Sevco v Champions, Sat 13-May-2023 12:30pm at Asbestos Arena

One thing is clear from the result is that Ange will disect the moments in the game were players can improve, like a centre back in the first goal turning his body to see were the rebound from Joe Hart is going instead of following the player it could fall for. Switching off costs games, hence the mantra we never stop. We never stop learning and improving as the season has shown, but one moment can cost so we never stop, improving.
One thing is clear from the result is that Ange will disect the moments in the game were players can improve, like a centre back in the first goal turning his body to see were the rebound from Joe Hart is going instead of following the player it could fall for. Switching off costs games, hence the mantra we never stop. We never stop learning and improving as the season has shown, but one moment can cost so we never stop, improving.
Agee way that point mate,only thing al say about learning is that three times against they bastards hart has either parried or balls hit post and dropped twice to gap tooth sakala,who missed open goal,then Cantwell who scored??all occasions our defenders go for a kip??need to put a stop to that and follow the ball…
What’s everyone’s thoughts on O’Riley this season and Hatate since his return from injury? What’s happening with Mooy? We need serious competition for Hart and Bernabi should never pull on a Celtic jersey again.
What’s everyone’s thoughts on O’Riley this season and Hatate since his return from injury? What’s happening with Mooy? We need serious competition for Hart and Bernabi should never pull on a Celtic jersey again.
It seems to be a recurring theme that after an injury players aren't playing as well as they did before. I don't know if we're trying to get them back too early or could it be that as we near the end of the season they're bloody knackered!

O'Riley hasn't been consistent enough for my liking but he is young and he is certainly skilful enough for Ange to work with.

I think Bernabie is playing in the wrong position.
What’s everyone’s thoughts on O’Riley this season and Hatate since his return from injury? What’s happening with Mooy? We need serious competition for Hart and Bernabi should never pull on a Celtic jersey again.
O'Riley has dropped off a wee bit this season - not uncommon in young players as it is mentally draining playing under such huge pressure in every single match. I think he will come back stronger next season.

Hatate is clearly not match fit since he rushed back from his injury - we saw how he ran out of steam last season when we signed him. These last couple of matches have been our toughest fixtures - away to Hearts & sevco, so if you are only 90% fit then it is very tough to make sn impact.

Mooy is a wonderful player who seems to take a few matches to get his fitness levels up. We saw how devastating he is before that last injury. It appears he started playing while still in pain and has had to drop out again. He will be brilliant after a proper pre-season.

I think Hart has been excellent for us. There has been the occasional blunder, but many more vital saves. The goalie is very exposed in our style of high risk/high return football, so this will be a problem for most replacements too. But I think a young competitor will learn a lot from him and our goalkeeping coach Woods.

Bernabei was honking yesterday - I don't think anyone would deny that. But so were many others (I thought only the much maligned Starfelt got pass marks yesterday). But I am not writing him off yet. There were circumstances that contributed to his poor showing which I (and a couple of others) have already stated. I think he is better suited to playing against more defensive tactics, which we happen to face in 80%+ of our domestic matches. Taylor is a far superior defender for us, but many fans wanted him punted not too long ago as the Celtic strip doesn't shrink. Playing full back is probably the toughest role in Angeball as there is so much responsibility up and down the park and again you are very exposed. But if he doesn't improve then he will need to be upgraded for a better suited player.
Now the hurt is easing and I look to the next game. I want us to play at our attacking best and blow them away
What’s everyone’s thoughts on O’Riley this season and Hatate since his return from injury? What’s happening with Mooy? We need serious competition for Hart and Bernabi should never pull on a Celtic jersey again.
My views on O'Riley:

The lad is young and I feel he has been consistant over the whole season (played the most minutes of any player. Only thing missing is goals have dried up for him (with the confidence that it bring).
Ange asked him to play a different role when McGregor was injured and I felt that he was supurb at it. Since moving back up the field he has lost this cutting edge (goals).
In the long run, with him being so young the changing of position will benift him, learning how to play different positions on the field. I have no worries in regards him, he's a very very good player.
Another thing to remember, he came in January and was on a complete high (you heard it in his voice). Now a year+ later things have settled down. New city, new culture (yes Gasgow is different to the rest of GB) and everything that goes with it.

Hatate.....yeah he's coming back from a injury. End of.

Hart, need competition or be number 2 to a younger up coming keeper (but who?).

Bernabi, I'll reserve judgement as he's young and argentinian. Hopefully it wont be a case of 3 years into his contract he comes onto his game and is outstanding and wont resign because it happens. Need to stick with this young lad but I don't think it was a Ange signing.