In the cold light of day

Hamilton managers comments what a phud, fans wanted change look what thius twat gives the fans today, basically a we are shite statement.

He said: "I am inspired. I am really inspired.

"I went home last night and sat and watched the game.

"Mainly I was looking at my own team to see what we did wrong and what we didn't do properly, then I was watching Rangers, their movement, their passes, what everybody was doing and 'wow, this is great, I love that'.

"I will use that. People use Barcelona and Manchester City, what I saw off Rangers yesterday, there are bit of that, that I will use. Players need to see that.

"Now I need to try to get a little bit of that into my club.

"We are not going to be like Rangers, I am not kidding you on there, but we need to get to a bit of standard that they have set.

"I need to get my players to believe we can do a bit of that in a short period of time."
Sure that wasn't Thai Tim that said that, Boab?
To question yourself and decide would it be possible for the opposite of you to change their mindset, if learning can be taught then surely it can only be achieved through learning and listening.
Do you honestly believe the way they have behaved towards us the last 300 or so years that they could teach us anything? Or they would listen to us or even take anything we say seriously,????
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Do you honestly believe the way they have behaved towards us the last 300 or so years that they could teach us anything? Or they would listen to us or even take anything we say seriously,????
Aye some would depending on the environment created, take this out the home and you start a revoloution, a lot of youngsters are not interested in this pish. it will happen a lot of the twisterd bastards are dying off. The OO is shrinking.
Aye some would depending on the environment created, take this out the home and you start a revoloution, a lot of youngsters are not interested in this pish. it will happen a lot of the twisterd bastards are dying off. The OO is shrinking.
How are you going to take it out of the home??? the OO is shrinking?? Not fast enough for it to happen in my lifetime.
The kids of today aren't interested in this pish?? If you look at the videos of that hun march last year before celtic game you can clearly see that half of them were under 20 (or maybe my age is stopping me from aging people correctly )
How are you going to take it out of the home??? the OO is shrinking?? Not fast enough for it to happen in my lifetime.
The kids of today aren't interested in this pish?? If you look at the videos of that hun march last year before celtic game you can clearly see that half of them were under 20 (or maybe my age is stopping me from aging people correctly )
Or maybe we are looking a % of retards who will just dimininsh its not about them, its about the wider social demograph look at the yes vote as the guide, we have to stop been sucked into the medias small mindness. You need to start laughing in their faces when they put on their wee silly uniforms. You need to ridicule their outdated behaviour if you talk to them,tell them they belong in the stoneage, their is lots of ways to ridicule them, need to think out of the box.
Years ago the situation with the priest would have benn buried, it is been brought to the front, you need to be the change you want to see.
perhaps i am echoing an earlier post but it strikes me as strange that you cant be a monarch or prime minister in this country if you are a catholic but if you substitute the word gay or black there would be an outcry that would make vesuvius seem like a roman candle w.t.f is going on in this country its time the act of sucession was repealed once and for all its supposed to be the 21st century after all
Or maybe we are looking a % of retards who will just dimininsh its not about them, its about the wider social demograph look at the yes vote as the guide, we have to stop been sucked into the medias small mindness. You need to start laughing in their faces when they put on their wee silly uniforms. You need to ridicule their outdated behaviour if you talk to them,tell them they belong in the stoneage, their is lots of ways to ridicule them, need to think out of the box.
Years ago the situation with the priest would have benn buried, it is been brought to the front, you need to be the change you want to see.
That's a plan turn the other cheek let's see how that works
I fully appreciate that your sentiments may come from a well-intentioned place; however - all you have really done is highlight further examples of how far removed you are (either geographically or emotionally) from the average football fan.

There are no clubs throughout the length and breadth of Europe that don't have fans who throw coins, piss in streets, make abusive comments and damage property.

You cite these examples as if they were unique to Celtic, when in fact - Celtic fans have been lauded and embraced throughout our own continent and beyond due to our behaviour and embrace of other cities and cultures.

I also appreciate that your perspective is more profit-oriented and that you are looking at ways of maximising our appeal.

It's the legend of Celtic that folk buy into. The legacy that our forefathers and pioneers left for us.

Folk either get it, or they don't. I don't think I wish to welcome fans whose support is conditional and is based on a one-sided, subjective perspective being perpetrated by various branches of the sports and news media.

Ironically, on today of all days, these are the same media outlets who condemned those known as the "Birmingham Six"!

How did that turn out again?

In spite of many of the debates relating to finance, our support would still be there if Celtic played in a cow-field and with a first-team full of amateurs. They would still be there in vast numbers, as this is our calling - not an exercise in glory-hunting!

The true Celtic fan has experienced almost as much agony as ecstacy throughout their lives. This is a special period in our history, but we also had to suffer the effects of systematic cheating and financial doping by our rivals.

We are not a plastic, sham, financially-doped provincial club that oligarchs and oil sheiks wish to use as a personal plaything and a convenient way to launder their ill-gotten gains.

We are a true giant of the football world and our non-Catholic, non-Irish fans know that as well as anybody.

What comes from the ? goes straight to the ?.

Fantastic post SP ???

Some just dont get it. Will never get it and are hell bent on concentrating on negative incidents and apportioning blame WITHOUT CONFIRMED PROOF.

I would suggest to these people to come to Celtic park for a season, then decide after all seeing is believing.

If there was a true open mind there to do it.

Usually find these people talk and never experience.

Where i’m from, without experience one should not talk.
Hamilton managers comments what a phud, fans wanted change look what thius twat gives the fans today, basically a we are shite statement.

He said: "I am inspired. I am really inspired.

"I went home last night and sat and watched the game.

"Mainly I was looking at my own team to see what we did wrong and what we didn't do properly, then I was watching Rangers, their movement, their passes, what everybody was doing and 'wow, this is great, I love that'.

"I will use that. People use Barcelona and Manchester City, what I saw off Rangers yesterday, there are bit of that, that I will use. Players need to see that.

"Now I need to try to get a little bit of that into my club.

"We are not going to be like Rangers, I am not kidding you on there, but we need to get to a bit of standard that they have set.

"I need to get my players to believe we can do a bit of that in a short period of time."

And there’s the adulating sevvie supporter’s clear reason for allowing a 5-0 game.

Ye like that hamilton fans?

Course yeez do.
TGF Agreement was a plan regardless how long it takes no-one wants to go back to tit for tat. TGF is showing the true colours of one party and it's want and destruction and to keep the staus quo, history has taught us the best solutions is the fight Ghandi and MLKing fought peaceful protest demand and demand and refuse to sit at the back of the bus eventually the cracks appear and thats when the light shines in.
I am not any different from anyone else i respect another persons rights to be but i know the difference between hatred and sectarinism, i dont buy into the same two sides of the same coin, i know the difference between terrorsim and freedom, i know Isreal are wrong, EDL are wrong, Orange Order is wrong and this is the cancer, but i would rather look for the cure as opposed to feed it what it desires and that is fuel to allow it to fester. So aye ridicule and speaking out is a plan, throwing stones is not.
TET, as usual you give me a lot to think about with your post, Ben may well be a decent bloke, I like reading the views of the vast majority of posters on here, from the rebels to the flat earth man (can't be beat for comedy value by the way)
I'm really shocked at how people fall for propaganda from countries like Britain and America, they have fooled the majority into believing they are free, a perfect example, within the last 72 hours the Belfast Telegraph pulled a story from it's website and twitter feed, it was about a former member of the Glenanne gang who said the British state had urged him and his colleagues to attack a catholic primary school during the Troubles, they knew that the outcome would be retaliation, that was the aim.
The post truth era we now live in is a dangerous and a brilliant tactic used heavily by the Brits to fool the public and keep them off the scent of any scandal, I watch these bastards closely, the patterns are there for all to see if you even pay a wee bit of attention.
The next time Britain mess up on the world stage or is embarrassed politically, within 24 hours a statement along the lines of "MI6 have thwarted 50 terrorist attacks on Britain in the last 6 months"
Every major media outlet in Britain will cover this bullshit for a few days, this is all it takes until the good folk of Britain have another reason to be outraged, (the wrong person voted off x factor, Tommy the tit Robinson arrested, or a young muslim woman wants to return to Britain from Syria.)
I used to put all the blame on this country's faults on the people in control, but the older I get, the more I get angry with Joe public, we let these monsters get away with murder and do or say nothing about it.
The freedom that we are supposed to enjoy comes with a heavy price tag, a mainstream media that is poisoning the masses with propaganda, if the peoples first reaction is to trust what news they are being fed, then we are truly fucked, sadly in this instance Ben seems to have fallen hook line and sinker for it.

That blissful ignorance is explained by most don't actually care enough to read different points and histories to be able to have a credible conclusion, but still like to have an opinion!!
sadly many even many Irish have an opinion based on what the british crown needed the story to be! a sectarian one! divide!!

One of the quotes here! orange order consider themselves as white protestants!
Only other time I have heard that claimed as 'the identity' is by some scrawny wee asswipes about as hard as and almost as cultured as yoghurt.
Best not tell the poor orange fools in Ghana!
these trash may not have a sash around their scrawny necks, but they represent well the masses of the orange disorder well who join the ranks and imagine themselves 'protestants. Ignorant pathetic could not expand a sentence of any religion of any credible history anywhere.

Anyway when the recent history shows to even the mildly curious, that the orange order are nothing than an extreme and even more perverse british nationalist club, most of who have never cast a regular shadow near let alone actually regularly attend any worship of any kind anywhere.

A summary of the history .
Up until 1798 and the subsequent rewriting of Irish history by british crown historians! the orange order was a relatively insignificant agrarian movement, one of the many movements of all religions and none fighting mainly localized townland issues!
But by 1798 the oo were soon considered as a most useful resource to recreate by the british 'Hanoverian' crown who had recently just lost their American colony who set about arming the oo as a loyalist militia, and they were first used to first counter local Ulster 'protestants and dissenters' who considered themselves first and foremost as Irishmen.
The oo first real actions were to target and slaughter the many Presbyterians and Anglicans who had aligned as united Irishmen.

this video is simplistic and does not even approach the level of original Presbyterian Irish nature and anti establishment anti monarchy by creed! but it at least informs the ignorant who have an opinion based on purposeful spread ignorance, for division
all of course cynically and all but completely re written by and for the crown.

Protestant is a word btw not a religion and never was a actual religion.

orange order prohibits Mormons, Orthodox, Jehovahs, and credible Quakers and several other non RC Christians from becoming a pathetic idiotic perverse laughable parody of an already simplistic british nationalism.
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