Celtic v Kilmarnock, 3pm Celtic Park Saturday 17 February 2024

Was at the Swindon game two down in 7 minutes goalkeeper came out to pick up the ball the defender runs towards keeper to cover keeper both stop attacker comes in a takes the ball and scores sad init even more so when the goal scorer was on loan to us for the first half of the season and our top scorer came home to see Celtic had dropped two points not all bad I did have a 20 to1 winner at Ascot , being serious Come on Celtic dropping 2points to Killie is not on if players can’t wear the shirt they should not be on the field
More condescending bullshit from Rodgers after the game. He should look at his own role and be ashamed. I was willing to give him a chance when he came back. Up until today. But not anymore. Those who said, he is a busted flush, are in my opinion correct. Against an awful 'Sevco' side, his management, is a major reason, as to why we are gifting them the league. Every bit as culpable as the Lawells, Desmond and the board. When we the supporters, and the club, needed somebody to stand up to this appalling board, he failed miserably. As a matter of fact, he didn't even try. Not one word of dissent. Happy with what they would give him, supportive of their role, approved all signings. That is his legacy for me anyway. A gutless, self centred, arrogant bullshiter. He'll be appointed to the board next. He has the perfect credentials.
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That is exactly the point when the whole game changes. And today's result is of no surprise. The result today for me hinges on those crazy substitutions and that's on Rodgers.
Players look lost at times.
We all thought the last two results would drive us on ....we have been poor all season so to be honest we are where we are not because of today but based on the season to date .
The writing is on the wall team... sometimes we just have to see the reality and today is the moment for me that it officially kicks in.
I couldn't agree more. For me, for the first time, it's really sunk in we are probably going to lose this league and title.
We have turned into a very unimaginative team that are soooo predictable it's actually laughable. But I'm not laughing and neither are you, or the actual fans that pay to watch the same shite time after time.
We have a team half full of imposters. Led by an imposter.
We were in control today, so BR changed it by taking off the one player we have missed at left back and put on a undisciplined erratic head fuck of a player.
That 2nd half was as bad as I've seen and it got worse with every substitution he made. Last week BR was all full of himself because we beat St Mirren in the cup, absolutely full of himself when he joined Lennon after the game on the pundits interview 'live'.
That's 5 draws in the league now, 10 points dropped.
Thehuns have drawn once.
Ultimately draws will cost you titles.
I couldn't agree more. For me, for the first time, it's really sunk in we are probably going to lose this league and title.
We have turned into a very unimaginative team that are soooo predictable it's actually laughable. But I'm not laughing and neither are you, or the actual fans that pay to watch the same shite time after time.
We have a team half full of imposters. Led by an imposter.
We were in control today, so BR changed it by taking off the one player we have missed at left back and put on a undisciplined erratic head fuck of a player.
That 2nd half was as bad as I've seen and it got worse with every substitution he made. Last week BR was all full of himself because we beat St Mirren in the cup, absolutely full of himself when he joined Lennon after the game on the pundits interview 'live'.
That's 5 draws in the league now, 10 points dropped.
Thehuns have drawn once.
Ultimately draws will cost you titles.
Same against the mutants,2 nil up and cruising,he takes off kyogo beranardo and mseda-and puts on inferior subs,buns get a boost and nearly salvage a draw,wtaf?
I actually had a hunch today was coming
We’ve been atrocious at CP this year
So I took the weans tae braehead and checked the score at full time
Gutted wouldn’t come close

I go back to the year they last won the league, that should have been the time for supporters to get together to clear that boardroom

But we got Ange in, won a few games and the eye was back off the ball

This lot in charge need cleared out from top to bottom. Somehow, any way possible. Our clubs on its knees footballing wise while these cunts slap each other on the back.

How are we ever going to improve when the best player we buy is a project

It’s unacceptable

They’ll be backslapping each other that they’ve enough in the coffers to cope without CL fitba next season
Without wanting to sound like a sook, I totally agree with this Legned. We lost, or have had to do without, too many big performers for us from last season. Also, so often last year we only performed for 1 half and were often terrible from Easter onwards.

Having said that, BR needs to stop sulking and start earning his wage. Do your fecking job and coach the players.
Rodgers tactics are fuckin awful……we were winning one nil,,,he’s played four wingers three strikers!!!ffs…change yir fucking system brendan!!!tighting midfield??tighting back line??it’s no rocket science….your asking guys like scales,welsh ralston ,bernabei to be composed on the ball??wtf..Rodgers loaned ralston out to three teams in his last term??scales has been loaned out??welsh was bombed.bernabei was getting flogged in January??when does the manager get flack?!!
Rodgers tactics are fuckin awful……we were winning one nil,,,he’s played four wingers three strikers!!!ffs…change yir fucking system brendan!!!tighting midfield??tighting back line??it’s no rocket science….your asking guys like scales,welsh ralston ,bernabei to be composed on the ball??wtf..Rodgers loaned ralston out to three teams in his last term??scales has been loaned out??welsh was bombed.bernabei was getting flogged in January??when does the manager get flack?!!
When he gets his own players!
What in gods name are you actually asking the guy to do with the players you have mentioned and plenty you haven’t?
At 1-0 nil with 20/30 mins left against a bus parking side are you seriously saying we should be shutting up shop and settling for 1-0. Through injury and shit player recruitment (fuck all to do with him) that’s the players he has at his disposal
When he gets his own players!
What in gods name are you actually asking the guy to do with the players you have mentioned and plenty you haven’t?
At 1-0 nil with 20/30 mins left against a bus parking side are you seriously saying we should be shutting up shop and settling for 1-0. Through injury and shit player recruitment (fuck all to do with him) that’s the players he has at his disposal
That’s a cop out mate
Mcinnes gets much more of out inferior players
The Celtic 11 may not be the best but they’re a fucking mile better than the dross we’re playing every week
If you canni get a tune out of far superior players then that’s on the manager.
Look across the city, they’re fucking gash, mince, but theyre put out with a formation that works which had bred confidence. And most of all, their players attitude is spot on.
Rodgers tactics are fuckin awful……we were winning one nil,,,he’s played four wingers three strikers!!!ffs…change yir fucking system brendan!!!tighting midfield??tighting back line??it’s no rocket science….your asking guys like scales,welsh ralston ,bernabei to be composed on the ball??wtf..Rodgers loaned ralston out to three teams in his last term??scales has been loaned out??welsh was bombed.bernabei was getting flogged in January??when does the manager get flack?!!
For me. Now.
There's the old saying if it's not broke, don't fix it.
We were doing OK in the 1st half, not brilliant, but OK, in control.
Yang had to come on at halftime maybe cos Palma took a knock. No biggie, shape was still the same. Then he took Taylor off an brought fuckheed on, the took Idah aff, who was causing them all sorts of problems with his flicks and strength.
They got a sense we were panicking and started to press more. And they were fucking right. Fuckheed had to defend the back post and a wee push put him out the game, he didn't even have the sense to fall over, just stuck his arm up, fucking prick.
When he gets his own players!
What in gods name are you actually asking the guy to do with the players you have mentioned and plenty you haven’t?
At 1-0 nil with 20/30 mins left against a bus parking side are you seriously saying we should be shutting up shop and settling for 1-0. Through injury and shit player recruitment (fuck all to do with him) that’s the players he has at his disposal
Yip that’s exactly what I’m asking him to do!!it’s called managing a fragile team!!his tactics are fuckin rank….we don’t need two or three strikers on,,two wingers..we are repeating the same dire scenario we have done all season against inferior opponents at celtic park getting the very same results that’s a sure sign sumcunt ain’t learning lessons!!!if he’s no happy way the players he has then have the balls to come out and tell the fans why he doesn’t have the players he wants??
That’s a cop out mate
Mcinnes gets much more of out inferior players
The Celtic 11 may not be the best but they’re a fucking mile better than the dross we’re playing every week
If you canni get a tune out of far superior players then that’s on the manager.
Look across the city, they’re fucking gash, mince, but theyre put out with a formation that works which had bred confidence. And most of all, their players attitude is spot on.
A someone who speaks the truth👍
For me. Now.
There's the old saying if it's not broke, don't fix it.
We were doing OK in the 1st half, not brilliant, but OK, in control.
Yang had to come on at halftime maybe cos Palma took a knock. No biggie, shape was still the same. Then he took Taylor off an brought fuckheed on, the took Idah aff, who was causing them all sorts of problems with his flicks and strength.
They got a sense we were panicking and started to press more. And they were fucking right. Fuckheed had to defend the back post and a wee push put him out the game, he didn't even have the sense to fall over, just stuck his arm up, fucking prick.
Correct brim..some fans just want to toe the line!!some say it as it is👍
Yip that’s exactly what I’m asking him to do!!it’s called managing a fragile team!!his tactics are fuckin rank….we don’t need two or three strikers on,,two wingers..we are repeating the same dire scenario we have done all season against inferior opponents at celtic park getting the very same results that’s a sure sign sumcunt ain’t learning lessons!!!if he’s no happy way the players he has then have the balls to come out and tell the fans why he doesn’t have the players he wants??
To come out and be honest with the fans would require courage and would upset the board. Heavens forbid. The first he hasn't got and the second he is afraid to do.
That’s a cop out mate
Mcinnes gets much more of out inferior players
The Celtic 11 may not be the best but they’re a fucking mile better than the dross we’re playing every week
If you canni get a tune out of far superior players then that’s on the manager.
Look across the city, they’re fucking gash, mince, but theyre put out with a formation that works which had bred confidence. And most of all, their players attitude is spot on.
In no way am I defending our manager; he will carry the can for sure if things stay as they are. For me though, I feel we have the poorest squad- and squad is the important word here- we've had in recent memory.

We have good players without a doubt: just not enough of them. If injury or loss of form strikes, the paucity of genuine talent from the bench is exposed for all to see.

We're actually easy to play against, easy to bully. A bit lightweight, lacking in physicality and athleticism at times.

Our recruitment has been both an embarrassment and an insult. If we are to believe what we read, then those signings are on four or five year deals.

I so very much want to be wrong, but unless there is a change in the thinking regarding our recruitment, then, I feel a period of regression and utter stagnation may be on the horizon.

If we lose this title it ends, once and for all, sevco's financial woes. It opens the door for them to have a period of domination. Make no mistake, they WILL spend whatever it takes to achieve their aims. All it takes is this particular title to be won and they'll certainly splash the cash.

Their purgatory will be over. We will have been sold down the river by our own lack of a genuine ambition.

As things stand of course, we can only play with what we have...and hope for the best.
For me. Now.
There's the old saying if it's not broke, don't fix it.
We were doing OK in the 1st half, not brilliant, but OK, in control.
Yang had to come on at halftime maybe cos Palma took a knock. No biggie, shape was still the same. Then he took Taylor off an brought fuckheed on, the took Idah aff, who was causing them all sorts of problems with his flicks and strength.
They got a sense we were panicking and started to press more. And they were fucking right. Fuckheed had to defend the back post and a wee push put him out the game, he didn't even have the sense to fall over, just stuck his arm up, fucking prick.
if players expect to be given free kicks when getting thuddng tackles, pulled back they fail to realise it's not going to happen numerous times yesterday players were pushed pulled but instead of going down they stand there looking at the ref who needs to be forced into making a decision for us they need to be more devious or smarter to get decisions
I couldn't agree more. For me, for the first time, it's really sunk in we are probably going to lose this league and title.
We have turned into a very unimaginative team that are soooo predictable it's actually laughable. But I'm not laughing and neither are you, or the actual fans that pay to watch the same shite time after time.
We have a team half full of imposters. Led by an imposter.
We were in control today, so BR changed it by taking off the one player we have missed at left back and put on a undisciplined erratic head fuck of a player.
That 2nd half was as bad as I've seen and it got worse with every substitution he made. Last week BR was all full of himself because we beat St Mirren in the cup, absolutely full of himself when he joined Lennon after the game on the pundits interview 'live'.
That's 5 draws in the league now, 10 points dropped.
Thehuns have drawn once.
Ultimately draws will cost you titles.
Sorry to say I 100% agree with every point you are making Brimcbhoy. Brendan Rodgers is not half the manager he was first time around. Seems to be more concerned with being everybody's pal. He has totally lost his drive and in my opinion is simply no longer up for the job. Bye Bye Brendan - if thats the way you feel then just leave.
Remember when we used to go unbeaten at home in Europe. Teams feared coming to Celtic Park.
Well it’s now happening in the domestic league. No one fears coming to Parkhead anymore.
There has to be a complete overhaul at Celtic from the board down. We’re all fed up talking about the £70m+ in the bank. Where is the recent balance sheet?
Has the figure went up that much that they are scared to release them?
Only Celtic can explode from a club, full of success to the position they find themselves in now.

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