the new year derby

So where are these tens of thousands going to watch the match as well as the millions that normally watch in pubs, bars, clubs?
In the very same pubs, bars, clubs i suggest.
Who will it hurt the most? That would be us!
I think we should Force the SPFL to bring the winter break forward.
If we have a majority, simply TELL them we will not be fulfilling the fixtures.
If StMirren, StJohnstone, Hibs, are in agreement, as well as Hearts, Livingston, Dundee Utd and Dundee, what can they do to us?

Well if people are following the advice they've been given then they will be watching the game in their own house, today's restrictions (if adhered to) placed on pubs, bars and clubs will further limit the numbers allowed in attendance at these places which will in turn lessen the spread of the virus.

It's no a perfect solution (there are no perfect solutions to this) but they are trying to take a measured approach...they do nothing then the virus runs out of control more people die and critical services will be overwhelmed to the point of collapse, do too much and they risk economic collapse and possible widespread social unrest! It's up to us to take some personal responsibility and heed the advice given.

Like I said I'm all for the winter break being brought forward I've got no argument with that at all but like I said earlier that's a decision for those who govern the game not those who govern the country.
Yeah I suppose we all know that its more serious than just fitba. We know its not to give the currants an advantage too. But we also know that to suspend crowds going to watch in person whilst allowing people to watch in Pubs, bars, clubs, an each others houses is absolute hypocrisy and madness.
The absolute sensible thing to do, as has been suggested on here and by most clubs themselves,(except one for some strange reason) is to bring the winter break forward to right now and then see how the infections and hospitalisations are going in 3/4 weeks time. If its flattened or hopefully started dropping and we have millions more boosted we can resume the league then.
I take your points Bb, but speaking only for myself I decided to miss out on the home game against Motherwell because very few folk sitting around me wear a mask. I wasn't gonna take the chance on being infected with this new, very infectious, variant and miss my holiday. I've read folk talk about being outside etc, but as far as I'm concerned the folk in the seats around me without even a mask are far too close for comfort. I'd hate to be FM this moment in time. She definitely won't please everyone. That's a given.
Bring forward the Winter Break & put these games back tae April/May! If we have tae play the Nxt set ae fixtures behind closed doors then Fair enuf it's a Level playing Field but allowing they Hun Bastards their HARDEST 2 games away in front ae 500 each game is FUKIN NONESENSE!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Fuck the scummy bastards Sean, stick the knife into them hun bastards and twist it twice as hard I would say.
Course they want the game to go ahead in the hope that we are depleted with injuries and possible covid now.
Just can't wait for us to still totally fuck them up regardless of the situation come the 2nd of January
Fuck the scummy bastards Sean, stick the knife into them hun bastards and twist it twice as hard I would say.
Course they want the game to go ahead in the hope that we are depleted with injuries and possible covid now.
Just can't wait for us to still totally fuck them up regardless of the situation come the 2nd of January
Ad stick the knife in & leave it in m8! 🤣🤣🤣🤣.. Am no bothered about the injuries as Kyogos playing & Johnstone as much as he cdny cross a bridge looked better Sun! What galls me is these FUKERS had Full Houses against us & the sheep & wid be getting a Massive advantage WAE 500 Fans! NO FUKIN WAY THIS GAME WILL GO AHEAD, SKY WILL SEE TAE THAT!! 😁😁
Fuck the scummy bastards Sean, stick the knife into them hun bastards and twist it twice as hard I would say.
Course they want the game to go ahead in the hope that we are depleted with injuries and possible covid now.
Just can't wait for us to still totally fuck them up regardless of the situation come the 2nd of January

If it were up to me then the winter break would be brought forward but yer spot on or no fans we shouldn't be fearing that mob, we're the better team!🍀👊
Fuck the scummy bastards Sean, stick the knife into them hun bastards and twist it twice as hard I would say.
Course they want the game to go ahead in the hope that we are depleted with injuries and possible covid now.
Just can't wait for us to still totally fuck them up regardless of the situation come the 2nd of January
If the games goes ahead we will beat them last season is a false sense of security but wen we beat them it will finally sink in just how good this team is HH
If it were up to me then the winter break would be brought forward but yer spot on or no fans we shouldn't be fearing that mob, we're the better team!🍀👊
Am sure they DONT fear them m8 but 60k of us giving it tae that Fukin SCUM is gonny put the fear ae God up them! An early goal wid have them shiteing it & wae the crowd behind us they'd Collapse BIG TIME!! 😁😁😁
Am sure they DONT fear them m8 but 60k of us giving it tae that Fukin SCUM is gonny put the fear ae God up them! An early goal wid have them shiteing it & wae the crowd behind us they'd Collapse BIG TIME!! 😁😁😁

No doubt 60.000 Tims breathing doon their necks would have them shittin their 2 bob Castore shorts something awful mate but it is what it is and I reckon we've got the beating of them either way! 👊
I like her... looking from afar, she has handled events much better than most world leaders...think yourself lucky that Douglas Ross is not in charge
Afar is the best place to be when having to deal with the horrid wee FM. She hasn't handled any events well - not just the virus but anything else important in Scotland. She is obsessed with independence and herself. The absence of any better alternative is another if very sad issue.
Politics aside , this decision is hugely disadvantageous to our club and the football authorities should do the correct thing.
Your government does not want the disappointment of cancelling Christmas so brings in the new rules on Boxing Day. The virus does not know that it's Christmas. This is a political decision and not a health decision. Health would cancel sport and Christmas