After all the positive feed back and Good wishes about my Cancer ,
I thought it might be a Good idea to have a well being thread that Bhoys and Ghirls can talk about any health issues
That may be worrying them or get reassurance by someone who maybe had gone through something similar .
I will kick off.
As some of you may know I was diagnosed with prostate Cancer 4 years ago and have undergone chemotherapy, radiotherapy ,
Radioactive implants and hormone treatment because I wasn't diagnosed quick enough
I would advise men over 50 to see their doctor and get a test ,initially it is a blood test then if the PSA number is High
Its a digital examination (nothing to do with technology )a Good old fashioned finger .
Don't be shy guys even if you have no symptoms its only 5 minutes .
I thought it might be a Good idea to have a well being thread that Bhoys and Ghirls can talk about any health issues
That may be worrying them or get reassurance by someone who maybe had gone through something similar .
I will kick off.
As some of you may know I was diagnosed with prostate Cancer 4 years ago and have undergone chemotherapy, radiotherapy ,
Radioactive implants and hormone treatment because I wasn't diagnosed quick enough
I would advise men over 50 to see their doctor and get a test ,initially it is a blood test then if the PSA number is High
Its a digital examination (nothing to do with technology )a Good old fashioned finger .
Don't be shy guys even if you have no symptoms its only 5 minutes .