Women’s football

Been tryin te watch the women’s game the night, just to give it a fair chance. France v South Korea. France 3 up. Just find it boring, sorry lassies I know yer doin yer best. Not a physical game not a decent challenge in sight and I’ve switched over now. It hasn’t converted me I’m afraid. I feel guilty mind we’re supposed to be all fer women power. Bugger that

Look yer a wummin
and wummin watchin wummin doing good things and gettin loads of attention is a recipe for disaster
because wummin don't like other wummin doin good things and gettin loads of attention it's in your DNA unless your a stripper
What about this for a premise, Shammy

Old fogey island

Send a dozen cratchety old lads and lasses up to some far flung hebridean island and let them battle it out for catheters, stoma bags, and dentures.

Weekly supplies will include wiltshire farm meals and pureed baby food.

I reckon that's a ratings winner.

You've read my diary, haven't you? ???
Sorry, GG, I can't agree. Women's football might not be everyone's cup of tea but for a gender who were overlooked when it came to sports, especially footie, I think we're coming along nicely. The women have generations of the game to catch up on which is why they aren't yet as skilled, but give them time.
As for the dearth of physicality, I think that just shows that we aren't daft enough to maim each other and you won't see stupid sevcoesque style diving or cheating.
There have been many football players in my family, women among them.

What about this for a premise, Shammy

Old fogey island

Send a dozen cratchety old lads and lasses up to some far flung hebridean island and let them battle it out for catheters, stoma bags, and dentures.

Weekly supplies will include wiltshire farm meals and pureed baby food.

I reckon that's a ratings winner.
I’m a crotchety old lass I’ll volunteer...... I’ll take the auld fella wi mi..... it’ll be no love island mind.... I could do a lot a damage wi my crochet hook