
Think he's got them on gumtree already
Feel sorry for the dogs
I seen it. It read something like this.
Three corgi dogs for sale. One walking like a crab. One walking like John wayne. One not fit to walk. Otherwise in great condition.
P.s. Pass no remarks that their holes resemble boiled beetroot. Fuck all to do with me.
Contact Andrew on
Aye, but threads like this are the noises bread and butter
Threads like this are mince, bread and butter and fried onions.
And Thread Winner goes to the magnificent Fenians of Dublin's Shamrock Rovers.

Went out today with my 'AYE, Till I Die' t-shirt on, oh it offended a few people, it made a few chuckle.

Only one woman really had ago, let her rip in & then gave her a history lesson, I'm a Scot & when the Crown apologise for the atrocities commit in Ireland & Scotland by the Monarchy of past, will I have any respect for the Crown
Went out today with my 'AYE, Till I Die' t-shirt on, oh it offended a few people, it made a few chuckle.

Only one woman really had ago, let her rip in & then gave her a history lesson, I'm a Scot & when the Crown apologise for the atrocities commit in Ireland & Scotland by the Monarchy of past, will I have any respect for the Crown
There's always some self entitled, opinionated fuckwit, who will approach and have a go, only to be handed their arse right back
Was doing a Highland Games a few months ago
These were popular
One woman comes up, a look on her face that a camel had just shit in her mouth
She was Scottish too
I'm busy and she butts in with "I'm offended by that"
I said "Excuse me' to the normal people I was dealing with
I said "What was that ?"
She yells at me again..."That shirt offends me...!!"
"So ? I don't care...know what happens when you get offended ?...absolutely go away and ask the mother ship to beam you up"
Laughter all around
My parting shot was..."I didn't see you coming...I sent for you..."
When they start with their shit, I take it to the next's what HRH would have wanted
Well done Tommy, I'll haud yer jaiket

Keep Scotland Tidy 2.jpg