French Eddy to Lazio?

One side of my entire family is Muslim, you fascist Nazi cunt. Go and shoot yourself like Adolf Hitler, you little fascist cunt. If this shit is tolerated, I'm gone. Celtic forums shouldn't be open to people who call Muslims, all Muslims, terrorists.
Please stay calm Sam - please don't go anywhere cos of this ignorant bigot. He isn't worth it. Based on his many nonsensical posts I truly suspect he has some serious mental health issues but that still doesn't excuse his sectarian bigotory. ?
I have Muslims in my region and the Muslims in my country said through interviews that they will kill us when they find a chance because the quran and their relegion DEMANDS such things over the disbelievers
are you serious?
I have relatives who were being chased and raped by Muslims. Muslims raped also kids in my region and they told police that the Islamic relegion and their country don't ban these actions and they consider it as a normal action.
Keep spreading the propaganda of "racism" and "islamophobia" of the new world facism order
I respected all the people through my whole life but I ll never accept fascism and domination over innocent people
Everyone has the right to be free and believe wherever he wants.

Well, I can see why they'd like to kill you but they aren't the only ones, daftie.
Well, I can see why they'd like to kill you but they aren't the only ones, daftie.
Yeah, reveal your true angellic face
What a shame
you are making fun of people who are suffering
My whole life i respected everyone no matter his relegion or his country but you are exactly the opposite supporting fascists and killers
Yeah, reveal your true angellic face
What a shame
you are making fun of people who are suffering
My whole life i respected everyone no matter his relegion or his country but you are exactly the opposite supporting fascists and killers
You wished death for my family who suffered by Islamic attack and you are entitled as a Celtic fan
That stab won't fade away so easily
I can see now who are the bigot clearly
My whole life i respected everyone no matter his relegion or his country
Read some of your posts you despicable racist sectarian bigot! You are not welcome posting your hate speech on this forum, which is also illegal in this country. You really need to get your serious mental health isuues sorted out. You have deviated from being a ridiculous buffoon posting nonsense to a hateful spiteful nasty piece of shit posting hatred - please GTF now!
Read some of your posts you despicable racist sectarian bigot! You are not welcome posting your hate speech on this forum, which is also illegal in this country. You really need to get your serious mental health isuues sorted out. You have deviated from being a ridiculous buffoon posting nonsense to a hateful spiteful nasty piece of shit posting hatred - please GTF now!
I respect everyone if you can read my posts and having a brain at the same time
The only people I don't respect are the fascists and the fanatic relegious murderers that you support with some others backing you right here and wishing death mocking my terrible past and my family
I didn't mock anyone, you are the one who does.I can see it from your bigotry posts over me all the time and not just now
No one here has wished death on you, your family or indeed anyone else so your imagination is running away with you.

888Greekcelt1888 said:
I have relatives who were chased and raped by Muslims
and when police arrested the Muslims they told that their relegion demands such things
You show no respect for people

And the Sam replied to me like this:
I show no respect for Nazis. If you came anywhere near me spouting this shit, you fascist cunt, I would rip your heart out.
I respect everyone if you can read my posts and having a brain at the same time
The only people I don't respect are the fascists and the fanatic relegious murderers that you support with some others backing you right there and wishing death mocking my terrible past and my family
I didn't mock anyone, you are the one who does.I can see it from your bigotry posts over me all the time and not just now
When did i ever support fanatic religious murderers or people mocking your past you lying git? I am a peace loving atheist who believes everyone should be able to worship whatever they want. Because i point out the ludicrousness in your absolute nonsense you repeatedly post does not make me a bigot - go and learn basic meanings of words before slandering people you absolute clown. Your hatred and lies are not welcome!
I respect everyone if you can read my posts and having a brain at the same time
The only people I don't respect are the fascists and the fanatic relegious murderers that you support with some others backing you right there and wishing death mocking my terrible past and my family
I didn't mock anyone, you are the one who does.I can see it from your bigotry posts over me all the time and not just now
Nobody on here would mock your family or support anyone who would do them harm. We on this forum are a family, sometimes we disagree with each other but we respect each other’s views and support each other when anyone of us is down. I am truly sorry fir anything that has caused your family misery but you really cannot rant against every Muslim as a result. Through history Muslim has killed Muslim and Christian and Jew. Christian has killed Christian, Jew has killed Jew etc etc. it doesn’t mean every Christian or every Jew is responsible. Every religious book will have text that we now see as Inappropriate. Being filled with hate will not help you and really those views are not welcome here, they are unacceptable and racist and nobody on here wishes to here them

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