Disturbing News if there’s anything in it

FFS, it's that's time of year again "It's The Silly Season" when football journo's make up shite tae fill column inches, as for Phil Ma Gubinlinshit who gives a flying fcuk what he's got tae say only his cult followers care.

As for players in & players out, ffs the season only finished less than a week ago. . Now I going tae pour maself a TREBLE TREBLE *Hic*

Quite funny that James 'The Blogger' Forrest has written an entire blogpost on what one of Phil Mac Giolla Bhain's imaginary 'friends' think. Apparently Phil Mac Giolla Bhain's made up friend thinks, based on his educated mystic occult premonition/opinion, that Dermot Desmond is going to sell all his shares in Celtic.

For anyone who doesn't already know, you must understand that 99% of this clickbait, doomsday nonsense is something that bloggers pull out of the bag when there's nothing else to write about. They need to keep the click numbers up during a time when no fitba is being played. So they come out with all kinds of pish. Don't get me wrong, they often do it during the season, but pre-season is when this dross makes up the majority of content. One of the things about 'alternative media' is that not only does it eventually come to resemble the 'mainstream media' in terms of its style and form, but it eventually becomes something much, much worse than it.

Absolutely on the fucking nose.
Maybe I didn't quite state my disinterest in the finances clearly enough. By frugal I meant we have budgeted sufficiently well for a long time, verging (outside the MON years) towards the lower side of risk (as a layman you understand so please forgive any framing issues :) until Rodgers wage increases. Frugality was not the point of my post.
This I have no interest in, I'll be honest. Other than to say this is how I'd describe how I feel about our approach to running a club.
I'm happy how we budget. delighted, no problems, none.
My only concern is if we continue on this route but lose the eye for a player and we start to lose track ( see current unbalanced squad with non performing/playing support outside of first 11). My argument is that Celtic have consistently behaved the same way. Probably spending one year out of 5 on a substantial basis. If this continues that for 4 out of 5 we don't, then in those years we do I want a Head of recruitment to find a wanyama, Van Dijk, Dembele, Hooper, Ntcham etc. to support the playing side.
I believe the value in our system is in very little way monetary, it's in staff, the right staff to support the manager to recognise the players we can target in our historical approach.
My argument wasn't over the frugality,that is simply a word I chose to say how I believe we are run now and previously and questioning the e-tims argument there is no sea change like they state in the original posters link, and have been run for some time.
Insert any word you choose for your own particular take on finances, my point was clear from the final paragraph. My issue is on who finds the talent within whatever budget is laid out and how I'm more concerned that the role is filled by someone suitable, that.'s the key for me. The where's and why nots of frugality I'll leave for the number crunchers. They've done a fine job so far bar MON later years.
Maybe I didn't quite state my disinterest in the finances clearly enough. By frugal I meant we have budgeted sufficiently well for a long time, verging (outside the MON years) towards the lower side of risk (as a layman you understand so please forgive any framing issues :) until Rodgers wage increases. Frugality was not the point of my post.
This I have no interest in, I'll be honest. Other than to say this is how I'd describe how I feel about our approach to running a club.
I'm happy how we budget. delighted, no problems, none.
My only concern is if we continue on this route but lose the eye for a player and we start to lose track ( see current unbalanced squad with non performing/playing support outside of first 11). My argument is that Celtic have consistently behaved the same way. Probably spending one year out of 5 on a substantial basis. If this continues that for 4 out of 5 we don't, then in those years we do I want a Head of recruitment to find a wanyama, Van Dijk, Dembele, Hooper, Ntcham etc. to support the playing side.
I believe the value in our system is in very little way monetary, it's in staff, the right staff to support the manager to recognise the players we can target in our historical approach.
My argument wasn't over the frugality,that is simply a word I chose to say how I believe we are run now and previously and questioning the e-tims argument there is no sea change like they state in the original posters link, and have been run for some time.
Insert any word you choose for your own particular take on finances, my point was clear from the final paragraph. My issue is on who finds the talent within whatever budget is laid out and how I'm more concerned that the role is filled by someone suitable, that.'s the key for me. The where's and why nots of frugality I'll leave for the number crunchers. They've done a fine job so far bar MON later years.
I think this year, even more than in recent years, the board have looked at sides like Ajax and Porto going deep into European competitions and are looking at ways of replicating that without out-financing themselves.

The major problem with that approach, is that they risk creating even more history and probably the most significant landmark in Scottish football (domestically anyway - the European Cup is sacrosanct and nothing is ever coming close).

There has to be a fine balance struck, as even Ajax and Porto understand the need to nurture, but also to spend wisely. A lot of figures get bandied about, but prudently run organisations are reluctant to always show their hand and some of the accountancy can be viewed as "creative" to say the least (the huns must have the accountants equivalent of Messi cooking their books, because they take "creative" to a whole new strata).
I think this year, even more than in recent years, the board have looked at sides like Ajax and Porto going deep into European competitions and are looking at ways of replicating that without out-financing themselves.

The major problem with that approach, is that they risk creating even more history and probably the most significant landmark in Scottish football (domestically anyway - the European Cup is sacrosanct and nothing is ever coming close).

There has to be a fine balance struck, as even Ajax and Porto understand the need to nurture, but also to spend wisely. A lot of figures get bandied about, but prudently run organisations are reluctant to always show their hand and some of the accountancy can be viewed as "creative" to say the least (the huns must have the accountants equivalent of Messi cooking their books, because they take "creative" to a whole new strata).
I'll also say the recent articles from the Portuguese lad over the football leaks via Der Spiegel makes me glad of balance at Celtic. We don't really know what we're up against anymore. Porto are a fine example up against the alleged fixing of Benfica. Creative as you put it SP. Others are calling it something else :)
You are right nurture must go alongside an eye for outside talent.
That's kinda how life goes full stop isn't it? Mainstream get challenged by periphery, periphery become mainstream, get challenged by new periphery, and so it goes on. Ben Elton did it with comedy in the 80's, new wave did it with music. Soon became new wave of the new wave. The cycle of life!


So these clickbait bloggers whoring their derisory opinions with an undercurrent of anti-Celtic sentiment earn themselves the undesired monicker of the New Wave Green Huns?

Gee, I hope that doesn't stick...

So these clickbait bloggers whoring their derisory opinions with an undercurrent of anti-Celtic sentiment earn themselves the undesired monicker of the New Wave Green Huns?

Gee, I hope that doesn't stick...

One or two are Blue pretending to be Green. There are also the click bait sites that know that they get more page views for writing about Celtic than any other club in the UK. Here's the thing, if you check any of these English Premier League sites stats on social media they nearly nearly far outstrip Celtic's - but it is manufactured stuff. Likes bought and so on.

Celtic is bigger than them all as far as online audience and engagement is concerned.
One or two are Blue pretending to be Green. There are also the click bait sites that know that they get more page views for writing about Celtic than any other club in the UK. Here's the thing, if you check any of these English Premier League sites stats on social media they nearly nearly far outstrip Celtic's - but it is manufactured stuff. Likes bought and so on.

Celtic is bigger than them all as far as online audience and engagement is concerned.
To be fair, I'm partial to a bit of mischief myself.

I quite like the idea of cross-pollination and sprinkling some champion dust on those who lost that winning feeling and their right to be called a football club.

In saying that, I don't think there are a great deal of trespassers trespassing against us on this particular platform.

There are plenty of eternal optimists and plenty of perennial pessimists, but I think admin have done an effective and praiseworthy job in ensuring that the site remains a no hun zone. However - we just wouldn't be Celtic if we didn't find new and interesting ways to kick ourselves in the nethers.

As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end.......at least we will never let Our Club die.
If we didn't have different opinions there would be no debate and we'd be left with a forum diluted with ''Well said'' comments instead of the coherent, logical arguments that are to be had on here.
Folk shouldn't spit out the dummy if others don't happen to agree because ultimately we are all Celtic.
If we didn't have different opinions there would be no debate and we'd be left with a forum diluted with ''Well said'' comments instead of the coherent, logical arguments that are to be had on here.
Folk shouldn't spit out the dummy if others don't happen to agree because ultimately we are all Celtic.
What are you talking about???

Who made you the authority on opinions and debates, bammy Shammy?

Well said, by the way
There are also those too close to PL. Noticed that one in that gang jumped ship during the week and made his new position perfectly clear.
I've long suspected, that when you have a platform that reaches out to so many members and visitors, that it would only be logical for representatives in both ends of the spectrum to try and exert some influence on opinions separated from the facts.

I also think that there are upwards of a dozen regular contributors that are intelligent enough to recognise when there's a play.

It's a veiled compliment really, and folk should take pride that their thoughts hold some sway.
I'd love all these sites to pull together this summer. The club is run ever so well off the park, but we've let ourselves down in transfer windows of late and in allowing contracts to run down without taking fees (Boyata), delaying purchases (McGinn).
Most seem to now have accepted Lennon is in post and hopefully will support at least until he is deserving of negativity.
Whilst lawwell should be lauded for the professional way things are run off the park he should also be challenged for a disjointed stucture (need a DOF/Head of recruitment yesterday) around the playing side of things. Lennon needs to be left to manage this change of style and blood new faces and that should be his sole focus given he is so tight for time.
A DOF can find the players and Lennon can choose his preference. Let's just have Lawwell dealing with the purse strings, we need his ego detatched this summer.
If these sites pulled together and collectively hold him to account this Summer then the influence SP mentions could be so much strongre. A Summer of accountability from all these sights might be a naive hope but I'd love to see hatchets buried for a few weeks.
I'd love all these sites to pull together this summer. The club is run ever so well off the park, but we've let ourselves down in transfer windows of late and in allowing contracts to run down without taking fees (Boyata), delaying purchases (McGinn).
Most seem to now have accepted Lennon is in post and hopefully will support at least until he is deserving of negativity.
Whilst lawwell should be lauded for the professional way things are run off the park he should also be challenged for a disjointed stucture (need a DOF/Head of recruitment yesterday) around the playing side of things. Lennon needs to be left to manage this change of style and blood new faces and that should be his sole focus given he is so tight for time.
A DOF can find the players and Lennon can choose his preference. Let's just have Lawwell dealing with the purse strings, we need his ego detatched this summer.
If these sites pulled together and collectively hold him to account this Summer then the influence SP mentions could be so much strongre. A Summer of accountability from all these sights might be a naive hope but I'd love to see hatchets buried for a few weeks.

100% agree, Niall. (y)
I'd love all these sites to pull together this summer. The club is run ever so well off the park, but we've let ourselves down in transfer windows of late and in allowing contracts to run down without taking fees (Boyata), delaying purchases (McGinn).
Most seem to now have accepted Lennon is in post and hopefully will support at least until he is deserving of negativity.
Whilst lawwell should be lauded for the professional way things are run off the park he should also be challenged for a disjointed stucture (need a DOF/Head of recruitment yesterday) around the playing side of things. Lennon needs to be left to manage this change of style and blood new faces and that should be his sole focus given he is so tight for time.
A DOF can find the players and Lennon can choose his preference. Let's just have Lawwell dealing with the purse strings, we need his ego detatched this summer.
If these sites pulled together and collectively hold him to account this Summer then the influence SP mentions could be so much strongre. A Summer of accountability from all these sights might be a naive hope but I'd love to see hatchets buried for a few weeks.
I rest my case on the value of our contributors.

Pragmatism and hope aren't necessarily bad bedfellows. I think most of us are aware that there are definitely internal issues that need to be addressed and a Director of Football may well be the buffer we need.

Earlier comments will show that I was highly sceptical of this type of role, but enlightened posts and counter-arguments have changed my opinion and I believe that it takes the strain off the relationship between Manager and CEO.

I don't know what the actual dynamic between Buck and Pete was, but it seems fairly evident, with hindsight, that there were some irreconcilable differences. I feel a DoF at this point may be ideal to ease fraying nerves in what will be a stormy ride next season.