Well Being


Well-known member
After all the positive feed back and Good wishes about my Cancer ,
I thought it might be a Good idea to have a well being thread that Bhoys and Ghirls can talk about any health issues
That may be worrying them or get reassurance by someone who maybe had gone through something similar .
I will kick off.
As some of you may know I was diagnosed with prostate Cancer 4 years ago and have undergone chemotherapy, radiotherapy ,
Radioactive implants and hormone treatment because I wasn't diagnosed quick enough
I would advise men over 50 to see their doctor and get a test ,initially it is a blood test then if the PSA number is High
Its a digital examination (nothing to do with technology )a Good old fashioned finger .
Don't be shy guys even if you have no symptoms its only 5 minutes .
After all the positive feed back and Good wishes about my Cancer ,
I thought it might be a Good idea to have a well being thread that Bhoys and Ghirls can talk about any health issues
That may be worrying them or get reassurance by someone who maybe had gone through something similar .
I will kick off.
As some of you may know I was diagnosed with prostate Cancer 4 years ago and have undergone chemotherapy, radiotherapy ,
Radioactive implants and hormone treatment because I wasn't diagnosed quick enough
I would advise men over 50 to see their doctor and get a test ,initially it is a blood test then if the PSA number is High
Its a digital examination (nothing to do with technology )a Good old fashioned finger .
Don't be shy guys even if you have no symptoms its only 5 minutes .
A good idea for a thread Marky. Lots of folk don't take enough care of themselves and an early diagnosis of many illnesses can make the difference to their prognosis.
It also helps to talk on here if anyone is finding it difficult to discuss their situation with family members because you don't want to see them being upset.

As there are so many of us now on the Noise, there's bound to be someone who has been in a similar situation and can chat about their own experiences, even if it's just through PMs.

It's great that you're encouraging the ghuys to look after themselves Marky and hopefully some will listen and not just stick their heads in the sand. 🍀
Very good idea marky your health is a really important issue not only for your self but also your love ones.over the years many on the celtic noise have comented on health issues and I must say the good wishes and thoughtfulness of everyone was a great comfort to the person. So a great idea marky I hope people will use this thread if they feel the need to and if anyone is worried about some health problems their not sure about maybe somebody could help .
After all the positive feed back and Good wishes about my Cancer ,
I thought it might be a Good idea to have a well being thread that Bhoys and Ghirls can talk about any health issues
That may be worrying them or get reassurance by someone who maybe had gone through something similar .
I will kick off.
As some of you may know I was diagnosed with prostate Cancer 4 years ago and have undergone chemotherapy, radiotherapy ,
Radioactive implants and hormone treatment because I wasn't diagnosed quick enough
I would advise men over 50 to see their doctor and get a test ,initially it is a blood test then if the PSA number is High
Its a digital examination (nothing to do with technology )a Good old fashioned finger .
Don't be shy guys even if you have no symptoms its only 5 minutes .

I'm not coping to well at the moment Marky....right this second, my dad is in the hospital having his prostate removed. The cancer was spreading to fast, and unfortunately due to several cancellations to his appointments over the last 2 years...the only option was to remove the prostate and hopefully remove all the cancer...we have to wait 6 weeks before finding out if surgeons got it all. He's, at the moment, 2 hours into a 4 hour op.....im tearing my hair out. The end of last year coming into this year has been utter hell for my family. I've never wanted to be back home so much. Just waiting for the call from my mum to tell me all went well......my dad's biggest worry was that he would miss the match tomorrow!!!! 😂
I'm not coping to well at the moment Marky....right this second, my dad is in the hospital having his prostate removed. The cancer was spreading to fast, and unfortunately due to several cancellations to his appointments over the last 2 years...the only option was to remove the prostate and hopefully remove all the cancer...we have to wait 6 weeks before finding out if surgeons got it all. He's, at the moment, 2 hours into a 4 hour op.....im tearing my hair out. The end of last year coming into this year has been utter hell for my family. I've never wanted to be back home so much. Just waiting for the call from my mum to tell me all went well......my dad's biggest worry was that he would miss the match tomorrow!!!! 😂
Tough times Lubo. Please God all goes well. Mind yourself. Will say a prayer.🙏
Lubo my thoughts are with you..Im hoping your dad will be fine..My dad has his Colon cancer removed and it turned into an 8 and half hour op so i understand your worry..Im sure ull get a call from your mum telling you its went well ..Your dad is like mine in the respect of the game tomorrow :)
After all the positive feed back and Good wishes about my Cancer ,
I thought it might be a Good idea to have a well being thread that Bhoys and Ghirls can talk about any health issues
That may be worrying them or get reassurance by someone who maybe had gone through something similar .
I will kick off.
As some of you may know I was diagnosed with prostate Cancer 4 years ago and have undergone chemotherapy, radiotherapy ,
Radioactive implants and hormone treatment because I wasn't diagnosed quick enough
I would advise men over 50 to see their doctor and get a test ,initially it is a blood test then if the PSA number is High
Its a digital examination (nothing to do with technology )a Good old fashioned finger .
Don't be shy guys even if you have no symptoms its only 5 minutes .
Very brave of you marky to open up such a thread that many of us would rather ignore, such can be the male ego.
Great advice and if it goes somewhere to helping only 1 person then very worthwhile imo.
Haven't had to deal with anything as trying as your current situation as of yet, that doesn't mean I haven't been in many life or death situations myself, and far too many I care to remember these days, and mainly because I struggled within the reality of life and spent far too long in drink to be able to face the reality of life only to make things far worse than they really were.
Always had a troubled mind with an addictive personality resulting in a life full of chaos, most of which is nothing to be to proud of either, but that was the way it was and much of which I can't change either and had to pay the price also.
Now I wouldn't run from a challenge in any way, yet never had a mindset to deal with the reality of a situation, ending up usually with the wrong outcome for myself in general.
Had to actually learn how to live and taken till over 50 to find some sort of normality, if there is such a word within this world we live in.
Far from perfect still, yet can deal with situations within life that once I never had the skills to do so, and the first step was to admit to the problems I struggled with for so long by actually opening my mouth in the right manner than continuing the fight I was badly losing.
Men are far worse in general than owing up to the difficulties they do suffer within life, yet you will be amazed just how kind and caring people in general can be.
Believe very strongly in a problem shared is a problem halved, yet everyone has a choice, and making them right choices can have such a huge impact upon your life and the ones closest to you still.
Remember it's OK not to be OK
I'm not coping to well at the moment Marky....right this second, my dad is in the hospital having his prostate removed. The cancer was spreading to fast, and unfortunately due to several cancellations to his appointments over the last 2 years...the only option was to remove the prostate and hopefully remove all the cancer...we have to wait 6 weeks before finding out if surgeons got it all. He's, at the moment, 2 hours into a 4 hour op.....im tearing my hair out. The end of last year coming into this year has been utter hell for my family. I've never wanted to be back home so much. Just waiting for the call from my mum to tell me all went well......my dad's biggest worry was that he would miss the match tomorrow!!!! 😂
Thoughts and prayers remain with yourself and your family still at this ongoing trying time lubos
I'm not coping to well at the moment Marky....right this second, my dad is in the hospital having his prostate removed. The cancer was spreading to fast, and unfortunately due to several cancellations to his appointments over the last 2 years...the only option was to remove the prostate and hopefully remove all the cancer...we have to wait 6 weeks before finding out if surgeons got it all. He's, at the moment, 2 hours into a 4 hour op.....im tearing my hair out. The end of last year coming into this year has been utter hell for my family. I've never wanted to be back home so much. Just waiting for the call from my mum to tell me all went well......my dad's biggest worry was that he would miss the match tomorrow!!!! 😂
Strength and love Lubo 🙏💚
Very brave of you marky to open up such a thread that many of us would rather ignore, such can be the male ego.
Great advice and if it goes somewhere to helping only 1 person then very worthwhile imo.
Haven't had to deal with anything as trying as your current situation as of yet, that doesn't mean I haven't been in many life or death situations myself, and far too many I care to remember these days, and mainly because I struggled within the reality of life and spent far too long in drink to be able to face the reality of life only to make things far worse than they really were.
Always had a troubled mind with an addictive personality resulting in a life full of chaos, most of which is nothing to be to proud of either, but that was the way it was and much of which I can't change either and had to pay the price also.
Now I wouldn't run from a challenge in any way, yet never had a mindset to deal with the reality of a situation, ending up usually with the wrong outcome for myself in general.
Had to actually learn how to live and taken till over 50 to find some sort of normality, if there is such a word within this world we live in.
Far from perfect still, yet can deal with situations within life that once I never had the skills to do so, and the first step was to admit to the problems I struggled with for so long by actually opening my mouth in the right manner than continuing the fight I was badly losing.
Men are far worse in general than owing up to the difficulties they do suffer within life, yet you will be amazed just how kind and caring people in general can be.
Believe very strongly in a problem shared is a problem halved, yet everyone has a choice, and making them right choices can have such a huge impact upon your life and the ones closest to you still.
Remember it's OK not to be OK
Very good advice John it is OK not to be OK iv always said a woman can speak so easily about issues than men i always admired that.
Let's hope some of the ghirls on the noise can chip in with advice
I'm not coping to well at the moment Marky....right this second, my dad is in the hospital having his prostate removed. The cancer was spreading to fast, and unfortunately due to several cancellations to his appointments over the last 2 years...the only option was to remove the prostate and hopefully remove all the cancer...we have to wait 6 weeks before finding out if surgeons got it all. He's, at the moment, 2 hours into a 4 hour op.....im tearing my hair out. The end of last year coming into this year has been utter hell for my family. I've never wanted to be back home so much. Just waiting for the call from my mum to tell me all went well......my dad's biggest worry was that he would miss the match tomorrow!!!! 😂
My thoughts are with old mister lubo 🙏
After all the positive feed back and Good wishes about my Cancer ,
I thought it might be a Good idea to have a well being thread that Bhoys and Ghirls can talk about any health issues
That may be worrying them or get reassurance by someone who maybe had gone through something similar .
I will kick off.
As some of you may know I was diagnosed with prostate Cancer 4 years ago and have undergone chemotherapy, radiotherapy ,
Radioactive implants and hormone treatment because I wasn't diagnosed quick enough
I would advise men over 50 to see their doctor and get a test ,initially it is a blood test then if the PSA number is High
Its a digital examination (nothing to do with technology )a Good old fashioned finger .
Don't be shy guys even if you have no symptoms its only 5 minutes .
Awe the best to marky🙏
I'm not coping to well at the moment Marky....right this second, my dad is in the hospital having his prostate removed. The cancer was spreading to fast, and unfortunately due to several cancellations to his appointments over the last 2 years...the only option was to remove the prostate and hopefully remove all the cancer...we have to wait 6 weeks before finding out if surgeons got it all. He's, at the moment, 2 hours into a 4 hour op.....im tearing my hair out. The end of last year coming into this year has been utter hell for my family. I've never wanted to be back home so much. Just waiting for the call from my mum to tell me all went well......my dad's biggest worry was that he would miss the match tomorrow!!!! 😂
I hope everything goes well with your dad lubo it would be a great thing if we didn't care it would make life a lot easier but we do and you only read your post to see how much you care and worry theirs a wee prayer on its way for your dad.
I'm not coping to well at the moment Marky....right this second, my dad is in the hospital having his prostate removed. The cancer was spreading to fast, and unfortunately due to several cancellations to his appointments over the last 2 years...the only option was to remove the prostate and hopefully remove all the cancer...we have to wait 6 weeks before finding out if surgeons got it all. He's, at the moment, 2 hours into a 4 hour op.....im tearing my hair out. The end of last year coming into this year has been utter hell for my family. I've never wanted to be back home so much. Just waiting for the call from my mum to tell me all went well......my dad's biggest worry was that he would miss the match tomorrow!!!! 😂
Hi Lubo , best wishes to your dad , everyone seems to forget the the family /support network have as High anxiety as the patient .
My wife and I go to the Maggie's centre at the Western General Edinburgh who are brilliant listeners give advice and counselling if you want it ,or just a cuppa and a chat
I'm not coping to well at the moment Marky....right this second, my dad is in the hospital having his prostate removed. The cancer was spreading to fast, and unfortunately due to several cancellations to his appointments over the last 2 years...the only option was to remove the prostate and hopefully remove all the cancer...we have to wait 6 weeks before finding out if surgeons got it all. He's, at the moment, 2 hours into a 4 hour op.....im tearing my hair out. The end of last year coming into this year has been utter hell for my family. I've never wanted to be back home so much. Just waiting for the call from my mum to tell me all went well......my dad's biggest worry was that he would miss the match tomorrow!!!! 😂
Life gets ye like that sometimes it just seems to be one thing after another but the rough times pass and we get through them my dad had bowel cancer 4 years ago he’s still well one of my sons had a brain tumour when he was 9 with a 50% chance of coming out the theatre alive,that was tough,but he’s 24 and healthy now, best wishes to your dad those guys in scrubs with scalpels know what they’re doing