In the cold light of day

Lost a good mate today after a horrible battle with the big C, a St Johnstone and a die hard Scotland supporter who had the blood of the Celts flowing through his veins. If any comrades reading this who have far more faith than me might spare him a wee prayer it would help end this emotional few weeks, It will be appreciated more than you will ever know. B
Hail Hail B
Lost a good mate today after a horrible battle with the big C, a St Johnstone and a die hard Scotland supporter who had the blood of the Celts flowing through his veins. If any comrades reading this who have far more faith than me might spare him a wee prayer it would help end this emotional few weeks, It will be appreciated more than you will ever know. B
The good are catered for in our prayers and with our Father.

May his eternal soul be anointed in Our Lord's pleasure and may he rest well.

Peace be with him and you, B
Lost a good mate today after a horrible battle with the big C, a St Johnstone and a die hard Scotland supporter who had the blood of the Celts flowing through his veins. If any comrades reading this who have far more faith than me might spare him a wee prayer it would help end this emotional few weeks, It will be appreciated more than you will ever know. B
Sorry to hear that bigman. What was his name? I find when you name someone it makes it more real. But I understand if you don't want to name him.
Tell that to the citizens of Grenada, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and all the other nations where America has ignored the sovereign rights of the indigenous population.

Perhaps the fight for American independence was before your time, but your country built its tradition on repelling British forces who were better armed and brutal.

They waged war against your pilgrims and waged war against our farmers. They fucking starved women and children and allowed them to die in crippling agony.

Whatever version you have of the IRA is surely the same interpretation as the one that the BBC, ITV and the British propaganda machine would have you believe, as it is certainly not my experience of brave men and women that sacrificed themselves to liberate their country.

It was the fucking British that invented "false flag" operations in the era of empire building and when you own the press, you create a different timeline and history.

It's only in the last 4-years that some of the actual truth is being uncovered in the press and if we don't stand up for the innocent blood that was brutally shed on Irish soil (on both sides of the divide), then believe one else will!!!

Do you find the racial intolerance and impunity of the KKK tolerable?

If not, then understand this. That is the reality of the orange order in Scotland!

They fucking hate, loathe, despise and fear us. We are their worst nightmare. A plague that must be eradicated in their eyes.

I appreciate that geography may not allow you to fully empathise, but that is our reality even now.

My family gets rounded up in UK conference season and has to sign into police stations on a daily basis, just like the dirty bastard sex offenders on SOPO's and all for the mere reason of being of Irish extraction.

Like your significant black population stripped from their cultural birthplaces, we were/are treated like 3rd and 4th class citizens. Irish not wanted. Irish need not apply. Irish go home.

Like your significant black population stripped from their cultural birthplace, we said: "No Fucking More"!!!

No more back of the fucking bus. No more eating the stale handouts of donations. No more random slashings and beatings in the street by razor gangs.

Like your significant black population stripped from their cultural birthplace. We n*****s got uppity and said even more loudly: "No Fucking More"!!!

You have our Club which you love and I do not doubt that.

But you have our club as a direct consequence of British brutality and depravity.

Never forget it!

Up the RA!!!

Well said, Spherical. The parallels between America's black population (and you can even extend that to non-white immigrant population and native peoples) and the British treatment of the Irish is a completely valid and significant one, just as the parallels between the KKK and the Orange Order are equally as valid.

You also mention geography, which may explain a lot regarding why Americans sometimes seem "naive" or "uninformed." The U.S. has had a very comfortable existence thanks to geography. We have have had no enemies on our northern and southern borders since the early to mid-19th century, and to our east and west are huge oceans keep us from harm. So there's a complacency which leads to a lack of understanding of some political situations because we don't have a matching experience that we can identify with; at least not most white Americans. So what may appear to be aloofness or detachment is really viewing the situation from the lens (arguably a myopic one) of the American experience rather than more objectively through the eyes of the persecuted.

Bear in mind I am offering this as an explanation, not an excuse.
Well said, Spherical. The parallels between America's black population (and you can even extend that to non-white immigrant population and native peoples) and the British treatment of the Irish is a completely valid and significant one, just as the parallels between the KKK and the Orange Order are equally as valid.

You also mention geography, which may explain a lot regarding why Americans sometimes seem "naive" or "uninformed." The U.S. has had a very comfortable existence thanks to geography. We have have had no enemies on our northern and southern borders since the early to mid-19th century, and to our east and west are huge oceans keep us from harm. So there's a complacency which leads to a lack of understanding of some political situations because we don't have a matching experience that we can identify with; at least not most white Americans. So what may appear to be aloofness or detachment is really viewing the situation from the lens (arguably a myopic one) of the American experience rather than more objectively through the eyes of the persecuted.

Bear in mind I am offering this as an explanation, not an excuse.
point well made L and valid!!!!!
@boab1916 -- This defies reason. How can this nutjob be EDL? They'd kill him just as soon as look at him over his race.
He's a good head, he's just got foreskin for a neck
EDL, fuck, he might as well shout, he's got fucking leprosy
As far as the songs sung at games, let the people sing, in my humble opinion
Grew up with the sectarianism, but by no means does that make it right
Have a great weekend everybody
Lost a good mate today after a horrible battle with the big C, a St Johnstone and a die hard Scotland supporter who had the blood of the Celts flowing through his veins. If any comrades reading this who have far more faith than me might spare him a wee prayer it would help end this emotional few weeks, It will be appreciated more than you will ever know. B
Very sorry to hear about your loss
Your mate sounds like a great guy
Sending you positive vibes as I don't 'do' any form of religion
Sorry to hear that bigman. What was his name? I find when you name someone it makes it more real. But I understand if you don't want to name him.

His names Andy, thanks to everyone for their kind words, it means a lot, it's amazing that most of us have never met each other, but it feels like I have a load of mates tucked away on the blogosphere. This bloody interweb thing can be a real force for good at times.
Maybe a compromise can be made.

A sit down round a table where any variation of the phrase "But what about..." is not allowed and must be rephrased with positive reasons rather than bUt what about the fact they do this as deflection from self awareness.

Only virtuous reasons can be put forward for behaviour.

If it cant be argued as virtuous or positive it must be stopped without defence.

The things that are considered non virtuous by either side must be investigated properly with researchers from both sides.

Both arguments are put forward, for better understanding of the deep rooted clashes of perception.

That way the thoughts feelings and actions that have created this deep rooted clash of accepted behaviours can lead to better understanding of the cognitive behaviours that are extremely detrimental.

The interaction of thought behaviours and feelings and how they can influence the other aspects of this cognitive triangle.

Then both parties must explain their position is not malicious and then justify for education.

If they agree its malicious then it should be banned.
If they cant argue why its not malicious it should be considered deeper.
If at any point 'but what about this...' defence appears then it should be highlighted as a key area for deeper revelation of behavioural education.
Lost a good mate today after a horrible battle with the big C, a St Johnstone and a die hard Scotland supporter who had the blood of the Celts flowing through his veins. If any comrades reading this who have far more faith than me might spare him a wee prayer it would help end this emotional few weeks, It will be appreciated more than you will ever know. B

Aw B sorry to hear that i reallly am. Its always there for someone.

Your friends struggle is over. No more pain. I believe only peace now.

I will say a prayer to ease the grief of those left behind in the struggle.

God Bless pal xx
Can someone tell me is calling someone a orange bastard sectarian? If so then half the world has been sectarian to Donald Trump. Celtic fans are not sectarian. Singing Irish folk songs or the rebs is not sectarian. We don't sing songs about killing prods. We don't attack their religion or their I completely agree with you post Ben but Celtic fans are not sectarian. The Scottish media want to tar us with the hun brush. In their eyes that allows 50,000 of the scum to sing about us all being peaodos and wanting to wade in our blood. So yes, we shouldn't break chairs, although I'd imaging the chairs were broken by accident during the rush forward to celebrate, that's how it looked to me from the pictures I've seen. And yes we shouldn't throw coins, although the amount of abuse Boyd has giving us I don't feel sorry for the fat cunt. But we certainly aren't sectarian IMO.
Everyone is saying this sectarian stuff has to stop, and no one seems to know how to stop it. Banning the sectarian walk is the only answer, but we all know that will never happen, why? Because a lot of the people who have the authority to do this are members of the bigoted orange walks themselves.