George Galloway

There was a time when George Galloway had a worthwhile political career.

That's a long time gone and he has become a caricature of himself and a one-note flat tune.

Celebrity, Cuban cigars, talk radio shows and an ego the size of the huns debt put paid to anything of political note that he may have once represented.

I owe him a pint, but not much else besides. It is a shame because beyond the gobbledygook and fedoras, there was once a political mind that was weighty and significant.
If anyone is embarrassed by your anti-racism, they ought to fuck off to Sevco. Galloway is a racist fuckwit. He exploits the struggle of the Palestinians for his own narrow political purposes.

He supports the Palestinians because theirs is a just cause. He was/is married to an Arab woman. When there was US sanctions against Iraq ( which the UN said killed 500,000 Iraqi children by lack of medicine, which was embargoed) It was Galloway who acted as sanction buster by flying in a plane load of medicine. No one else would have dared to do that. He spoke truth to power at the senate hearings. (Watch footage of it, watch for the looks on people's faces) I love GG, he's fae Dundee too.
Do not believe the shite the right wing UK newspapers print about anything especially GG.
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He supports the Palestinians because theirs is a just cause. He was/is married to an Arab woman. When there was US sanctions against Iraq ( which the UN said killed 500,000 Iraqi children by lack of medicine, which was embargoed) It was Galloway who acted as sanction buster by flying in a plane load of medicine. No one else would have dared to do that. He spoke truth to power at the senate hearings. (Watch footage of it, watch for the looks on people's faces) I love GG, he's fae Dundee too.
Do not believe the shite the right wing UK newspapers print about anything especially GG.
Rich, I'm going to revert to our native tongue whilst discussing one of our own.

Eh ken whit ye mean, Rich, but he shat in the luggie when he let TalkSport hump eez erse fir some shekels (nah, cuz that's Israeli currency is it)

Eh pure think eez arite, but eez no daein' eezelf any favours beh gettin aff wie the unionists and stye voters.

An if he wore that hat in the toon hoose, then Tam Harris wood rip the pish an set about um while still singin the same sangs as when he wiz wie the bad pennies.

That post wiz pure teckle tho, Rich
Rich, I'm going to revert to our native tongue whilst discussing one of our own.

Eh ken whit ye mean, Rich, but he shat in the luggie when he let TalkSport hump eez erse fir some shekels (nah, cuz that's Israeli currency is it)

Eh pure think eez arite, but eez no daein' eezelf any favours beh gettin aff wie the unionists and stye voters.

An if he wore that hat in the toon hoose, then Tam Harris wood rip the pish an set about um while still singin the same sangs as when he wiz wie the bad pennies.

That post wiz pure teckle tho, Rich
Quality SP, The Bad Pennies, eh forgot ah aboot them. I would love GG to go in the auld Claverhoose pub or the Copper Beech wearing his fedora. They would tak him doon to the dighty burn n pump um, he would be wandering about Bentlys with a head wound and anal trauma. Hector the injector will be seen wearing a fedora a few days later.
Did that really happen SP or did I make it up.
Quality SP, The Bad Pennies, eh forgot ah aboot them. I would love GG to go in the auld Claverhoose pub or the Copper Beech wearing his fedora. They would tak him doon to the dighty burn n pump um, he would be wandering about Bentlys with a head wound and anal trauma. Hector the injector will be seen wearing a fedora a few days later.
Did that really happen SP or did I make it up.
Nah, that happened, wiz speakin to speako an he telt is a' aboot it.

Gorgeous Georgus wants to hink eezelf lucky that the trotticks got pult doon or thir wid be nu'hin left but a felt bonnet and a weel-felt erse!

Bently wiz a bastert, eh got puntet aff for littin the coos oot, eh wiz mair a whitewaz man efter that.
Nah, that happened, wiz speakin to speako an he telt is a' aboot it.

Gorgeous Georgus wants to hink eezelf lucky that the trotticks got pult doon or thir wid be nu'hin left but a felt bonnet and a weel-felt erse!

Bently wiz a bastert, eh got puntet aff for littin the coos oot, eh wiz mair a whitewaz man efter that.

Are you speaking in tongues???? :LOL:
Once again mad George Galloway has had a dig at the Jews ranting after the Liverpool Spurs match “ at least there’s no Israeli flag on the cup”. IMO the guys a fruit loop and a gobshite, I accept not everyone will agree with me. The most embarrassing moment for me was when he admitted that he was a Celtic fan. If only we could excommunicate some daft members. Sorry for ranting and hope I’ve not offended anyone off

Galloway is a walking fvckin ego, seen him at a few anti trident demos at Faslane. His arrests were stage managed, so he got max tv coverage, hope he gets dragged over coals for it, goes on about anti Irish/Catholic bigotry, yet he shows the same bigotry towards Jew's. The man's a fvckin COCKWOMBLE ??

George Galloway had absolutely nothing to say when Assad and the Putin regime were murdering Palestinians in Yarmouk (of course, he supports Assad as he murders Syrians by the truck load, but his fetish is Palestinians). He seems to hate Israel more than he supports the Palestinians. I've supported the Palestinian cause my entire life. I was born into it. Galloway is a fraud. His antisemitic guff and narrow provincial BRITISH political squabbles have nothing to do with any Arabic-speaking peoples, including Palestinians.
Call out the instigator

Because there's something in the air
1) He tweeted the remark - the 'right wing UK newspapers' didn't

2) He worked, until very recently, for TalkRadio, owned by, erm, Rupert Murdoch

3) Before that he worked for the far-right 'Westmonster', owned by UKIP's main donor Aaron Banks

4) To paraphrase George Orwell, just because the 'right wing UK newspapers' say something, doesn't mean it isn't true.

confusion ?
1) He tweeted the remark - the 'right wing UK newspapers' didn't

2) He worked, until very recently, for TalkRadio, owned by, erm, Rupert Murdoch

3) Before that he worked for the far-right 'Westmonster', owned by UKIP's main donor Aaron Banks

4) To paraphrase George Orwell, just because the 'right wing UK newspapers' say something, doesn't mean it isn't true.
Seem to have GG fetish with contradicting views
did Tottenham ger fined for flying Israeli flags?

I realise they have large jewish support

but didn't Tottenham exist with jewish support before Israeli flag appeared?

I guess certain politics are not to be fined

others must not be supported in tufa tournaments

btw I fully agree galloway is a egotistical plum. his timing was wrong. the way he expressed it was wrong. but Israeli flags among Tottenham fans at final. what was the political point they were making?

celtic fans flew Palestine flags to show they felt Palestine getting shite deal.

tottenham flew Israeli flags because????

maybe they didn't fly Israeli flags I wasn't even aware about it till galloway got sack

was their lots of Israeli flags at the final?

do they fly Israeli flags every match at white heart lane or the new gaff?

ever since galloway was on big brother acting like a cat I could never take him seriously even when he was making some political sense.

but some of his putdowns of huns online on his radio show are first-rate and his historical knowledge is pretty strong.

just his manner and style let him down through his self adoration
Nice one mate not a fan of your but today you are bang fuckin on??? to all the offended cunts going on about anti semitism. Yes it’s a disgrace but once again anti catholic anti Irish rhetoric is brushed aside guck me terrorists ???Israel wrote the fuckin book shhhh someone might hear you HAIL HAIL
Nice one mate not a fan of your but today you are bang fuckin on??? to all the offended cunts going on about anti semitism. Yes it’s a disgrace but once again anti catholic anti Irish rhetoric is brushed aside guck me terrorists ???Israel wrote the fuckin book shhhh someone might hear you HAIL HAIL
Jesus killing cunts ????

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