Hate crimes and the Rangers supporting policeman at Ibrox on Sunday

Wont see another election??hope that’s a wee slip there ally…hope alls well mate👍your quite right mate if you don’t feel your vote changes anything then fuck them!!..I voted for the snp under the independence flag and Alex salmond/ sturgeon team.. but this is a different animal now,,too many pet projects taking precedent over common sense!!!deal with health service,? Roads are a disgrace,,takes an eternity to do some repairs,,been working on repairs on the m8 longer than it took to build it,,,they only speak of independence now when it comes to voting season??a don’t have a problem with legislation that protects people that might feel vulnerable..why would you??
But that doesn’t require the fanfare it got,,just do it then move onto the things that really need fixing to improve everyone’s daily life??at least make the effort,and they might just get the votes back??and you never know independence 🏴
I love your passion, Esp. I also share your anger. AND I agree with you- mostly- that it's time to get back to basics and concentrate on the things that affect our daily lives.

Thing is, though, there's absolutely no chance of making the desired improvements as long as Westminster decides how much Scotland can spend to affect those much needed improvements. That applies regardless of which party is in control in Edinburgh.

The Scottish budget is decided in London, and is finite. So, devolution is something of a poisoned chalice.

As Sam Cooke used to sing......A Change is Gonna Come.
I see where you are coming Frank. I too have children grandchildren. But I leave the politics too my daughter as she will vote the way of her conscience for her children. When I was much younger Labour always got my vote and if I voted tomorrow then it's the status quo. I just feel that as I won't see another election I will leave to those who have a future in their hands.
Like Esp says, Ally; I sincerely hope that was a wee slip of the tongue, and that you see many more elections.
I love your passion, Esp. I also share your anger. AND I agree with you- mostly- that it's time to get back to basics and concentrate on the things that affect our daily lives.

Thing is, though, there's absolutely no chance of making the desired improvements as long as Westminster decides how much Scotland can spend to affect those much needed improvements. That applies regardless of which party is in control in Edinburgh.

The Scottish budget is decided in London, and is finite. So, devolution is something of a poisoned chalice.

As Sam Cooke used to sing......A Change is Gonna Come.
100% frank…as I’ve stressed on here on a number of occasions I have a boy who is autistic with learning disabilities,now the pet projects I refer to for instance the cycle lane nonsense throughout glasgow!!!takes funds away from centres for kids with needs?now cycle lanes are a good thing but you an ex hackney man know the eastend and north and south of Glasgow have absolutely no requirement for a cycle lane!!!just isn’t needed??but the wagging tail had there pet project to get!!!also you being ex Hackney guy must have a thought on the unfairness of the ulez introduction to the city??a get the health benefit argument,but their forcing guys to purchase unaffordable cabs to be able to ply their trade to earn a living,,with not a bit of infrastructure to allow them to actually use the cab,,charging ports??if they have gas there’s only two garages to get gas in glasgow???kilmarnock being closet next place?…but their bullish and unwavering and won’t listen to concerns of””voters””city centre is a ghost town now!!!
..I know you’re a snp guy and fair play mate I’m not aiming my shite towards you mate,my last vote was for them but it’ll be the last!!!they have too many msp with no life experience ,straight out of uni….no Jim sillars?or even salmond type who battled like mad to get recognition…….just a wee aside my brother in law passed away couple a weeks ago my sis went down to register it,,the city chambers at John streets been closed since the pandemic got to go online??…..
I see where you are coming Frank. I too have children grandchildren. But I leave the politics too my daughter as she will vote the way of her conscience for her children. When I was much younger Labour always got my vote and if I voted tomorrow then it's the status quo. I just feel that as I won't see another election I will leave to those who have a future in their hands.
Steady on Ally there's an election not far away so you'll see it I'm sure HH
I'm probably in a club of one here but the fact that we have to criminalise bad behaviour is a sad indictment on all of us.

The world has become a very unkind place (putting it mildly) and too many folk think that if other people aren't like them then they are worth abusing.

I don't care what colour people are, I don't care what their sexuality is or whether they identify as another or neutral gender, I don't care what God or no God folk believe in and I'm bemused at those who get their knickers in a twist about what other folk do with their own lives.


P.S. Ally, by choosing not to vote you are representing exactly what the Tories expect from the working classes. Apathy will keep them in power. Not that long ago only the landed gentry were allowed to have a vote and things have moved on. I always vote because too many women fought and died to give me this right and I will never forget that.
Great stuff shammy , a post not many if any would disagree with.
Being a right annoying cnut though there is one wee thing 😅
I agree with your post and the sentiments contained within it, I too am a live and let live, not bothering me, why should I get all hot and bothered about it etc as well type of person.
My only concern ( not something that is disagreeing with you ) is that I also see this as the government intruding on people and basically telling us how to behave , setting out social parameters for us to abide by. That is wrong I believe strongly in that.
As an example I'll try and explain as best I can.

I have nothing against people who want to identify as Transgender females and dress as such , call themselves she/her and various different pronouns etc.
Same as many if not all of us.
What I do have a problem with is it being forced upon me to accept and behave in the way that some of those people and their champions come across with their message.

I look at Bruce Jenner for example and Bruce has decided that he is now Caitlin Jenner. That's fine for him /her , however and here's the clincher . In my eyes Caitlin jenner is a man who has undergone cosmetic surgery to make himself appear as a woman. Caitlin doesn't have the female chromosomes but I am to be expected to just accept that Bruce is no longer a man and Caitlin is the real person.
I cannot accept that. As the science doesn't back it up.
What I can do is respect their wishes to be called Caitlin and I've no problem with that but I do have a problem with them telling me they are a real woman, therefore treat me as one or else.
In my eyes that's nonsense though I'd be polite and not cause it so to speak unless asked my opinion on it.
Which would likely cause it anyway.

There are two genders in the human race male and female and yes there are some very unusual medical exceptions where people are born with both male and female sexual organs. Hermaphrodite but that's entirely different to what we or I am talking about.
I have a problem with men who not so long ago would simply be called trans or crossdresser , rightly or wrongly but now I am expected to call a guy her because he wants to be called and addressed as a woman, no sorry that is where I draw the line.
How would you feel shammy if you were in say the St Enoch center and a big burly guy came walking into the women's toilets , stubble like I get if I've been boozing for a fortnight voice as deep as Sean connery wanting to linger and powder his nose? Or the ladies changing room at the swimming?
Worse still how would any of us feel if our daughter had just gone in those loos or rooms and was followed in by such a character?
Scared shitless I'd bet would be the vast majority of people's answers and I'm not talking about being scared of change here I'm talking about being scared of men.

Many Men are unhinged at the best of times and just because a man sticks a dress on and some make up and wig that shouldn't allow them to be in there , or compete in woman's sport just on their say so.
Apologies if I'm not wording this very well, it's late I'm tired , but I think everyone should get the just of what I'm trying to say.
Men are dangerous creatures as is and if I saw that happening I'd be going into those ladies Loo's myself to retrieve my daughter, which I don't have but many do.

For those who are genuinely Transgender male to female I believe they should have their own section/Loo's and the same for female to male. I believe the same should apply in sports and we shouldn't be seeing trans men competing as women weightlifters etc, as there's the obvious bone and muscle advantage.
Sean treble treble who lives in Thailand will be able to tell us how well this system works in Thailand where trans men to female 'katoeys ' have their own Loo's and they are basically considered a 3rd sex over there and its accepted far better , that's my understanding of it though admittedly having not been to Thailand before.

Perhaps I'll read this in the morning and with I'd said some things differently but this umpteen genders is a nonsense there are two , healthy newbor children are either born with a penis or a vagina and the chromosomes to match that is a fact and the science doesn't take peoples feelings into the equation.
Ill leave it at that for now, comeback tomorrow morning to a hundeted replies 🙈 however this is my belief and I won't be preached to by any government telling me my education was wrong and so is the science. I believe I can act with manners and respect to people who wish to identify as something else but I also believe it should not be forced upon me or anyone else to have to come round to another's way of thinking else I'm for the gulag.

Anyway that's my rant 🤪 it's goodnight from me and goodnight from them ( sitting beside me ) 🙄
I'm sure there's more to come of this.
HH Mon the hoops
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Last post , I hope its just a coincidence that in the past few days we have seen numerous new members join and that those new members are here for Celtic first and foremost for if you're not , then you're what we call a lurker and you will be sussed out and kicked out if you're here to cause trouble. HH
Great stuff shammy , a post not many if any would disagree with.
Being a right annoying cnut though there is one wee thing 😅
I agree with your post and the sentiments contained within it, I too am a live and let live, not bothering me, why should I get all hot and bothered about it etc as well type of person.
My only concern ( not something that is disagreeing with you ) is that I also see this as the government intruding on people and basically telling us how to behave , setting out social parameters for us to abide by. That is wrong I believe strongly in that.
As an example I'll try and explain as best I can.

I have nothing against people who want to identify as Transgender females and dress as such , call themselves she/her and various different pronouns etc.
Same as many if not all of us.
What I do have a problem with is it being forced upon me to accept and behave in the way that some of those people and their champions come across with their message.

I look at Bruce Jenner for example and Bruce has decided that he is now Caitlin Jenner. That's fine for him /her , however and here's the clincher . In my eyes Caitlin jenner is a man who has undergone cosmetic surgery to make himself appear as a woman. Caitlin doesn't have the female chromosomes but I am to be expected to just accept that Bruce is no longer a man and Caitlin is the real person.
I cannot accept that. As the science doesn't back it up.
What I can do is respect their wishes to be called Caitlin and I've no problem with that but I do have a problem with them telling me they are a real woman, therefore treat me as one or else.
In my eyes that's nonsense though I'd be polite and not cause it so to speak unless asked my opinion on it.
Which would likely cause it anyway.

There are two genders in the human race male and female and yes there are some very unusual medical exceptions where people are born with both male and female sexual organs. Hermaphrodite but that's entirely different to what we or I am talking about.
I have a problem with men who not so long ago would simply be called trans or crossdresser , rightly or wrongly but now I am expected to call a guy her because he wants to be called and addressed as a woman, no sorry that is where I draw the line.
How would you feel shammy if you were in say the St Enoch center and a big burly guy came walking into the women's toilets , stubble like I get if I've been boozing for a fortnight voice as deep as Sean connery wanting to linger and powder his nose? Or the ladies changing room at the swimming?
Worse still how would any of us feel if our daughter had just gone in those loos or rooms and was followed in by such a character?
Scared shitless I'd bet would be the vast majority of people's answers and I'm not talking about being scared of change here I'm talking about being scared of men.

Many Men are unhinged at the best of times and just because a man sticks a dress on and some make up and wig that shouldn't allow them to be in there , or compete in woman's sport just on their say so.
Apologies if I'm not wording this very well, it's late I'm tired , but I think everyone should get the just of what I'm trying to say.
Men are dangerous creatures as is and if I saw that happening I'd be going into those ladies Loo's myself to retrieve my daughter, which I don't have but many do.

For those who are genuinely Transgender male to female I believe they should have their own section/Loo's and the same for female to male. I believe the same should apply in sports and we shouldn't be seeing trans men competing as women weightlifters etc, as there's the obvious bone and muscle advantage.
Sean treble treble who lives in Thailand will be able to tell us how well this system works in Thailand where trans men to female 'katoeys ' have their own Loo's and they are basically considered a 3rd sex over there and its accepted far better , that's my understanding of it though admittedly having not been to Thailand before.

Perhaps I'll read this in the morning and with I'd said some things differently but this umpteen genders is a nonsense there are two , healthy newbor children are either born with a penis or a vagina and the chromosomes to match that is a fact and the science doesn't take peoples feelings into the equation.
Ill leave it at that for now, comeback tomorrow morning to a hundeted replies 🙈 however this is my belief and I won't be preached to by any government telling me my education was wrong and so is the science. I believe I can act with manners and respect to people who wish to identify as something else but I also believe it should not be forced upon me or anyone else to have to come round to another's way of thinking else I'm for the gulag.

Anyway that's my rant 🤪 it's goodnight from me and goodnight from them ( sitting beside me ) 🙄
I'm sure there's more to come of this.
HH Mon the hoops
I don't think for a minute that the govt. brought out a bill to tell you how to think or feel. It does however tell you how to behave and that's purely because of the abuse that marginalized folk receive. That's why I think it's a sad indictment on humanity that we need laws put in place. People should be kinder, less ignorant and more empathetic.

Look at the abuse homeless people receive, the lack of patience with folk who have autism and now because individuals want to identify as something different, they're discriminated against as well.
Wha's like us?

You talk about public toilet issues when gender neutral toilets in other countries are common place but maybe that's in countries that don't marginalise certain sections of humankind.

To say that there is only the male and female sex is a bit black and white when there's a strong grey colour there too and that's nothing new. How much testosterone do you need to make you a man and how much oestrogen do I need to make me female? Is there a set amount?

No one is being forced to think a certain way; all the bill is doing is introducing where to draw a line and it's a pitiful fact that we need it .

We're all Jock Tamson's bairns but the bairns should be reared to be less judgemental and more empathetic.

Anyway...... Mon the Hoops 🍀
My point was more in terms of the things that can be said in public Winter. Not in the safety of your own homes. Not in WhatsApp messages to your mate. Or down the pub.
I mean the public debates.
The world is being taken over by loonies, or worse, with a more sinister agenda. People that are happy to tell young girls to sleep with as many men as they can as the are "boss bitches" that dont need a husband. People that are happy to paint every young, mainly white, guy as the worse thing on earth. People that are happy to tell a 3 year old child that they are, infact, born into the wrong body because they might like pink or blue. People that are happy to tell morbidly obese people that they are big and beautiful, instead of the truth, that they are unhealthy and in danger of killing themselves. This law pretty much prevents the few sane politicians and public figures, who haven't been swept up in the utter madness, from fighting the corner of the people who disagree with the ongoing madness.

Quite right Lubo.

It’s as if they are encouraging conflict and division.

There wouldn’t be an agenda at play, would there, whilst more sinister things are taking place while we are all distracted?

This phenomenon is not isolated to Scotland either. It’s apparently happening on a global scale if you are to take on board what some people are warning against.

A digital only currency, smart cities, social credits, face recognition everywhere, the restrictions on parental control over their children, schools encouraging children to make life changing decisions without the influence of parents or guardians, the promotion of alternative lifestyles, whilst branding people who are unfamiliar with such lifestyles as being homophobic, without taking into consideration their feelings…..and there’s so much more could be added……for another day pal…
100% frank…as I’ve stressed on here on a number of occasions I have a boy who is autistic with learning disabilities,now the pet projects I refer to for instance the cycle lane nonsense throughout glasgow!!!takes funds away from centres for kids with needs?now cycle lanes are a good thing but you an ex hackney man know the eastend and north and south of Glasgow have absolutely no requirement for a cycle lane!!!just isn’t needed??but the wagging tail had there pet project to get!!!also you being ex Hackney guy must have a thought on the unfairness of the ulez introduction to the city??a get the health benefit argument,but their forcing guys to purchase unaffordable cabs to be able to ply their trade to earn a living,,with not a bit ofbe infrastructure to allow them to actually use the cab,,charging ports??if they have gas there’s only two garages to get gas in glasgow???kilmarnock being closet next place?…but their bullish and unwavering and won’t listen to concerns of””voters””city centre is a ghost town now!!!
..I know you’re a snp guy and fair play mate I’m not aiming my shite towards you mate,my last vote was for them but it’ll be the last!!!they have too many msp with no life experience ,straight out of uni….no Jim sillars?or even salmond type who battled like mad to get recognition…….just a wee aside my brother in law passed away couple a weeks ago my sis went down to register it,,the city chambers at John streets been closed since the pandemic got to go online??…..
Believe me, Esp, you and I could chew the fat on many, or even most, of the issues you raise. We definitely wouldn't agree on everything; I do think there would be common ground with most of them though.

I'm just leaving sunny ( honest, it is sunny ) Ayrshire to head back in to Glasgow for few days, so that'll be the end of my contribution on these vexing topics for a while.

Take care folks.
Great stuff shammy , a post not many if any would disagree with.
Being a right annoying cnut though there is one wee thing 😅
I agree with your post and the sentiments contained within it, I too am a live and let live, not bothering me, why should I get all hot and bothered about it etc as well type of person.
My only concern ( not something that is disagreeing with you ) is that I also see this as the government intruding on people and basically telling us how to behave , setting out social parameters for us to abide by. That is wrong I believe strongly in that.
As an example I'll try and explain as best I can.

I have nothing against people who want to identify as Transgender females and dress as such , call themselves she/her and various different pronouns etc.
Same as many if not all of us.
What I do have a problem with is it being forced upon me to accept and behave in the way that some of those people and their champions come across with their message.

I look at Bruce Jenner for example and Bruce has decided that he is now Caitlin Jenner. That's fine for him /her , however and here's the clincher . In my eyes Caitlin jenner is a man who has undergone cosmetic surgery to make himself appear as a woman. Caitlin doesn't have the female chromosomes but I am to be expected to just accept that Bruce is no longer a man and Caitlin is the real person.
I cannot accept that. As the science doesn't back it up.
What I can do is respect their wishes to be called Caitlin and I've no problem with that but I do have a problem with them telling me they are a real woman, therefore treat me as one or else.
In my eyes that's nonsense though I'd be polite and not cause it so to speak unless asked my opinion on it.
Which would likely cause it anyway.

There are two genders in the human race male and female and yes there are some very unusual medical exceptions where people are born with both male and female sexual organs. Hermaphrodite but that's entirely different to what we or I am talking about.
I have a problem with men who not so long ago would simply be called trans or crossdresser , rightly or wrongly but now I am expected to call a guy her because he wants to be called and addressed as a woman, no sorry that is where I draw the line.
How would you feel shammy if you were in say the St Enoch center and a big burly guy came walking into the women's toilets , stubble like I get if I've been boozing for a fortnight voice as deep as Sean connery wanting to linger and powder his nose? Or the ladies changing room at the swimming?
Worse still how would any of us feel if our daughter had just gone in those loos or rooms and was followed in by such a character?
Scared shitless I'd bet would be the vast majority of people's answers and I'm not talking about being scared of change here I'm talking about being scared of men.

Many Men are unhinged at the best of times and just because a man sticks a dress on and some make up and wig that shouldn't allow them to be in there , or compete in woman's sport just on their say so.
Apologies if I'm not wording this very well, it's late I'm tired , but I think everyone should get the just of what I'm trying to say.
Men are dangerous creatures as is and if I saw that happening I'd be going into those ladies Loo's myself to retrieve my daughter, which I don't have but many do.

For those who are genuinely Transgender male to female I believe they should have their own section/Loo's and the same for female to male. I believe the same should apply in sports and we shouldn't be seeing trans men competing as women weightlifters etc, as there's the obvious bone and muscle advantage.
Sean treble treble who lives in Thailand will be able to tell us how well this system works in Thailand where trans men to female 'katoeys ' have their own Loo's and they are basically considered a 3rd sex over there and its accepted far better , that's my understanding of it though admittedly having not been to Thailand before.

Perhaps I'll read this in the morning and with I'd said some things differently but this umpteen genders is a nonsense there are two , healthy newbor children are either born with a penis or a vagina and the chromosomes to match that is a fact and the science doesn't take peoples feelings into the equation.
Ill leave it at that for now, comeback tomorrow morning to a hundeted replies 🙈 however this is my belief and I won't be preached to by any government telling me my education was wrong and so is the science. I believe I can act with manners and respect to people who wish to identify as something else but I also believe it should not be forced upon me or anyone else to have to come round to another's way of thinking else I'm for the gulag.

Anyway that's my rant 🤪 it's goodnight from me and goodnight from them ( sitting beside me ) 🙄
I'm sure there's more to come of this.
HH Mon the hoops
Well done winter👍am a like minded bampot like your good self,agree with everthing you wrote!!!now you have a cell mate😏I will wear a wig if required 🥰