The Political Thread

This is social media. You can't go about censoring folk because you don't agree with them.

Are we to be furnished with a list of topics that are verboten?

Thank goodness Winning Captain isn't Big Brother!

Political threads are kept going by the very people who are against them from what I've seen.
With all the people leaving and writing War & Peace about why, then it's the Richard Simmons Show: "Im in...I'm out...I'm in...I'm out"
Maybe we should have a Goodbye cruel noise thread
So many reasons stated as to why people leave, we all know what's going on
Nobody's going to have their opinions, or minds changed by anyone else
But, to be honest, as much as I like the forums, and some of the people on it, it's not high on my list of priorities, when it comes to my everyday life
There's more to worry me than someone I don't know trying to impose their bullshit on me
So, leave, or don't leave, stay, or go, it makes absolutely no difference to yours truly
I'm away to watch the Huns get skelped in the CL


That’s whit a said oan the queens dead thread an ye told me tae wind ma neck in…….make yir mind up, either wind yir neck oot…..or wind yir neck in…….who cares 🤷‍♂️🤣🤣
Dont know what it is to be honest, doesn't Beep or anything just monitors your heart, and I've to record any pain or palpitations and the time, which reminds me does anyone know what time it was when big Jenz nearly sold the jerseys. 🤪
Sounds like a halter I had one on for 24 hours yesterday I’ll get the sander out tomorrow tae get the glue fae the pads off
We all have a right to freedom of speech, just don't get political or monachist then it becomes hate crime. I now totally am at a loss with political correctness. Is a spade a spade or a bloody shovel make you minds up FFS.🍀🍀
It's just a digging implement now to be on the safe side
That's a good question and questions like this, and the answers, are one of the reasons I posted this thread...
I thought it was to do with him being the Head of the church of England and he's not the Head of the Kirk or church of Scotland or whatever its called.
So his acceptance speech (or whatever its called) is different for Scotland and England.
Think the 1606 union of the crowns act had something to do with it.
Boring basket that I am; I actually enjoy political debate/discussion. What I find a tad strange though regarding the recent turbulence onThe Noise, is that we almost all feel the same when it comes to the monarchy. If we Noisers held a straw poll as to whether we would abolish the Status Quo, I think it would be a pretty overwhelming tackety boot !
I've said it many times now, I love being in the company of you brilliant Bhoys and Ghirls, I thoroughly enjoy the input of each and every one of you. Aye, even those I don't agree with.
So, speaking only for myself, I try to choose my words carefully before posting when it seems to me to be getting a bit heated.
If the day dawns when we have a blether as to why we have little time for the monarchy, I'd be first in line to explain my feelings. But I wouldn't fall out with anyone who didn't share my outlook.
I hope we can get back to being THE Celtic forum. A place to unload, and listen to our fellow Noisers unloading, too.
I personally have no problem with how people express themselves. I'm Big enough. Auld enough. And ugly enough to have heard it/seen it, all before. Would just add however, that, well, the words we use can set the tone. Just my thoughts.
Prime Minister Trudeau has announced that Monday will be a public holiday for all public service employees
It's different in each Province, and people are panicking as doctors surgeries among other things, will be closed
All schools will be closed, meaning that people who work, and have kids, will be scrambling to find childcare, as many of them, can't afford to take the day off to watch their kids
Some Provinces have said they won't accept this, and it will be business as usual, as it's putting hardship on workers and businesses, when being ordered to close for the day
The far reaching effects on the average family is staggering, and is another sign of how out of touch these people and their lackeys are

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