Celtic v the Rangers - Beautiful Sunday, 31 March - all comments here

Well I can relax now, old ticker picked up the pace a bit near the end of game but all well now especially since my son has arrived home safe and well, hope everyone else's family and friends are the same.....

The game was a strange one, best team won imho, my Motm was Ajer with Eddy getting an honourable mention, but we looked out on our feet for most of the second half.

Maybe just as well I stuck to the tea..

P.s Slippy must stay..
Well I can relax now, old ticker picked up the pace a bit near the end of game but all well now especially since my son has arrived home safe and well, hope everyone else's family and friends are the same.....

The game was a strange one, best team won imho, my Motm was Ajer with Eddy getting an honourable mention, but we looked out on our feet for most of the second half.

Maybe just as well I stuck to the tea..

P.s Slippy must stay..
Yes slippy must stay,be good if they finished third ,cause Killy can catch them,hh
Well I can relax now, old ticker picked up the pace a bit near the end of game but all well now especially since my son has arrived home safe and well, hope everyone else's family and friends are the same.....

The game was a strange one, best team won imho, my Motm was Ajer with Eddy getting an honourable mention, but we looked out on our feet for most of the second half.

Maybe just as well I stuck to the tea..

P.s Slippy must stay..
Well done 50 shades, I always say I'm not going to lose it and stay calm thats why I stayed home to watch it. I still ended up screaming at the telly though, good job the mrs is away.