the new year derby

What gave you the impression that you were a clever cunt mate? 🤔
If you'd got a real jiner to fit that kitchen they'd have done a masons mitre on those worktops (no the goat type Mason, the stone mason type mason)
Anyway just thought I'd let you know 😺
Fuck if i'd only thought, could have got you and Stevie to do it for me considering the great job you guys did of the Waffle
If I come across as annoyed today it’s for a reason.
I wrapped half my girls 42 presents last night. Being a clever cunt I bought pink paper fir my oldest and red for my youngest, thinking I can avoid writing the tags. The wee yin will not wear a skirt/dress never mind anything pink. If I try to give her a £20 note she refuses it’s pink… kids eh

The wrapping paper was shite and the tape was worse. Kept putting my fingers through the paper and let’s just not do the tape fiasco.

so gets up at 8am, let’s get this oot the road. By 11am I realise I’ve wrapped today’s in the wrong paper. I swore once or twice. Had to open them all back up and do them again 🤬

finish just in time for that wee mutant coming on with an update ….

when you have days like that there’s no choice

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Jaysus ye got away handy this year with only 42 presents.....
I don't want be a stickler, but this should have been brought up on a separate "present" thread. You better start praying now that a certain nz doc doesn't show up or there'll be hell to pay!
Jaysus ye got away handy this year with only 42 presents.....
I don't want be a stickler, but this should have been brought up on a separate "present" thread. You better start praying now that a certain nz doc doesn't show up or there'll be hell to pay!
They're daft like their maw, its all about cheap tacky shit :rolleyes:
Limiting crowds to 500 people is not a health measure. It's pretending to be a health measure. It's a gesture to the fearful that the SNP will save them from the plague. It's a political tool. If the derby goes ahead then it will be viewed by thousands of people huddling around a screen indoors. You cannot beat this virus
Scot Gov can do very little on their own as they do not control the financial levers to allow them to borrow what they need and spend it how they want. If we had those powers then the whole pandemic would have been very different in Scotland. We only get funding to help businesses or fund furlough when Westminster decide they want to do it in England. And unfortunately we have the worst possible prime minister at the worst possible time.
Granted Boris is a clown I was more meaning doing this last month we knew it was gonny hit hard and she waited u don't need funding to do wit she's doing this weekend
The scientists needed three weeks to find out about this new variant so NS has to go by what they say as she is not a medical scientist.
3 weeks??? It disane take Einstein to realise there wid have been more cases at this time she cud have cut numbers on the run up to Xmas at games to try and stem the flow its not the hun game it's the rest of Scottish football that worries me there won't be any money this time to subsidise these clubs
3 weeks??? It disane take Einstein to realise there wid have been more cases at this time she cud have cut numbers on the run up to Xmas at games to try and stem the flow its not the hun game it's the rest of Scottish football that worries me there won't be any money this time to subsidise these clubs
Yes the scientists in South Africa told WHO about it straight away and then it was going to be 3 weeks for them to get all the data and to get the data they needed a lot of people with the Omicrm variant to get that data. Like so many patients who had been vaccinated and then ones who had also had the booster.
Eh cut the numbers and stem the flow. Whit numbers god sake it comes from the medical scientists about how it’s going to impact the NHS and to stop it from being overwhelmed and they need the data from patients and at that time there was only one person in Scotland with this new variant.
Good idea Brimcbhoy,it got rid of Higgins so it might get rid of Sturgeon..

Scottish voters would disagree GS but it’s up to the SFA/SPFL so it’s a no from them
But 500 fans in that arena ffs
Bring Forward the Shutdoon yes but leave Winter oot o it he’s no upset anyboady huz he

HH 😂
Yes the scientists in South Africa told WHO about it straight away and then it was going to be 3 weeks for them to get all the data and to get the data they needed a lot of people with the Omicrm variant to get that data. Like so many patients who had been vaccinated and then ones who had also had the booster.
Eh cut the numbers and stem the flow. Whit numbers god sake it comes from the medical scientists about how it’s going to impact the NHS and to stop it from being overwhelmed and they need the data from patients and at that time there was only one person in Scotland with this new variant.
Awe rite sorry got u now fair dos
I’m only saying that they needed the data from patients who had contracted the omicron vatient to judge what if any restrictions to stop the spread of the virus. They wanted/needed to know how transmissible it is too. That was they said going to take three weeks to get that info from the data (infected patients) which they have now obviously.
She shud have showed some leadership a month ago knowing omicron was rampant but once again she reacts once the worst has already happened
It’s only been in GB since December 2/3rd and it’s multiplied faster than the Huns countin trophies
Boris leads the wee nations follow Wales stopped crowds from Boxing Day as have we She needed the extra cash from The Chancellor to do what’s happening now
Sorry bud I can’t see what else the Government could do.
Boris is at fault he’s too busy trying to wibble Wobble from one crisis to another
This is now at the hauns of the SPFL and the SFA sensibile thing is shutdown now till the Cup games in January but I am still laufrom the last time I wrote it
Stay safe wear a mask dowse yourself in Whiskey ( internally obvs) 🤧😂

HH 🍀