What are you doing to escape the jubilee

The last time the Saxa- Coburg Goethe crime family had a big jubilee this got to No1 in the Charts. The BBC refused to play it and left the No1 spot empty then said Rod Stewart was No1.
The Pistols could not get a gig anywhere so hired a boat and performed on the Thames outside Parliament. The Cops raided the boat and arrested Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren.
The documentary about the Sex Pistols, The Filth and the Fury is worth watching,

As a teen I thought that Pistols on the barge thing was brilliant act of rebellion as a cynical old cunt now I see it was a brilliant publicity stunt McLaren knew how to play the media
Is there two queens? All you hear just now is how great a woman she is and has given all she has got the last seventy years to her country people.
The one I’m familiar with is a money grabbing old cow who has clawed every penny she can from the public purse to maintain her near and distant families a life of luxury and opulence without doing a days work between them.
While this goes on her so called loyal servants queue at food banks and go hungry so their children may have a bite to eat 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Is there two queens? All you hear just now is how great a woman she is and has given all she has got the last seventy years to her country people.
The one I’m familiar with is a money grabbing old cow who has clawed every penny she can from the public purse to maintain her near and distant families a life of luxury and opulence without doing a days work between them.
While this goes on her so called loyal servants queue at food banks and go hungry so their children may have a bite to eat 🤬🤬🤬🤬
One son is child molester the other had his wife murdered in a Paris tunnel. (A former British agent, David Shayler, said they planned to kill Gaddafi in the exact same place and in the same way 2 years earlier) Harry Hewitt should watch his back. Proper fuckin scumbag family. The biggest welfare fraud in history.
The French and Russians knew what to do with Royalty.
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