French Eddy to Lazio?

I knew from the start you don't have a brain
I didn't say Christians didn't kill anyone.I said that the Islamic relegion demands to kill the other majorities in order to prevail and establish the Sharia law.The Christian relegion or any other relegion doesn't have that stuff
These people you mentioned were just puppets of evil kings or church no matter the relegion they had
but a relegion which demands to kill inocent people is fascism and you support that
good luck with your brain
Ah bless, you think I'm a muslim.
I grew up in a religious conflict where people were killed just because of their religion. So-called Christians killing other Christians. One particularly prolific mass-murderer liked to kill Catholics on a Sunday because he felt it was "the lord's work".
The mentality that bred state-protected serial killers is on display all the time at Ibrox and will constitute a real and present danger for generations to come.
Your demented, ignorant and racist ramblings would find a sympathetic hearing among the pathetic, racist klan.
Muslim relegion orders to kill people who are not Muslims
You support these actions
Go tell that to a family who lost their members from Islamic raids

One side of my entire family is Muslim, you fascist Nazi cunt. Go and shoot yourself like Adolf Hitler, you little fascist cunt. If this shit is tolerated, I'm gone. Celtic forums shouldn't be open to people who call Muslims, all Muslims, terrorists.
One side of my entire family is Muslim, you fascist Nazi cunt. Go and shoot yourself like Adolf Hitler, you little fascist cunt. If this shit is tolerated, I'm gone. Celtic forums shouldn't be open to people who call Muslims, all Muslims, terrorists.
I have relatives who were chased and raped by Muslims
and when police arrested the Muslims they told that their relegion demands such things
You show no respect for people
I'm not going to indulge Islamophobia, but part of me feels like I must point out that the quote he posted above from the Qur'an is taken from a point when the Muslim community was at war with various pagan Arab tribes and refers to those who broke oaths and peace treaties against Muslims. It doesn't refer to all non-Muslims, in fact the Arabic word used is 'mushrikeen' (meaning pagans) and not Ahl al-Kitab ( The People of the Book - Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and Sabians, who are all supported in the Qur'an as monotheists inspired by Allah) - it doesn't even refer to all pagans, but a specific group of pagans who were waging genocidal war against the budding Muslim community in the Arabian peninsula. That's the context. Fascists, who want to paint every Muslim as a potential terrorist, of course aren't concerned with that context.

How exactly has this forum became a place where Islamophobic hate can be spread?
I have Muslims in my region and the Muslims in my country said through interviews that they will kill us when they find a chance because the quran and their relegion DEMANDS such things over the disbelievers
are you serious?
I have relatives who were being chased and raped by Muslims. Muslims raped also kids in my region and they told police that the Islamic relegion and their country don't ban these actions and they consider it as a normal action.
Keep spreading the propaganda of "racism" and "islamophobia" of the new world facism order
I respected all the people through my whole life but I ll never accept fascism and domination over innocent people
Everyone has the right to be free and believe wherever he wants.
What’s goin on the night folks. Just tuned in and seen this religious nonsense. We’ve no place on here fir Islamophobia, anti Semitic rhetoric or fascist behavior. We are a club open to all. This forum is not the place for you if you have those beliefs. GTF and take the gutter beliefs with ye. Sorry fir the rant folks but REALLY
I'm not going to indulge Islamophobia, but part of me feels like I must point out that the quote he posted above from the Qur'an is taken from a point when the Muslim community was at war with various pagan Arab tribes and refers to those who broke oaths and peace treaties against Muslims. It doesn't refer to all non-Muslims, in fact the Arabic word used is 'mushrikeen' (meaning pagans) and not Ahl al-Kitab ( The People of the Book - Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and Sabians, who are all supported in the Qur'an as monotheists inspired by Allah) - it doesn't even refer to all pagans, but a specific group of pagans who were waging genocidal war against the budding Muslim community in the Arabian peninsula. That's the context. Fascists, who want to paint every Muslim as a potential terrorist, of course aren't concerned with that context.

How exactly has this forum became a place where Islamophobic hate can be spread?

There's every bit as bad and worse in the Old Testament.