Celtic v Motherwell, Saturday 1st October 3pm

Probably get pelters for this, but for me there is no way Welsh should start on Saturday. I wouldn't even have him in the panel. Assuming CV and Starfelt are missing. I would play Ralston at full back, push Juranovic into the centre, with Lawal as back up on the bench.
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Didn't see Welsh in the training pictures either so looks like 3 central defenders out ??
Bosun Lawal drafted in and will defo be on bench if not a starter. Abildgaard might be just be starting in this one after all if he can play centre half.
What are the other options...3 at the back ? No sign of CCV Starfish GG or haka so
bench might not be so strong on Saturday
Just get the 3 points and no more Injuries for what lies ahead.
JJ is not a CB, too wee for a start and not his position.
In these circumstances, BB, I would take a chance. They are likely to play mainly one up front. He has shown he is adaptable, having played LFB, has a decent spring when heading, can carry a ball forward, has pace, not afraid to be heard. Mainly he is less likely to be bullied. For me Welsh does not cut it. I was prepared to give him a chance, but the last match has confirmed for me all his previous failings. Lack of positional awareness, lack of concentration, not physical enough, inability to cope with harassing forwards. CV being missing has made these more glaring. His amount of covering up is enormous and not just for Welsh. I have been calling for an old fashioned, no nonsense stopper for ages now. Particularly for these bread and butter matches, where the main central attacking attribute of the opposition is pure aggression, intimidation and fouling. All I want is the three points. Welsh scares me but not in the way I want to be scared !
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The luck we are having with CBs I think he might be drafted into the matchday squads a few times this season. He did OK for us when required, so that would not be a reason to panic.
There's also Bosun Lawal another CB but yep you guessed it another right footed CB.
This shouldn't really be a problem though , given that Jenz, CCV, Welsh, Lawal Murray are all right footed CBs anyway.
Lawal is a player who's held in high esteem.
Think hes only 19 but a player the club have high hopes for
I think young Welsh deserves another chance. He will have learned a lot from that game against St Mirren, mainly dont expect a Scottish Ref to award a blatant foul against you in the box. Expect the unexpected, be more aggressive, let these cloggers know he can kick back too, guys like Main will take advantage of any young player so hopefully its a lesson well learned.
At the other end we have been very wasteful too. Far too many chances have gone begging lately, especially in Europe, Kyogo, GG, Maeda, even Jota and Abada, all seem to have lost their shooting boots, or got them on the wrong feet. These next few games are crucial for confidence.
Time for some grit and graft.
Here's a left field suggestion. How would we feel about a bid for Porteous who seems to be on the rise? Apparently hes not on much of a wage at Hibs, an like him or loath him, he don't take any shit. No nonsense old fashioned CB anyone?
He’s definitely worth keeping an eye on. Not sure he’s better than what we have at the moment. Mostly because of his discipline. Not much use getting sent off. That said, if his performance earlier in the week is an indication of his potential, he could be top player very soon
I think young Welsh deserves another chance. He will have learned a lot from that game against St Mirren, mainly dont expect a Scottish Ref to award a blatant foul against you in the box. Expect the unexpected, be more aggressive, let these cloggers know he can kick back too, guys like Main will take advantage of any young player so hopefully its a lesson well learned.
At the other end we have been very wasteful too. Far too many chances have gone begging lately, especially in Europe, Kyogo, GG, Maeda, even Jota and Abada, all seem to have lost their shooting boots, or got them on the wrong feet. These next few games are crucial for confidence.
Time for some grit and graft.
100% Bri
Here's a left field suggestion. How would we feel about a bid for Porteous who seems to be on the rise? Apparently hes not on much of a wage at Hibs, an like him or loath him, he don't take any shit. No nonsense old fashioned CB anyone?
I mentioned this a few years ago when the Noise was fairly new and I remember MD was a big fan of Porteus too. His career seemed to stall as is often the way for promising teenagers in that they don't seem to learn and improve.

However, he seems to have turned a corner this season and I would not be against having a no-nonsense home-grown CB like him at the club. The problem is that playing in the Hoops he will have a massive target on his back for the MIBs looking to clamp down on the same type of tackles that are deemed to be acceptable for our opponents to make.