Resolution 12 Merged Threads

This may be a "No shit Sherlock" post but it is now blatantly obvious our board think they need "a strong rangers". Our board and Lawell has had the evidence to put this issue to bed for a long time now but have continued to kick it into the long grass. Our club is more guilty than most of "not raking over old coals". The board won't expose the survival lie because they want their "old firm" TV money. I worry that they won't back the Res 12 guys because they are some how complicit. Is there a chance our board were aware of what was happening with the SFA and rangers (oldco). Surely we would have had sources in Hampden who would have told us what was going on. Did the Celtic board stand back and allow rangers (oldco) and the SFA lie because they needed a "strong rangers" in Scottish football?? Is our board worried that they may be dragged into the shit if they back Res 12 to the fullest? Is Regan and Doncaster standing behind Lawell with their own "loaded gun" to his head? Who knows??
Doubt it, when Lawell sent the letter asking for clarification, if that was the case, the reply would have been.

You knew all about it.

With regards

Smart men. Lawell had to show the fans he was doing something. Everyone knows this...send a few letters between each other. You ask for clarification...we tell you to fuck don't make to much fuss.
Smart men. Lawell had to show the fans he was doing something. Everyone knows this...send a few letters between each other. You ask for clarification...we tell you to fuck don't make to much fuss.

I’ve read the letters. He was asking pertinent lawyer style questions. My concern is it was never followed up. Why?

They want it to go away. Or they are scared it will incite more hatred. Which it will. Will the fall out be worth it? Etc

The level of hatred now is as bad as it was during the troubles. Maybe that has something to do with it. All we do know is with holding all the aces it’s not the SFA or any other cunt who is responsible for this stalling. It’s the Celtic board.
This may be a "No shit Sherlock" post but it is now blatantly obvious our board think they need "a strong rangers". Our board and Lawell has had the evidence to put this issue to bed for a long time now but have continued to kick it into the long grass. Our club is more guilty than most of "not raking over old coals". The board won't expose the survival lie because they want their "old firm" TV money. I worry that they won't back the Res 12 guys because they are some how complicit. Is there a chance our board were aware of what was happening with the SFA and rangers (oldco). Surely we would have had sources in Hampden who would have told us what was going on. Did the Celtic board stand back and allow rangers (oldco) and the SFA lie because they needed a "strong rangers" in Scottish football?? Is our board worried that they may be dragged into the shit if they back Res 12 to the fullest? Is Regan and Doncaster standing behind Lawell with their own "loaded gun" to his head? Who knows??
I share the same fears mate.
I really couldn't care less about what the UEFA letter revealed or indeed what the Huns think about it's authenticity. They're not the same club, everyone with a brain, including a few Huns, knows this. Besides that.The letter does exist, it does say they are a new club in the eyes of UEFA.

However, this was not the intended consequence of the legal letter from the Requisitioners that prompted UEFA's response. Merely a bonus if you will.
The intention has always been transparency brought to bear on the issue and ultimately change at the top of the Scottish game.

As I said earlier I am more than willing to contribute to any legal costs the Bhoys may incur going forward with this should they choose to do so.

The Res 12 guys have always made it clear that this is about good governance at the SFA and is not about Rangers, before or after liquidation.
I must admit, I always thought the Huns were there main target. After all, they were at it, the SFA just allowed it. If anybody thinks the wider perception wouldn’t be us calling out them they are deluding themselves.
Well there you go, if you always thought it was a Hun thing and your perception has now changed........
The point I am making is Lawwell has possibly just gone through the motions, as pointed out earlier by LLP.

But do you not think he would be made to look, and would be, a complete twat for sending a letter questioning decisions he was part of and aware of?

He’s too clever for that. At least I hope to fuck he is.
But do you not think he would be made to look, and would be, a complete twat for sending a letter questioning decisions he was part of and aware of?

He’s too clever for that. At least I hope to fuck he is.
I do indeed, it would be the height of stupidity but as you say we are dealing with some very clever people here. Who knows what the fuck has gone on in terms of our PLC's involvement, if any. All the more reason to try and get to the truth of the matter in my opinion.
I would be amazed if a man like Lawell knew nothing about rangers circling the drain. Id imaging as a chairman you would make it your business to know what was going on at your biggest rivals company. Lawell is a business man, it has been repeated many times on Celtic noise, by people trying to defend him over the tranfer window. He may not have taken part in what happened between rangers and the SFA but he may have stood back and allowed it. So he sends a letter, which he had to do in his role as Celtic chairman, on behalf of the fans. But then he stops pushing. He stands back as the SFA go about covering their arses. He apparently has the smoking gun but won't use it. Is he worried that eventually someone may say "actually why didn't you speak up at the time"....
My own personal conclusion of this mess is that either Peter Lawwell is in the same camp as Stewart Milne... at least SM has the bollox to publicly state his position when he said it’s time to move on OR If there is a smoking gun there is some reason why it’s not being fired.

We were cheated of of countless millions of pounds by an SFA and Oldco collusion and it’s fecking fraud committed against each and every Celtic shareholder who should have a right to answers
What a bunch of fln bastards our board is.

They did not want res12 from the off and that is why the res12 bhoys had to do it themselves.

Every year its the same pish from our gutless board.

Are they gutless, i think they are hiding a multitude of sin themselves in their 5 way agreement.

They stink like fish in a fkn sauna.

There whole agm was about tearing strips off our fans and songs.

Fkn grow a set and be truly transparent and our fans will not have to show any displeasure.

Funny how word for word on that article has been reminiscent of posts on here a couple of weeks back.

There you have it bhoys n ghirls. Come give us your cash, shut it and fuck off.

Who the fuck do these arrogant twats think they are?

To the Celtic Board: i am ashamed and disgusted with you When you jog on i will be kicking your jacksies.

Fkn leeches
What a bunch of fln bastards our board is.

They did not want res12 from the off and that is why the res12 bhoys had to do it themselves.

Every year its the same pish from our gutless board.

Are they gutless, i think they are hiding a multitude of sin themselves in their 5 way agreement.

They stink like fish in a fkn sauna.

There whole agm was about tearing strips off our fans and songs.

Fkn grow a set and be truly transparent and our fans will not have to show any displeasure.

Funny how word for word on that article has been reminiscent of posts on here a couple of weeks back.

There you have it bhoys n ghirls. Come give us your cash, shut it and fuck off.

Who the fuck do these arrogant twats think they are?

To the Celtic Board: i am ashamed and disgusted with you When you jog on i will be kicking your jacksies.

Fkn leeches
fish in a sauna!! aarrgghh! dry pheqin boke! reminds me when ma wee ma' force fed me cod liver oil!!!:sick::sick::sick:
What a bunch of fln bastards our board is.

They did not want res12 from the off and that is why the res12 bhoys had to do it themselves.

Every year its the same pish from our gutless board.

Are they gutless, i think they are hiding a multitude of sin themselves in their 5 way agreement.

They stink like fish in a fkn sauna.

There whole agm was about tearing strips off our fans and songs.

Fkn grow a set and be truly transparent and our fans will not have to show any displeasure.

Funny how word for word on that article has been reminiscent of posts on here a couple of weeks back.

There you have it bhoys n ghirls. Come give us your cash, shut it and fuck off.

Who the fuck do these arrogant twats think they are?

To the Celtic Board: i am ashamed and disgusted with you When you jog on i will be kicking your jacksies.

Fkn leeches
the huns are already latchin on to it "even yer board calls yeez bigots" ffs! like i've always said, we win in spite of our board, always has been always will be, cos boards just don't get it, heated driveways, disco lights, fans collecting for foodbanks,sleepin out tae highlight homelessness, wee disconnect there methinks!!