cabins with toilets and showers shared between 2 rooms. Back in my day it was Sky News left on the 1 tv 24/7 except for the box of 14 VHS tapes, 4 man cabins and communal bathrooms on the other side of the rig! 🤣🤣🤣

Have a safe trip and enjoy the Xmas feast washed down with lashings of Shloer!
I’m no thinking oh the state o the sheets
Ffs I am

Hear this a lot mate and while I cannot say its not the case 11 titles in 12 seasons , 5 trebles and a double in 7 seasons, I think, does make me wonder about that.
How that represents competitive for them is akin to competitive for us winning a first champions league game in 10 years.

I think what some are focusing on is the lack of trust between elements of the support and the Board.

This stems in part I believe from lies emanating from Peter Lawwell to Celtic shareholders at an AGM re the secretive 5 way agreement.

Also our Boards reluctance to publicly call out the numerous anomalies that we’ve witnessed which always favour one team, allowing rules and regulations to be usurped without challenge, side letters, tainted trophies allowed to be kept, et al, and all to the benefit of Sevco.

There’s a distinctive and unsavoury pattern apparent for anyone who cares to look for it, and the physical and statistical evidence is overwhelming to support this.

This to many, gives the impression that when it comes to Sevco, our custodians refuse to do anything that will upset the duopoly that currently exists.

Add to that the huge financial problems the Huns are facing, especially with a circa £15M court case pending in the new year which they will undoubtedly lose to Mike Ashley, and their future is grim without a significant boost to their finances, which only the guarantee of next year’s Champions League money can provide.

What many fear I believe, is that our custodians will go to whatever lengths are required to ensure the survival of the so called old firm…..no doubt we’ll find out in due course…
Who’s to say ange never fucked off at the first opening because of lawels interference?
cunt came back in January ange was offski by may??soon as he came in giomakis,juranovic departed…press getting leaked story’s all of a sudden??think someone seen the bank account shat it and sent pedro back to get back to the status quo of yesteryear …
He always spoke highly of our board and doubt his decision in leaving was anything other than to manage in the EPL,work with better players,earn a fortune and maybe manage a Liverpool or City if he proves himself.
I think what some are focusing on is the lack of trust between elements of the support and the Board.

This stems in part I believe from lies emanating from Peter Lawwell to Celtic shareholders at an AGM re the secretive 5 way agreement.

Also our Boards reluctance to publicly call out the numerous anomalies that we’ve witnessed which always favour one team, allowing rules and regulations to be usurped without challenge, side letters, tainted trophies allowed to be kept, et al, and all to the benefit of Sevco.

There’s a distinctive and unsavoury pattern apparent for anyone who cares to look for it, and the physical and statistical evidence is overwhelming to support this.

This to many, gives the impression that when it comes to Sevco, our custodians refuse to do anything that will upset the duopoly that currently exists.

Add to that the huge financial problems the Huns are facing, especially with a circa £15M court case pending in the new year which they will undoubtedly lose to Mike Ashley, and their future is grim without a significant boost to their finances, which only the guarantee of next year’s Champions League money can provide.

What many fear I believe, is that our custodians will go to whatever lengths are required to ensure the survival of the so called old firm…..no doubt we’ll find out in due course…
I don't believe our board would sabotage our chances of winning the league to help out the huns Imatim.Moneys God to them and the risk of losing 30/40 million for automatic qualification would be too much for them.I think its more down to pig headed arrogance like the way it was when they fucked our chances of winning 10IAR.Our board are happy to stay a little bit ahead instead of burying that lot like nearly all Celtic Suppoters want!The big problem is sooner or later they'll put a decent enough team together and we'll be caught sleeping at the wheel once again.You know yourself mate our board have always been known for its penny pinching and it won't change with these cunts in charge.
I don't believe our board would sabotage our chances of winning the league to help out the huns Imatim.Moneys God to them and the risk of losing 30/40 million for automatic qualification would be too much for them.I think its more down to pig headed arrogance like the way it was when they fucked our chances of winning 10IAR.Our board are happy to stay a little bit ahead instead of burying that lot like nearly all Celtic Suppoters want!The big problem is sooner or later they'll put a decent enough team together and we'll be caught sleeping at the wheel once again.You know yourself mate our board have always been known for its penny pinching and it won't change with these cunts in charge.
But our board for picking the cheapest option.😡
Well we know what you think Starfelt pish yet him and CcV best defensive record
Ange great football but he left for silly money
Now we have BR who stupidly signed off on the raw recruits that Ange and the Lawwell team had put in place of all this summer’s signings I think only Palma was his I’m sure Gary 67 will tell me I’m wrong.
We’ve lost players we can’t afford to lose to injuries.
But yes red Herring we’ve went backwards in the league since the GB have been banned
The only time the crowd sung together was to tell the board and Liarwell to get to fuck
Ooh and the booing
Remember the 10 in a row year no crowds at CP you couldn’t lift our players with a 🏗️
Our players feed off the crowd always have throught out its history.
Our Supporters when they back the team like funnily enough on Wednesday at home against the Dutch boys they drove the team on right to the end
Yesterday the end couldn’t come quick enough for them or for me.
But to quote yi I Codl’nt give a flying fish
What angle you’re trying to hake.
I have a bream fur Celtic
Moan the hoops

HH 🎣
Could you translate that to English mate?
I don't believe our board would sabotage our chances of winning the league to help out the huns Imatim.Moneys God to them and the risk of losing 30/40 million for automatic qualification would be too much for them.I think its more down to pig headed arrogance like the way it was when they fucked our chances of winning 10IAR.Our board are happy to stay a little bit ahead instead of burying that lot like nearly all Celtic Suppoters want!The big problem is sooner or later they'll put a decent enough team together and we'll be caught sleeping at the wheel once again.You know yourself mate our board have always been known for its penny pinching and it won't change with these cunts in charge.
Sorry MartiMac, but they turned their faces the other way when we were cheated out of Champions League money previously. They done absolutely nothing about it, nor to my knowledge made any attempt to recover even a fraction of it from the colluding parties. They are totally untrustworthy. 👍
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The point I was making was that with only 8 days left until the opening and having been out of the game after being sacked, he did not make any pitch for players to be signed.
Tell us in Portuguese how you know that he didn’t make any pitches to the Board it’s been said here by some supposedly in the know that he wanted 4 players got none
Except more prospects.
We don’t know what went on behind hooped doors
We’ll except you

The point I was making was that with only 8 days left until the opening and having been out of the game after being sacked, he did not make any pitch for players to be signed.
No Vigo - you very clearly and unambiguously said he waited until 8 days before the window closed before joining us, giving us no time to sign anyone. The truth is that we still had 10 weeks to sign players after BR joined. I have no idea if Rodgers made any pitch for players to be signed or not.

It is very clear that you do not like Rodgers or want him at Celtic. I am certainly no fan of him and didn't want him back either (Knutsen was always my preferred choice). But that was a significant error in your statement that other posters then assumed was true so I wanted to put the record straight. There are many sticks to beat BR with so no need for any fake news against him! HH
No Vigo - you very clearly and unambiguously said he waited until 8 days before the window closed before joining us, giving us no time to sign anyone. The truth is that we still had 10 weeks to sign players after BR joined. I have no idea if Rodgers made any pitch for players to be signed or not.

It is very clear that you do not like Rodgers or want him at Celtic. I am certainly no fan of him and didn't want him back either (Knutsen was always my preferred choice). But that was a significant error in your statement that other posters then assumed was true so I wanted to put the record straight. There are many sticks to beat BR with so no need for any fake news against him! HH
I NEVER wanted him, Dont want hi m and am waiting until he works his ticket and retires to Majorca with Celtics millions in payoff. Now he wants more money spent when he cant pick a player and will take Celtic to near bankruptcy if given his way.

Also it was not clear and unambiguous, as I was being lazy and copied somebody else. Hands up
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Whatever our collective thoughts on Rodgers appointment, mine being he was the best man for the job.
Injuries , important players sold like Starfelt ( a guy playing out of position but still the best defensive partnership I can remember in some time), £20 million or thereabouts on what ten players?

Ange played us like a fiddle but everyone wants him to do well at spurs, Rodgers calls out the hypocrisy of the board , leaves and is slaughtered for it.
I see Rodgers return as a very brave move, considering that the support were split and the guy had his house broken into with his family at home ( fkn scumbags). Who would want to come back to that ?
Perhaps a Celtic supporter who feels he has some making up to do to the Celtic supporters?
Do folk think he's lying about knocking back offers from Saudi?
I don't. And no Saudi club has said that's bs.
If we're Celtic through and through then that means back the manager through thick and thin.
Sure berate his tactics and team selections but I wonder how Ange would've coped with our on going crisis regarding player availability, I doubt he'd have fared any better.
Let's not forget either that whilst we've thrown away a very healthy lead we are still top.

I watched that final yesterday , congratulations sevco , spend that £400k you won wisely.
Truth is though they were rank .
I've been advocating for what feels like centuries , 2 to be precise 1900s and 2000s that Celtic, Sevco, Hearts , Hibs and Aberdeen should be using this tournament to play our youngsters in and give them game time. Even if the Edinburgh clubs and Aberdeen refuse we should still do it.
Unless it's part of a treble the tournament is utterly useless for Celtic, £400 k might help sevco a lot but it's just a B team players transfer fee to us.
It's such a shame as it's the oldest trophy in the world of football but means nothing, sevco all happy clappers they won 4 games ffs and that's the trophy won.
Something has to change , put our B sides into the group stages like all others outside the european places otherwise wtf is the point in having a B side if East Kilbride etc are the mighty opposition, there's no growth there.
The league and Scottish Cup are all that matters.
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