Neil Lennon

Amazing creatures why the fuck do people want to shoot these creatures for. We have animals of beauty been destroyed for game and yet we have a city full of fucking pidgeons shiting everywere,
You're surely not suggesting we have groups of posh snobs prowling about our city centres in their plus fours hunting for "vermin" with their shotguns? They'll probably shotblast a few working class plebs and homeless scumbags as well as a few pigeons, but that can't be helped in the persuit of their jollies!!!
You're surely not suggesting we have groups of posh snobs prowling about our city centres in their plus fours hunting for "vermin" with their shotguns? They'll probably shotblast a few working class plebs and homeless scumbags as well as a few pigeons, but that can't be helped in the persuit of their jollies!!!
we should hunt them and make them extinct.
Pheasant paint, i came up with this genius idea some years ago, pheasants need to learn from the RAF paint their under feathers grey /blue to match the sky thus making it more difficult for toffs to shoot them, fuck knows why this hasn't been done already, come on pheasants get wi the program!
But the RAF aren't the smartest either - the paint targets on their wings!
Pheasant paint, i came up with this genius idea some years ago, pheasants need to learn from the RAF paint their under feathers grey /blue to match the sky thus making it more difficult for toffs to shoot them, fuck knows why this hasn't been done already, come on pheasants get wi the program!
Wait - so you were going to actually sell paint to pheasants so they could paint their undersides to make it difficult for hunters to see them? And that was your big idea to richness? In the words of the Dragons Dens - "I'm out"! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wait - so you were going to actually sell paint to pheasants so they could paint their undersides to make it difficult for hunters to see them? And that was your big idea to richness? In the words of the Dragons Dens - "I'm out"! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
No! I'm not in this for money, I would freely give this genius idea to the pheasants without charge, I had a meeting with some pheasants down south but they didn't take me seriously, their funeral, literally!
We should all just chip in and buy boab a decent quality( nae shite) family guy chicken suit, woodland camo version.
Ask a few of the shadier shadier contacts for some contacts, he will find his way to some old grannies house with things under the boards of the kitchen floor. Off he goes first class ticket to the south east. Alternatively jump a train north and catch the toffs in the hills like the old days :)
We should all just chip in and buy boab a decent quality( nae shite) family guy chicken suit, woodland camo version.
Ask a few of the shadier shadier contacts for some contacts, he will find his way to some old grannies house with things under the boards of the kitchen floor. Off he goes first class ticket to the south east. Alternatively jump a train north and catch the toffs in the hills like the old days :)
The foggy dew