shove yer poppy up yer a**e? Not for me!

Wear a poppy don't wear a poppy the choice is yours as it is mine yes I will wear my poppy to remember the men and women who died in conflict wherever they fell , respect others during the minutes for it is thier choice and no one has the right to take that away
You wear a poppy if you want. You observe your minutes silence if you want. All within your right. But it is also within my right to not wear a poppy and to not observe a minutes silence for people who caused me so much pain and torture as a child, through my teenage years and into adulthood. And before I get the respect for the dead comments, I have zero respect for mongrels or murderers.
My father volunteered at the beginning of WWII , did not wait to be ''called up'', and served until the end of the War - he always refused to wear a poppy because of its connection with Earl Haig , whom he blamed , among others , for the death of his father in WWI .
He never condemned the wearing of the poppy , simply hated that it should be linked with the elite of the British aristocracy who wasted so many lives in such a futile war .

My concern has been the politicisation of the wearing of the poppy and the wearing of it in recent times . I have followed football for over 6 decades and cannot remember any 'minutes silence ' or the wearing of poppies by teams until very recently .
Others may correct me if I am wrong, but I trace this poppy fascism to the Blair years and the aftermath of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars .
With so many returning troops maimed/damaged psychologically there was a concerted effort to shift public opinion - hence the sudden appearance of organisations such as ''Help for Heroes'' and the 'forced' wearing of the poppy by anyone in the public eye .
Today there is overt pressure on all to wear the poppy regardless of their views and , like Christmas , the actual event has shifted from one day ( November 11 ) to weeks before . We have seen the wearing of poppies for weeks now , particularly on the BBC .

I noticed that Stevie G's was a poppy coupled with a Ranger's badge - this blending of the insignia of this particular club with the poppy is disturbing given that so many fought and died in uniform who would have abhorred the morality of most who follow that club .
This. I have,t wore a poppy since I was old enough to understand how the world works. Blair's reaction to the reaction of the public to the illegal fiascos in Iran and Afghanistan was to turm our "brave boys" into martyrs and ramp up the poppy frenzy. Walking out of work in Central London today I had to negotiate a wall of poppy sellers, some of who were taking fkn contactless. It's obscene.
My team are Celtic, not the PIRA. Why don’t those who seem to think singing about the Provos is the way, to set up their own team and go and watch them, singing the BBB the whole game?

I have a team they’re called Glasgow Celtic and they play football. If anybody wants an IRA team set one up, and good luck,
It's just after dawning on me, your name?? Why would you call yourself theverdict1 when there is another poster called theverdict? Who are you??? Would you happen to be someone else who has been banned ??
I can manage a minutes silence and indulge in my own reflections, pretty much what i do when i have to go to mass. I don't argue with people who wear them. If people ask my why i dont wear one I just say "political reasons" In all honesty i just try to fuckin ignore what has become "poppy month" !
I wouldn't sing the song at the start of the thread mainly cos it would be used as a stick to beat the club.
You wear a poppy if you want. You observe your minutes silence if you want. All within your right. But it is also within my right to not wear a poppy and to not observe a minutes silence for people who caused me so much pain and torture as a child, through my teenage years and into adulthood. And before I get the respect for the dead comments, I have zero respect for mongrels or murderers.
As I said your choice
It's just after dawning on me, your name?? Why would you call yourself theverdict1 when there is another poster called theverdict? Who are you??? Would you happen to be someone else who has been banned ??

I forgot my password I used on the email. It got frozen out after trying about 300 variations of what I thought it was. So, got fucked of andcdecided the easiest thing was just to log in with nearly the same name.

I am Theverdict though. J
So if this was the response you expected, why ask the question? Only to stir shit. Celtic put in a brilliant performance last night and this is what you highlight. You didn't live through what I did, and how dare you tell me "fuck you". Wear your Brit lovin poppy if you want, lick the queens arse if you want, I don't give a shite, but don't try and divide Celtic support when the team are finally doing well. So fuck you! Your name suits you!
Well said mate ☺️?
Sick to the back teeth of some Celtic fans who can't respect others. A club open to all? my fking arse! Only when it suits the i.r.a loving mob within our support.
How many of the Celtic support have served their country in the armed forces? How many's grand/parents have fought in wars? Thats why i wear a poppy. To remember the sacrifices these men and women made.
You may not like me saying it but how about we start respecting each others choices.

You are entitled to you views the way others in our support are entitled to theirs.

I would not lambast you for yours and certainly wouldn’t appreciate you lambasting me for never in my life will i put a poppy on.

The poppy is there to remember the brits but what about everyone else caught in wars who remembers them.
I can manage a minutes silence and indulge in my own reflections, pretty much what i do when i have to go to mass. I don't argue with people who wear them. If people ask my why i dont wear one I just say "political reasons" In all honesty i just try to fuckin ignore what has become "poppy month" !

I wouldn't sing the song at the start of the thread mainly cos it would be used as a stick to beat the club.

NB. Did you know the blood red poppy started in america and was hijacked about 2 decades later by a visiting earl.

The blood red poppy only commemorates british lives lost in war.

For me personally pal i reckon throughout history the british have inflicted more loss of life around the globe than anyone.

A lot of my friends wear the easter lilly to remember Irish lives lost.

I understand and also appreciate that our support is very diverse and we have many denominations within it.

I dont agree with any war.

Are you aware that a white poppy acknowledges all life lost or indeed affected by war, all lives around the world.

This for me would allow our support to remember war 1 n 2 our Irish roots and lives lost their and all the lives lost whether they be an iraqi muslim a shi ite a jew a christian.

Simple answer when asked is i dont agree with any war and i wear the white poppy for all.

Just a thought if its something you agree with or any of our bhoys agree with.

Me i refuse personally to bend for their hypocritical birch and have no problem telling them so.

A british life is no greater than another life coz life is life so why do they wish to stand on a pulpit ignoring other lives.

HH pal ☘️
In my opinion it’s a terrorist organisation who have carried out acts of terror in many a country across the world for centuries and still do, therefore I most certainly won’t be wearing a poppy. As for people singing about shoving it up your arse, as long as it doesn’t hurt the club financially it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. It doesn’t bother me if people wear it as unfortunately people have been force fed British propaganda all there lives and don’t know any different.
I will never wear the poppy. I cant not even to remember my 15 yr old grandad who ended up in this country’s relatively new sas landing party in world war 2, thankfully he came home but he never spoke of the atrocities other than to say it was kids killing kids both set up by their own countries.

He had feelings about it for a very hardy character.

I know he would have seen horrors commited horrors and suffered loss of friends all around him.

He was forced to do so.

As all our Irish heritage were in Scotland were.

Complete sick joke only not one of us were laughing.

Im like you they can jam it where the sun dont shine.

But would say to all our brothers n sisters who wish to commemorate to choose the white one at least.

That way they hold a higher ground in remembering all as opposed to the scum waving the birch to beat them with. Our lot are saying all life is important.
If the poppy was worn in memory of those who died in WWI & II then I would have no issues. Indeed, I have no issue with anyone of any faith wearing one. It is personal choice.

In WWI alone, it is estimated that 35,000 Irishmen died. These men volunteered out of a sense of idealism, adventure or for the reason James Connolly summarised, “Employment opportunities were so bad many men had no choice but to enlist”. Remaining with WWI many Irish immigrants to the UK also enlisted. The Bethune Road en route to the Battle of Loos in 1915 is littered with Scots-Irish who died prior to conscription being introduced. The Irish made up 2% and Scots 9% of the British army (interesting statistic for some people in this wee country to reflect upon). For those interested in such statistics, there was an estimated 10 million Catholics fought in WWI alone.

These brave men not only fought Germans. They also fought prejudice and poverty. Indeed, Irish troops had a disproportionate percentage of men executed. 26 Irishmen in total were ‘Shot at dawn’. In Mazingarbe, France, the people have a memorial plaque dedicated to the memory of one such 21-year-old from Cork. Executions were handed out for a range of indiscipline’s – men suffering shell shock and one poor individual for not wearing his hat. Indeed, Waterford City 14-year old John Condon was the youngest soldier to die in the war and he is honoured by the Belgium people to this day. Scots-Irish too were dying in record numbers side by side with Scottish soldiers.

Kevin Myers – a defender of Irish wartime neutrality, but one who spent many years campaigning for public and official recognition of the Irish veterans of World War II. In November 1999 Myers wrote: “Ireland now officially remembers its lost sons of the Great War without embarrassment or shame. It would be no bad thing if people also freely recalled the purely personal and voluntary sacrifice made by many individuals, unsupported by any political campaign and rigorously concealed by the censor – even in their deaths – those whose fight for freedom helped to give us a free Europe”.

This is why I honour these people in a minutes silence because I will not let their sacrifice against poverty, sectarianism and fascism be sullied and rewritten by British sectarian fascists.
It’s a bloody disgrace. We have a new breed of “fans” who are politicising our club with their agendas and the club needs to stamp on it before it takes root. I don’t want politics at our games. This is Glasgow Celtic. We don’t need poppy protests, or Palestinian flags, or effigies of orangemen at our ground, leave that to others to poison their reputation. Some of our Fathers, Grand-Father’s, etc fought in these wars. Wear the poppy/dont wear the poppy but stop poisoning our club with your politics
It’s a bloody disgrace. We have a new breed of “fans” who are politicising our club with their agendas and the club needs to stamp on it before it takes root. I don’t want politics at our games. This is Glasgow Celtic. We don’t need poppy protests, or Palestinian flags, or effigies of orangemen at our ground, leave that to others to poison their reputation. Some of our Fathers, Grand-Father’s, etc fought in these wars. Wear the poppy/dont wear the poppy but stop poisoning our club with your politics
If that’s the case then don’t wear the poppy to Celtic Park as it’s as much political as anything else you’ve mentioned. If you want to keep politics away from Celtic then surely you must agree to scrap the minute silence as it’s the same as someone waving a Palestine flag to remember there struggle. Just because you’ve bought into British propaganda doesn’t mean your views are the correct ones. Stop listening to the English man in power to show you what they deem the correct way of you remembering relatives that have died in wars.
Politics, or the result of poor politics were the driving force for the formation of a football club to help finance the project of feeding the poor.

Politics and sport are inexorably linked. There never has been the "olympian ideal" or "corinthian spirit" in sport.

Trillion-dollar industries have to bury their bones in the hemisphere of politics whether we like it or not.

The question is relative to the relevance of the poppy in football. I believe it is irrelevant and that it's introduction is a political enterprise.

Glasgow Celtic is an iconic institution which exists beyond sport. It is a cultural, historical bastion of all that can be good when people of all backgrounds and faiths unite and come together.

Politics is an inconvenient, but relevant side-effect of such an endeavour. Without protesting voices and political revolts, our club would be as dead as that bloated stinking carcass on the southside.

It would not be my preference, but it is the harsh reality
NB. Did you know the blood red poppy started in america and was hijacked about 2 decades later by a visiting earl.

The blood red poppy only commemorates british lives lost in war.

For me personally pal i reckon throughout history the british have inflicted more loss of life around the globe than anyone.

A lot of my friends wear the easter lilly to remember Irish lives lost.

I understand and also appreciate that our support is very diverse and we have many denominations within it.

I dont agree with any war.

Are you aware that a white poppy acknowledges all life lost or indeed affected by war, all lives around the world.

This for me would allow our support to remember war 1 n 2 our Irish roots and lives lost their and all the lives lost whether they be an iraqi muslim a shi ite a jew a christian.

Simple answer when asked is i dont agree with any war and i wear the white poppy for all.

Just a thought if its something you agree with or any of our bhoys agree with.

Me i refuse personally to bend for their hypocritical birch and have no problem telling them so.

A british life is no greater than another life coz life is life so why do they wish to stand on a pulpit ignoring other lives.

HH pal ☘️
Maria I was aware of some of that, less aware if the rest. I don't wear one, my "poltical reasons" are pretty much the same as yours. I just try not to engage because, although, I'm a sea of middle class middle-aged reasonableness, I can easy flip to my former self and things get out of hand when arguing with cunts. Hence I ignore it as best I can.
Maria I was aware of some of that, less aware if the rest. I don't wear one, my "poltical reasons" are pretty much the same as yours. I just try not to engage because, although, I'm a sea of middle class middle-aged reasonableness, I can easy flip to my former self and things get out of hand when arguing with cunts. Hence I ignore it as best I can.


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