Scottish govt eyes October 2023 referendum

Dont you piss on the independence parade Lubo! I've watched an SNP party political broadcast and after independence everything will be perfect, absolutely perfect. The reason they don't explain how perfection will be achieved is because its obvious and it just will.
I heard that we'll all be getting bigger cocks after independence, including the women because it will be an equal society.
I canny wait, I'll be rich, free, successful, highly educated, healthy and i'll have a massive nob and so will the wife! Wait she's English she won't get the cock she'll get deported to Rowanda instead. 🙄
Plus hoopy nobody's mentioned that it will be sunny every day.
Independent scotland will make sure it only rains in shetland and Aberdeen
"All Scotlands wealth"
"We can be one of the richest countries in the world"
"England need our recources"

You all realise that should Scotland gain independence, you aren't all going to become millionaires overnight. Nothing will change for the poor and working class of Scotland. It may not get worse for you but it certainly won't get better. Politicians, who have businesses on the side, will get wealthier, maybe. Big business, who's head offices are probably located in London or Europe, may get richer. But John and Jimmy up easterhouse or Betty in Drumchapel will still be poor. Politicians with a Scottish accent are just as corrupt and self serving as ones with English accents. Maybe the gift of independence will be shitty wee unmaintained swing parks in housing schemes with tartan gates saying "Brought to you by an independent Scottish Government" sure the tartan tories will feel very proud of that while they sit in their state of the art multi-billion pound parliament building.
Personally I think we will probably be poorer rather than richer when economies of scale and scope and national defence come into equations

But I think london missmanaged Scotlands wealth to the detriment of every scottish person

westminiter couldnt care less about scottish people and i suspect it will only get worse and while scottish people never vote for tories as government we get stuck with it spending scottish resources with other priorities

Even if i get poorer and well im pretty sure im already one of the poorest people in UK I would like govt that the people of scotland voted for dealing with Scottish resources since if they do a shit job the people of scotland can replace them.

currently we can never replace a vindictive tory government

but they can shaft us with impunity

self determination even if it makes me poorer i might feel some pride in the country i live in

the argument is wee are too wee and not rich enough from no thanks

truth is wee are well resourced country with just as intelligent managers if not better and they would be incentivised to deliver what the voters want since they can be voted out of office by scottoish people if they suck ass

we didnt ask for boris or the next cnut we will be shafted by but to westminister they dont care.
Personally I think we will probably be poorer rather than richer when economies of scale and scope and national defence come into equations

But I think london missmanaged Scotlands wealth to the detriment of every scottish person

westminiter couldnt care less about scottish people and i suspect it will only get worse and while scottish people never vote for tories as government we get stuck with it spending scottish resources with other priorities

Even if i get poorer and well im pretty sure im already one of the poorest people in UK I would like govt that the people of scotland voted for dealing with Scottish resources since if they do a shit job the people of scotland can replace them.

currently we can never replace a vindictive tory government

but they can shaft us with impunity

self determination even if it makes me poorer i might feel some pride in the country i live in

the argument is wee are too wee and not rich enough from no thanks

truth is wee are well resourced country with just as intelligent managers if not better and they would be incentivised to deliver what the voters want since they can be voted out of office by scottoish people if they suck ass

we didnt ask for boris or the next cnut we will be shafted by but to westminister they dont care.
Also TET many fail to realise that if independence is achieved then the SNP are not a given to be the ruling party when a Scottish GE comes around.
I agree that we will take time to prosper as many things will take forever to sort out.
Voting for independence is really voting for the future generations to come to have control over their own destiny, not so much for us right now
I hope yous get your independence as it will pave the way for a united ireland. A united ireland won't be plain sailing but will be worth it in the end for future generations.
The difference between the two are that England would drop the 6 counties like a hot snot given the slightest opportunity. But for some reason they will fight tooth and nail to hold onto Scotland. Which leads to the question, what's in it for them?
Obviously there will be positives and negatives on both sides, but surely the chance to stand on your own feet way outweighs everything else and after a while it will iron itself out.
a fixed rate of 1 pound a drink at the pub for pints and halfs would be a good start to getting shot of inflation anol

I might even take up boozing watching fitba in pub again despite fact it would probably kill me with my diabetes

havent had a beer in 7 years or so but 1 pound a pint might just be what i need to get my incontrollable thirst under control :p

8 litres of diet ginger every day cant be the answer
Dont you piss on the independence parade Lubo! I've watched an SNP party political broadcast and after independence everything will be perfect, absolutely perfect. The reason they don't explain how perfection will be achieved is because its obvious and it just will.
I heard that we'll all be getting bigger cocks after independence, including the women because it will be an equal society.
I canny wait, I'll be rich, free, successful, highly educated, healthy and i'll have a massive nob and so will the wife! Wait she's English she won't get the cock she'll get deported to Rowanda instead. 🙄

You trying to nobble this thread?...
Personally I think we will probably be poorer rather than richer when economies of scale and scope and national defence come into equations

But I think london missmanaged Scotlands wealth to the detriment of every scottish person

westminiter couldnt care less about scottish people and i suspect it will only get worse and while scottish people never vote for tories as government we get stuck with it spending scottish resources with other priorities

Even if i get poorer and well im pretty sure im already one of the poorest people in UK I would like govt that the people of scotland voted for dealing with Scottish resources since if they do a shit job the people of scotland can replace them.

currently we can never replace a vindictive tory government

but they can shaft us with impunity

self determination even if it makes me poorer i might feel some pride in the country i live in

the argument is wee are too wee and not rich enough from no thanks

truth is wee are well resourced country with just as intelligent managers if not better and they would be incentivised to deliver what the voters want since they can be voted out of office by scottoish people if they suck ass

we didnt ask for boris or the next cnut we will be shafted by but to westminister they dont care.
Excellent 👏👏👏👏
Love it when the naysayers tell us we can’t
Mibbies the big knobs are attached to oor heids.
Easy to say yi canny tell us why we should stay cause it’s been a huge fucking picnic up to now I’m fucking rolling in Milk and honey thanks to Westminster. Why would we want to leave you you’ve done so much fur us cheers Maggie Tony and Doris.

HH 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Personally I think we will probably be poorer rather than richer when economies of scale and scope and national defence come into equations

But I think london missmanaged Scotlands wealth to the detriment of every scottish person

westminiter couldnt care less about scottish people and i suspect it will only get worse and while scottish people never vote for tories as government we get stuck with it spending scottish resources with other priorities

Even if i get poorer and well im pretty sure im already one of the poorest people in UK I would like govt that the people of scotland voted for dealing with Scottish resources since if they do a shit job the people of scotland can replace them.

currently we can never replace a vindictive tory government

but they can shaft us with impunity

self determination even if it makes me poorer i might feel some pride in the country i live in

the argument is wee are too wee and not rich enough from no thanks

truth is wee are well resourced country with just as intelligent managers if not better and they would be incentivised to deliver what the voters want since they can be voted out of office by scottoish people if they suck ass

we didnt ask for boris or the next cnut we will be shafted by but to westminister they dont care.
As usual TT, you've made a welcome contribution to this debate. I agree with much of what you say, but given the fact that Scotland's GDP, per head of population, is at least as high, and frequently higher, than the other three nations which make up this this union of convenience, ( for Westminster), I've no doubt the country as a whole would be better off. There will, of course, be a period of transition. That is only to be expected. As someone who is celebrating his 74th birthday today, I could easily adopt the attitude that it doesn't affect me one way or the other. But when I look at my grandchildren, I feel a duty to give them the opportunity of self determination. Make no mistake, Scotland is more than capable of being a fairer more prosperous country than exists at present. We really have to start by making decisions for ourselves, BY ourselves !

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