“It smacked of hypocrisy” – Nicola Sturgeon’s Outrageous Celtic Comments, Neil Lennon Out… Standing

Why is it so important to be governed from Edinburgh rather than London? What's the difference?
Politicians are politicians, makes no fucking difference where they're from they're mostly wankers.
As far as I'm concerned the politicians that inhabit that abortion of a building in Edinburgh are every bit as toxic and self serving as the ones that inhabit Westminster so why do people think we'd be better off with them?
The cold hard fact is the only cunt that will make your life better is you, tories won't, labour won't, independence won't, politicians won't, its down to the individual.
Bang on. For years I’ve been saying it in politics left and right are two cheeks of the same arse not one of them gives a fuck about anyone but themselves
it may not be that important to you my furry friend and thats your right.
I just think we should have control of our own destiny, plain and simple.
As said before, when your country votes overwhelmingly in favour of a party and you end up with something else then it's not reflective of what manifesto your country buys into.
The will of 65 million people in another country vote is imposed on us.

You are correct in your view of politicians and political parties, but if i don't like a party or a government or my countrymen and women do not like similar, at the very least i want the opportunity to vote them out. Currently who we vote for is not what we get. That to me is not in control and undemocratic
But, and I've mentioned this before, the majority of Scotland voted to remain part of the UK not so long ago, so nothing is being imposed on anyone, the situation was in fact chosen democratically.

Anyway we have the billion pound shambles in Edinburgh to look after tartan tendencies, and what I fine job they're doing of it 🙄
But, and I've mentioned this before, the majority of Scotland voted to remain part of the UK not so long ago, so nothing is being imposed on anyone, the situation was in fact chosen democratically.

Anyway we have the billion pound shambles in Edinburgh to look after tartan tendencies, and what I fine job they're doing of it 🙄
i agree with that 100%,
but i don't agree with the set-up and never will
but we're allowed to have differing views
So do we pick up wur goalposts and go home ?
Now we know the game was rigged, only fair then we want and are allowed back into the market they took us out of by spying on people and rigging things we go it alone. With Trump failing the game is up the tories who have nothing to show for the support they gave are going to be turning on the Rabs Cummins the Moggs and Farages of this world.
aye but if you've seen a lot of (female) arseholes in your life, theres one's you would rather and ones you'd rather not

hope shammy's not reading :rolleyes:
And then there’s the ones where you try tae figure out which end is the arse and which is the coupon 😜and listening to their patter dissny give ye any clues either. of course I’m a fucking oil painting myself 😂
And then there’s the ones where you try tae figure out which end is the arse and which is the coupon 😜and listening to their patter dissny give ye any clues either. of course I’m a fucking oil painting myself 😂
i'll give you a tip, since it's just me n you mick

my dads burds n bee's talk was along the lines of
son, if you ever get a bird, take every step slowly despite what your brains telling you
and if you canni get a good looking burd, man made lightswitches to turn them fucking aff, not on
Now we know the game was rigged, only fair then we want and are allowed back into the market they took us out of by spying on people and rigging things we go it alone. With Trump failing the game is up the tories who have nothing to show for the support they gave are going to be turning on the Rabs Cummins the Moggs and Farages of this world.
Facebook,Google,Amazon,EBay I dont believe the start up stories of any of them they all had big money or shady government intelligence backing Amazon ran for years at a loss some cunt was financially supporting it Facebooks early investors are worth a looking at,if you want to see who owns anything just follow the money
Facebook,Google,Amazon,EBay I dont believe the start up stories of any of them they all had big money or shady government intelligence backing Amazon ran for years at a loss some cunt was financially supporting it Facebooks early investors are worth a looking at,if you want to see who owns anything just follow the money
it was a legal way of getting previously unavailble data

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