The Get It Off Your Chest Thread

Paslode nail gun 500 quid, chances of catching a cat-slim. Digging a wee bit of soil, free, chances of making a happy, non flowerbed shiteing cat - high!

Now which makes sense? 🤔
adjust firing mechanisim on said gun , sit back and await the intended target looking for a nice place to shit
Those who say they hate cats and love dogs should realise they are aligning themselves with Elizabeth Windsor.
Up The Cats!
Im not anti dog, im not anti any animal, I actually had some fun time with a guide dog today and it was all good but I have to say, if forced, a dog is more hunlike whereas a cat is more timlike. There you go I said it.
Currently sitting in a pub in Doncaster watching liverpool game. Happen to be sitting at a table with 2 liverpool fans and a guy from coatbridge. Dont know any of these people. Said to the coatbridge guy "you must be celtic".....he replies "I'm I fuck"...before telling me theres 4 orange lodges in coatbridge.
Anyway, not spoke to him after that. Chatting with liverpool boys about Celtic joining a european league with teams from Holland, Portugal etc.....hun pipes in. "You should go back to the republic....youd be welcome there"
I've now told him hes a racist and a bigot and if he opens his mouth to me again I'm dragging him outside and smashing his head in.....cunt
Glad I've got that off my chest 😁
He is a typical Hun Lubo,there is only one house of Horrors in Coatbridge and Im glad to tell you it went on fire a few years ago and I soaked the portrait of the hunchback on the white Horse with a jet of water.I like to think you cleaned your shoes on him as he lay on the floor.HH
He actually has a point but it's probably not the one he's trying to make. If kids from Catholic families didn't go to school with just other kids from Catholic families they would go to school with more kids from Protestant families and the effect of kids from hun families on kids from Protestant families would be greatly diminished. This would result in a much lower potential for huncreation in Scottish society at large and over time many of the kids from hun families would not themselves become huns.

With logic like that its the reason we voted you Pope

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