Revealed – Celtic’s detailed explanation for Green Brigade Ban

I'd love to see a mass boycott of fans tonight...I know it might affect the team but they should be professional enough to know whats going on and to deal with it.....It will never happen though due to the inception of happy clappers in our support but in days gone by, Celtic fans would empathize with their own

Prove me wrong tonight troops and stand by your own
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The GB appear to have forgotten their raison d'etre . They were brought in as a cheer-leading group to lead songs/chants etc... to ''improve the atmosphere'' at Celtic Park during games - especially when the action on the park was at times ... a little dull ?

They have morphed into a rather arrogant group of juvenile egos who appear to think that THEY speak ( in Statements , jeez ! ) for the whole support .
Much of what they do has been worthy of praise - the TIFO's etc... but they have moved into areas that I don't think are appropriate for a football stadium .
That is MY view .
I certainly will not claim to speak for the majority or the whole support , as too many do , including the GB .
This is MY view only .

What I would NOT do is put the club I love in the firing line for sanctions from UEFA ( whatever you may think of that most corrupt organisation ! ) which is something that could happen if the GB's actions continue .
How would the supporters feel if parts of the Ground were closed ?
No doubt the GB would issue another condemnatory Statement - which would appease those fans who had lost their chance to support their club - NOT !

I am , and have never been , a fan of the Celtic Board . However , this ban was always coming due to the recalcitrant behaviour of the GB .
I don't bring my politics into the pub , or other people's homes or Celtic Park . I respect other's views by not imposing mine on them . I would like others to do the same .

The GB are in danger of attempting to impose THEIR views on all . That is not what they were created for - whether they like it or not .

You put that better than me,100% agree
I'd love to see a mass boycott of fans tonight...I know it might affect the team but they should be professional enough to know whats going on and to deal with it.....It will never happen though due to the inception of happy clappers in our support but in days gone by, Celtic fans would empathize with their own

Prove me wrong tonight troops and stand by your own
Whilst I agree with your sentiment Docco, far to many fans have taken the boards view as gospel on this and a boycott would never work, and I'm sure the GB would discourage such action.

It also plays into the hands of those we class as the enemy.

Until we get the full picture from both sides its hard to get behind one or the other.

Questions I would like answered are...

1, was it the GB who stormed the gates at Mwell ?

2, How many were arrested at this incident... ?

3 Are the board saying us as fans cant support oppressed people throughout the world unless it suits the Brits?

4 What are the GBs thoughts on being accused of harassment of stewards and Police? Do they accept it as true or do they refute these allegations?

5 will Celtic come out and tell us if external pressure was put on them to act, either by UEFA Fifa or Police?

Im sure a few have some of the answers, so please let us know.

And feel free to expand the questions folks, but keep it real.. 😱
They have morphed into a rather arrogant group of juvenile egos who appear to think that THEY speak ( in Statements , jeez ! ) for the whole support .
Where is the evidence if this? They have never told anyone what to do. Even with the latest flag demonstration they asked people to join in with them. They didn't tell anyone to do anything. So you've drawn your own conclusion on that.
The GB appear to have forgotten their raison d'etre . They were brought in as a cheer-leading group to lead songs/chants etc... to ''improve the atmosphere'' at Celtic Park during games - especially when the action on the park was at times ... a little dull ?

They have morphed into a rather arrogant group of juvenile egos who appear to think that THEY speak ( in Statements , jeez ! ) for the whole support .
Much of what they do has been worthy of praise - the TIFO's etc... but they have moved into areas that I don't think are appropriate for a football stadium .
That is MY view .
I certainly will not claim to speak for the majority or the whole support , as too many do , including the GB .
This is MY view only .

What I would NOT do is put the club I love in the firing line for sanctions from UEFA ( whatever you may think of that most corrupt organisation ! ) which is something that could happen if the GB's actions continue .
How would the supporters feel if parts of the Ground were closed ?
No doubt the GB would issue another condemnatory Statement - which would appease those fans who had lost their chance to support their club - NOT !

I am , and have never been , a fan of the Celtic Board . However , this ban was always coming due to the recalcitrant behaviour of the GB .
I don't bring my politics into the pub , or other people's homes or Celtic Park . I respect other's views by not imposing mine on them . I would like others to do the same .

The GB are in danger of attempting to impose THEIR views on all . That is not what they were created for - whether they like it or not .

I have never been told to do anything by the Green Brigade Millsy and pretty sure they’ve never said they spoke for any Celtic supporters they have asked as others on here have said to bring flags in support or food to feed the needy. They also raised a huge amount to pay the UEFA fine and helped other causes.
They should stop the pyrotechnics
But other than that I’ve no problem with them.

I'd love to see a mass boycott of fans tonight...I know it might affect the team but they should be professional enough to know whats going on and to deal with it.....It will never happen though due to the inception of happy clappers in our support but in days gone by, Celtic fans would empathize with their own

Prove me wrong tonight troops and stand by your own
What about the guys who just go along to support their team and have no interest in the Green Brigades politics?No chance we'll see a boycott and it isn't the answer.The answer is keep politics out the ground and back the fucking team .All this childish behaviour does my tits in.
I have said this before & I'll say it again, waving flags or banners does SFA.
If you want to make a difference join a political party and change it from inside.
It might not be as sexy as waving flags but if you really have a social conscious put in a real effort and attend political meeting even on the week nights that you would rather stay in and watch TV but if you are really commitment to a cause you will put in the effort.
That is what my father taught us 5 boys, who was on the labor/labour party committees in the UK & Oz for over 40yrs..
How many of the GB go regularly to a political party meeting regular jurying the week. NO I THOUGHT NOT :(
What about the guys who just go along to support their team and have no interest in the Green Brigades politics?No chance we'll see a boycott and it isn't the answer.The answer is keep politics out the ground and back the fucking team .All this childish behaviour does my tits in.

It's up to them and's my opinion as it is yours ..don't be angry and enjoy the pulsating atmosphere tonight and from now on 👍🏻
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To be honest I have mixed feelings about the Green Brigade.
I applaud the good causes they support, but I also feel that any advice if any given should have been taken on board.
Celtic is a world wide brand and the board will do all to protect it.
I my younger days I was a supporter of Ammesty International and although I do not have a gripe with flag flying I too feel it does not make much of a difference. I believe there might have been other incidents that unfortunately broke the camels back.

I have witnessed enough injustices against the club in my lifetime and nothing will ever falter my support for CFC.
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Green Brigade have just issued a statement saying the ban is because of the Palestinian flags, refuting intimidation of stewards, criticising club & police for dangerous policing at Easter Road on Saturday and that the club are selective when they don't want pyro (hinting that the club are in favour of pyro when used in making a point they agree with).

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Surprise.... BBC. mention GB

Ofcourse they have. Our board have given them the ammo they wanted.
How often do the scum make the news??
Every week with their racist chants...their Nazi flag barely made a whimper in the news. Smashing up Glasgow was seen as a wee celebration gone a bit far. But the big bad GB are the scum of the earth....look, even their board think so.
Ofcourse they have. Our board have given them the ammo they wanted.
How often do the scum make the news??
Every week with their racist chants...their Nazi flag barely made a whimper in the news. Smashing up Glasgow was seen as a wee celebration gone a bit far. But the big bad GB are the scum of the earth....look, even their board think so.

Will they post the GB statement though??